Premnophilus pedrosai Atkinson & Flechtmann, 2023

Atkinson, Thomas H., Flechtmann, Carlos A. H. & Petrov, Alexander V., 2023, Synopsis of the Neotropical Premnobiina (Coleoptera: Curculonidae: Scolytinae Ipini) with descriptions of new species, new synonymy and keys to species, Zootaxa 5249 (1), pp. 69-91 : 84-86

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5249.1.4

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scientific name

Premnophilus pedrosai Atkinson & Flechtmann

sp. nov.

Premnophilus pedrosai Atkinson & Flechtmann , new species

Fig. 9 A–D View FIGURE 9

Diagnosis. P. sarahsmithae , P. pedrosai and P. jordali are similar in that the declivity is flattened or slightly sulcate without an elevated posterolateral crest. The declivity of all of these is covered with densely confused granules and setae. This species differs from P. sarahsmithae in that the face of the declivity is more flattened, the larger granules on interstria 1 are less regular and larger posteriorly. Similar granules are present in the apical regions of interstria 2.

Female. Total length: 1.42 mm, maximum width: 0.52 mm, length of elytra: 0.78 mm, total length / width: 2.73, elytra length / width: 1.50, pronotal length / width: 1.23 (n=1). Color dark brown.

Frons reticulate, with large, shallow punctures, these contiguous, becoming granulate near epistomal margin. A weakly elevated, shining, longitudinal carina runs from well above the eyes but does not reach epistomal margin. First segment of anterior face of antennal club corneus, weakly bisinuate, middle portion reaching about 1/3 length of club; distal part densely pubescent without visible sutures; pubescent area not reaching base of antennal laterally. Posterior face with corneous portion occupying 3/4 club length, pubescent distally, lateral areas not pubescent.

Anterior margin of pronotum rounded, around ten asperities on its leading edge larger than those on the rest of the anterior slope. Summit slightly anterior to middle, asperities short, with about 2 their thickness, becoming less elevated towards summit. Pronotal disc shining, faintly reticulate; punctures shallow, small, widely spaced. Sparse erect setae on disc, spaced by about their length.

Elytral disc shining, smooth. Striae not impressed, punctures shallow, with short recumbent setae. Interstriae slightly wider than striae with mostly uniseriate erect setae, their length subequal to interstrial width. All interstriae becoming granulate at the base of the declivity. Declivity occupying 25% of declivital length in lateral view; steep, with face flattened, weakly sulcate near the base. A rounded posterolateral marginal elevation is present on the lower half of the declivity. Margins of interstria 1 raised along suture with a uniseriate row of blunt denticles from the base to the apex. Additional denticles of similar size are located on the apical margin clustered on interstriae 1–3. In dorsal view these give the impression of an acute apex. The remainder of the declivital face is covered with confused setae and granules, these mostly smaller than those on interstria 1. Setae on upper and lateral areas of declivity with longer, stouter setae.

Male. Unknown.

Type Material. Holotype, female, Brazil: Roraima: Cantá , EMBRAPA Roraima Campo Exp., 414′50 N, 6039′49 W, 9–IV–2015, 104 m, ethanol-baited FIT, E.G.S. Morais, Amazonian terra firme forest fragment ( MEFEIS, 1) . Paratypes, females: Brazil: Mato Grosso: Sinop, Universo Farm , 1134′38 S, 5523′30 W, ethanol-baited FIT, 12– VIII–2015, J.N. Corassa, Amazonian terra firme forest fragment, ( MEFEIS, 1; USNM, 1; UTIC, 1).

Distribution. Middle and lower Amazonian region ( Fig. 12F View FIGURE 12 ).

Etymology. This species is named in honor of Jos Henrique Pedrosa Macedo, retired professor at the Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. He conducted the first studies on Scolytinae in reforested areas in Brazil and was a professor of the second author.


USA, Washington D.C., National Museum of Natural History, [formerly, United States National Museum]




Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History

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