Pristiphora dedeara Liston & Prous

Prous, Marko, Kramp, Katja & Liston 1, Veli VikbergAndrew, 2017, North-Western Palaearctic species of Pristiphora (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae), Journal of Hymenoptera Research 59, pp. 1-190 : 86

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Journal of Hymenoptera Research by Pensoft (2017-09-01 15:46:58, last updated 2024-11-29 09:24:58)

scientific name

Pristiphora dedeara Liston & Prous

sp. n.

Pristiphora dedeara Liston & Prous sp. n. Figs 320-329, 330


Female holotype (DEI-GISHym80053), Figs 320, 322-326, 330. Body 4.7 mm. Colour mostly black. Labrum pale; labial and maxillary palps brown; mandibles reddish-brown at apex; apex of pro- and mesofemur pale; metatibia in basal 1/3 pale; trochanters and trochantelli mainly pale; pronotum and tegula extensively pale; valvifer 2 slightly pale; terga 5-10 laterally and sterna 5-7 slightly pale. Labrum more or less symmetrical; clypeus truncate; postocellar area about 1.4 times as long as diameter of lateral ocellus; flagellum length 3.0 mm, 2.1 times as long as width of head. Mesopostnotum matt; mesepisternum smooth; claws without subapical tooth; anterior protibial spur with velum. Hypopygium posteriorly not excised. Sawsheath (valvula 3 + valvifer 2) simple, without scopa, in dorsal view gradually narrowing toward apex and about as long as cerci, in lateral view ventral margin gradually narrowing toward apex. Lancet (valvula 1) with numerous setae on annuli; serrulae flat with numerous denticles on ventro-apical surface; small spiny pectines on the inner surface (dentes semicirculares) that reach sclerora absent; tangium without lobe.

Male paratypes (DEI-GISHym80258, 80266), Figs 321, 327-329. Body 4.5 mm. Colour mostly black, similar to female. Labrum dark brown; labial and maxillary palps brown; mandibles reddish-brown at apex; apex of pro- and mesofemur pale; metatibia in basal 1/3 pale, trochanters and trochantelli partly pale; pronotum and tegula extensively pale. Labrum more or less symmetrical; clypeus truncate; postocellar area about 1.3 times as long as diameter of lateral ocellus; flagellomeres without or apparently without stout black setae among finer paler ones; flagellum length 3.7-3.9 mm, 2.7-2.9 times as long as width of head. Mesopostnotum matt; mesepisternum smooth; claws without subapical tooth; anterior protibial spur with velum. Tergum 8 with indistinct apical projection; sternum 9 without notch. Valvispina of penis valve medium sized, more or less straight, narrow, unmodified, sharp at apex, and position at ventral margin of paravalva; angle between dorsal part of valvispina and paravalva, as well as between ventral part, obtuse; ventral margin of paravalva convex or slightly protruding, dorsoapical part abruptly narrowing before valvispina and more or less entirely convex; valvar strut not clearly evident at anterior margin of paravalva; pseudoceps relatively long and narrow, dorsally without depression, distinct spines, hair, and membranous regions or folds.


The species name is an arbitrary combination of letters, to be treated as a noun.

Similar species.

Black thorax, head, and mostly abdomen, dark pterostigma, smooth mesepisternum, claw without subapical tooth, and simple valvula 3 (Figs 320, 322-326) distinguish females of this species from the others (see the Key). Males are externally most similar to P. abbreviata , but penis valves clearly separate them (Figs 252, 321; see also the Key).

Genetic data.

Based on two identical COI barcode sequences, P. dedeara forms its own cluster (no BIN number has been assigned yet) (Fig. 3). Based on nuclear data (two specimens and both genes combined), within species divergence is 0.0% and the nearest neighbour is 2.4% different ( P. monogyniae , only NaK).

Host plants.


Distribution and material examined.

West Palaearctic. Germany.

Holotype. Female. Germany, Brandenburg, Ruhlsdorf bei Strausberg, 52.57070°N 13.99780°E, 30.IV.2016, leg. A. Liston (SDEI). Paratypes. 2♂, same locality as holotype, but 09.IV.2017, leg. A. Liston & M. Prous (SDEI).