Psilopus Meigen, 1824

Pollet, M. A. A., Brooks, S. E. & Cumming, J. M., 2004, Catalog Of The Dolichopodidae (Diptera) Of America North Of Mexico, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2004 (283), pp. 1-114 : 110-112

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scientific name

Psilopus Meigen


Psilopus Meigen View in CoL , †, 69

psittacinus (Loew) , Amblypsilopus , 68

puberiseta Parent , Dolichopus , 36

pugil Loew , Dolichopus , 36

pugil Wheeler , Sympycnus , 78

pulcher Walker , Dolichopus , 36

pulchrimanus (Bigot) , Dolichopus , 36 pulmitarsis Fallén, Dolichopus , †, 36

pulvillus Van Duzee , Sympycnus , 78

pumilio Loew , Paraclius , 44

punctipennis (Say) , Pelastoneurus , †, 45 punctitarse Curran , Rhaphium , 67

purpuratus (Van Duzee) , Gymnopternus , 41 purus Curran , Hydrophorus , 50

purus (Harmston & Knowlton) ,

Gymnopternus , 41

pusillus Loew , Gymnopternus , 41

pusio Loew , Chrysotimus , 62

pygidus Harmston & Rapp , Peloropeodes , 63 quadratus (Van Duzee) , Chrysotus , 24

quadratus (Van Duzee) , Thinophilus , 55 quadricincta Van Duzee , Pelastoneurus , 45 quadricolor Walker , Condylostylus , 71 quadrilamellatus Loew , Dolichopus , 36 quadrinotatus Aldrich , Paraclius , 44 quadriplagiatus (Harris) , Argyra , 19

querulus Osten Sacken , Liancalus , 52 quintusflavus Gunther , Condylostylus , 69

radians (Macquart) , Condylostylus , 70 Raghenerura Rondani , †, 27

Ragheneura Rondani , 27

ramifer Loew , Dolichopus , 36

ramosus Van Duzee , Pelastoneurus , 45 rauterbergi (Wheeler) , Chrysotus , 24

recticosta Aldrich , Dolichopus , 36

reflectus Aldrich , Dolichopus , 36

refulgens Harmston & Knowlton , Dolichopus , 35 remipes Wahlberg , Dolichopus , 36

remotus Walker , Dolichopus , 36

remulus Van Duzee , Diaphorus , 26

remus Van Duzee , Dolichopus , 36

renidescens Melander & Brues , Dolichopus , 36 repandus (Van Duzee) , Chrysotus , 24

reticulus Van Duzee , Dolichopus , 35

retinens Van Duzee , Dolichopus , 36

Rhaphium Meigen , 64

rhionopous Hurley , Hydrophorus , 51

riparium (Meigen) , Rhaphium , †, 65

robertsoni Curran , Dolichopus , 28

robinsoni Steyskal , Enlinia , 48

robusta Johnson , Argyra , 20

robustum Curran , Rhaphium , 67

robustus (Van Duzee) , Gymnopternus , 41

rossi Harmston & Knowlton, Rhaphium , 67 rostrata (Fabricius) , Medetera , 57 rotundiceps (Aldrich) , Amblypsilopus , 68 rotundiceps (Loew) , Rhaphium , 67 rotundicorne Van Duzee , Parasyntormon , 77 rotundipennis Greene , Tachytrechus , 47 rubella (Loew) , Neurigona , 61

rufibarbis Van Duzee , Thinophilus , 55 ruficornis Loew , Dolichopus , 36

rupestris Haliday , Dolichopus , 36

russelli Curran , Thinophilus , 55

rutilus (Van Duzee) , Sciapus , 73 Saccopheronta Becker , 55

sagittarius Loew , Dolichopus , 36

sagittarius Van Duzee , Chrysotus , 24 saguaroicola Bickel , Medetera , 58

salax Wheeler , Peloropeodes , 63

sanus Osten Sacken , Tachytrechus , 47 sarotes Loew , Dolichopus , 36

satrapa (Wheeler) , Lamprochromus , 76 Saucropus Loew , 60

saxicola Robinson , Enlinia , 48

sayi (Wiedemann), Amblypsilopus , 68

scaber (Loew) , Condylostylus , 71

scapularis Loew , Dolichopus , 36

Scellus Loew , 53

schlingeri (Harmston & Knowlton) , Gymnopternus , 41

Sciapus Zeller , †, 68, 69

Sciapus Zeller , 72

scintillans (Loew) , Amblypsilopus , 68 Sciopolina Curran , 68

Sciopus Zeller , †, 73

scobinator (Loew) , Condylostylus , 71 scoparius Loew , Dolichopus , 31

scopifer Harmston , Asyndetus , 21

scopifer James , Dolichopus , 37

scopiventris Harmston & Knowlton , Thinophilus , 55

scotias Loew , Gymnopternus , 41

scrobinator (Loew) , Condylostylus , †, 71 scutatus Aldrich , Pelastoneurus , 45 scutellaris Loew , Sciopus , 80

scutellaris Van Duzee , Argyra , 20

scutellatus (Harris) , Condylostylus , 71 scutitarsis Robinson , Neurigona , 61

sedulus Van Duzee , Dolichopus , 37 semicomatus (Van Duzee) , Condylostylus , 72 semipallidus Robinson , Thinophilus , 55 semiplumatus Becker , Pelastoneurus , 45 separatus Walker , Dolichopus , 37 septentrionale Curran , Rhaphium , 67

sequax Walker , Dolichopus , 36

sericata Van Duzee , Argyra , 20

serratus Van Duzee , Dolichopus , 37 seticauda Van Duzee , Pelastoneurus , 45 setifer Loew , Dolichopus , 37

setipes Van Duzee , Argyra , 20

setosus Loew , Dolichopus , 37

setosus Robinson , Thrypticus , 59 setosus (Van Duzee) , Hercostomus , 42

setosus Van Duzee , Sympycnus , 78

severini Harmston & Knowlton , Asyndetus , 21 sexarticulatus Loew , Dolichopus , 37

shannoni Curran , Rhaphium , 67

shannoni Wirth , Systenus , 59

sharpi Robinson , Gymnopternus , 41

sharpi Robinson , Sympycnidelphus , 73 shastaensis Harmston , Dolichopus , 37 shelfordi Curran , Dolichopus , 37

sicarius Van Duzee , Dolichopus , 37 signaticornis Loew , Medetera , 58

signifer Coquillett , Hydrophorus , 51 signiferum (Osten Sacken) , Rhaphium , 67 signiferus Coquillett , Hydrophorus , 51 silvicola Harmston , Chrysotus , 24

silvicola Harmston , Dolichopus , 37

similis (Aldrich) , Condylostylus , 71

similis Aldrich , Liancalus , 52

similis Harmston & Knowlton , Argyra , 20 similis Pollet & Cumming , Achalcus , 18 similis Van Duzee , Diaphorus , 26

similis Van Duzee , Medetera , 58

simplicipes Aldrich , Dolichopus , 37 simplicipes Curran , Medetera , 56

simplicipes Curran , Rhaphium , 67 simplicitarse Van Duzee , Syntormon , 79 simulans Van Duzee , Chrysotus , 24

simulans Van Duzee , Dolichopus , 37

simulatus Greene , Tachytrechus , 47

sincerus Melander , Dolichopus , 37

singularis Van Duzee , Gymnopternus , 41 sinualaris Harmston , Dolichopus , 37

sipho Say , Condylostylus , †, 71

sipho (Say) , Condylostylus , 71

slossonae (Johnson) , Rhaphium , 65

slossonae Van Duzee , Diaphorus , 26

slossonae Van Duzee , Dolichopus , 37 slossonae Van Duzee , Keirosoma , 26

smithae Harmston , Dolichopus , 37

smithi Robinson , Neurigona , 61

snowii Van Duzee , Diaphorus , 26

sobrinus (Wheeler) , Calyxochaetus , 74 soccatus Walker , Dolichopus , 37

socius Loew , Dolichopus , 37

sodalis (Loew) , Chrysotus , 24

sodalis Wheeler , Hydrophorus , 51

sokolovi Stackelberg , Diaphorus , 26

solidus Van Duzee , Dolichopus , 37

sombrea (Harmston & Knowlton) , Nepalomyia , 63

sordidatus Van Duzee , Dolichopus , 37

sorotes Loew, Dolichopus , †, 36

sparsus Van Duzee , Diaphorus , 26

Spathichira Bigot , 27

Spatichira Bigot , †, 27

spatulatus (Harmston & Knowlton) , Calyxochaetus , 74 speciosus Van Duzee , Dolichopus , 37 spectabilis (Loew) , Chrysotus , 24 spectabilis Loew , Gymnopternus , 41 sphaeristes Brues , Dolichopus , 37 sphaeropyga Negrobov , Medetera , 58 spiculifera Robinson , Neurigona , 61 spina Van Duzee , Argyra , 20 spinicoxa Loew , Rhaphium , 65 spinifer Malloch , Chrysotus , 24 spinimanus (Zetterstedt) , Scellus , 54 spinipes (Zetterstedt) , Scellus , †, 54 spinipes Van Duzee , Thinophilus , 55 spinitalus Van Duzee , Diaphorus , 26 spinitarse Curran , Rhaphium , 67 spinitarsis Harmston , Asyndetus , 21 spinitarsis (Van Duzee) , Tachytrechus , 47 spinosus Van Duzee , Hydrophorus , 51 splendens Van Duzee , Argyra , 20 splendida Van Duzee , Argyra , 20 splendidulus Loew , Dolichopus , 28 splendidus Loew , Dolichopus , 30 sporadicus Harmston & Knowlton ,

Dolichopus , 37 squamiciliatus Harmston & Rapp , Thrypticus , 59 squamicilliatus Harmston , Dolichopus , 37 squamosus Van Duzee , Dolichopus , 37 stanfordi Harmston & Knowlton ,

Hercostomus , 42 Stannia Rondani , 45 Stenarus Gistel , 72 stenhammari Zetterstedt , Dolichopus , 37 stentorius Harmston , Pelastoneurus , 45 steyskali Robinson , Dolichopus , 37 steyskali Robinson , Rhaphium , 67 strataegrum (Wheeler), Syntormon , †, 79 strataegum (Wheeler) , Syntormon , 79 stricklandi Harmston & Knowlton ,

Dolichopus , 38 subarmatum Curran , Rhaphium , 67 subciliatus Loew , Dolichopus , 38 subcostatus Loew , Chrysotus , 24 subcostatus Van Duzee , Dolichopus , 38 subdilatatus Loew , Gymnopternus , 41 subdirectus Van Duzee , Dolichopus , 37 subflavus Van Duzee, Dolichopus , †, 38 subfurcatum Van Duzee , Rhaphium , 67 subjectus Van Duzee , Chrysotus , 24 Submedeterus Becker , 59 subsignaticornis Bickel , Medetera , 58 subspina Van Duzee , Dolichopus , 38 subulatus Loew , Gymnopternus , 41 sufflavus Van Duzee , Dolichopus , 38 superbiens (Loew) , Dactylomyia , 60 superbus Van Duzee , Dolichopus , 38 superbus (Wiedemann) , Condylostylus , 80 Sympicnus Loew , †, 77 Sympycnidelphus Robinson , 73 Sympycnus Loew , 77













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