Protospinax sp. 2

Kriwet, Jürgen, 2003, Neoselachian remains (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii) from the Middle Jurassic of SW Germany and NW Poland, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 48 (4), pp. 583-594 : 592

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13392170

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Protospinax sp. 2


Protospinax sp. 2

Fig. 3J View Fig .

Material.—A single isolated tooth crown, BGRX 12508, Kłęby: 244.8–245.7 m. Callovian.

Remarks.—This specimen is characterised by a mesio−distally elongated crown with a slender but well−developed cusp that is displaced distally. The crown is asymmetrical resulting in an elongated mesial heel. The cutting edge is strongly crenulated and a very low, blunt and rudimentary cusplet is developed on the distal heel. The basal margin of the labial face is concave. This specimen is very similar to a tooth from the Bathonian of England (Charlie J. Underwood personal communication 2002).

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