Serpocaulon sessilifolium ( Desvaux 1827: 238 ) Smith (2006: 927)

Sanín, David & Salino, Alexandre, 2018, Five new synonyms in Serpocaulon (Polypodiaceae), Phytotaxa 360 (2), pp. 125-134 : 126-129

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.360.2.4

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scientific name

Serpocaulon sessilifolium ( Desvaux 1827: 238 ) Smith (2006: 927)


Serpocaulon sessilifolium ( Desvaux 1827: 238) Smith (2006: 927) View in CoL .— Polypodium sessilifolium Desvaux (1827: 238) View in CoL .

Lectotype (designated by Hensen 1990):— PERU. Province unknown: “In montosis Peruvianis”, Anonymus s.n. (P

01818732!, isolectotype B 200087688! [fragment]). Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 , 2A–B View FIGURE 2 .

Polypodium surucuchense Hooker (1837: 69) View in CoL . Goniophlebium surucuchense (Hook.) Moore (1857: 74) View in CoL . Lectotype (designated by Hensen 1990):— ECUADOR. Azuay: Surucucho, near Cuenca, 1830, Jameson s.n. (K 000642048!).

Polypodium andinum Karsten (1861: 171) View in CoL . Lectotype (designated by Hensen 1990):— COLOMBIA. Cundinamarca: near Bogotá, T. Karsten s.n. (LE).

Serpocaulon chacapoyense ( Hooker 1864: 29) Smith (2006: 928) . Polypodium chacapoyense Hooker (1864: 29) , syn. nov. Lectoype (designated by Hensen 1990):— PERU. Sesuja: Chachapoyas, Mathews 3278 (K 000642046!).

Serpocaulon acuminatum ( Fée 1866: 68) Christenhuz (2009: 270) View in CoL . Goniophlebium acuminatum ( Fée 1866: 68) View in CoL , syn. nov. Lectotype (designated by Hensen 1990):—GUADALOUPE. Rivière St. Louis au Matouba, l’Herminier s.n. (P!, isolectotypes B, RB!, BM 000937454!, K!).

Polypodium remotum Baker (1891: 470) View in CoL , invalid homonym of Polypodium remotum Desvaux (1827: 232) View in CoL . Polypodium uniseriale Christensen (1906: 572) View in CoL . Lectotype (designated by Hensen 1990):— COLOMBIA. Norte de Santander: Salazar, Kalbreyer 843 (K 000642050!, photo: US).

Serpocaulon antillense ( Maxon 1930: 83) Smith (2006: 927) View in CoL . Polypodium antillense Maxon (1930: 83) View in CoL , syn. nov. Lectotype (designated here):—GUADALOUPE. l’Herminier s.n. (RB!, isolectotype P 00624734!).

Polypodium pseudofraternum Smith (1931: 307) View in CoL . Lectotype (designated by Hensen 1990):— VENEZUELA. Amazonas: Summit of Mount Duida, summit of Peak No 7, 2164 m, 1929, Tate 645 (NY 00144897!).

Plants epiphytic, rarely terrestrial or rupicolous. Rhizomes short-creeping, pruinose; scales dense, 5−16 × 2.1−3.6 mm, acicular lanceolate, patent, basifixed with a conspicuous insertion, concolorous, dark brown, iridescent. Laminae 18−81 × 10−39 cm, ovate-oblong to ovate-lanceolate, pinnate, base truncate, apex conform and acute. Pinnae 3−22 pairs, generally adnate or with basal auricules, coriaceous, usually with hydathodes over the adaxial surface. Areolae forming 1 row between the costa and the margin, impressed, with scattered scales and trichomes, mainly distributed between the rachises. Sori from the middle pinnae forming one row between the costa and the margin. Spores 58−64 × 37−42 μm with folded perine.

Distribution:— Serpocaulon sessilifolium is distributed from Guatemala to Bolivia and Brazil. It is also found in the West Indies ( Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic and Guadeloupe) at 1100–3900 m.

Selected specimens examined:— BRAZIL. Amazonas: Parque Nacional do Pico da Neblina, Trilha para a cachoeira do Anta, Alto da Serra da Neblina, Acampamento do Marco 5 da fronteira do Brasil com a Venezuela, São Gabriel da Cachoeira, 2343 m, 31 December 2004, Carvalho 377 (INPA).— BOLIVIA. Cochabamba: Province of Chapare, the ridge descending from Cerro Pajcha Ukhu towards the north (the area between Laguna Corani and Corani Pampa), 3100−3250 m, 12 May 1996, Ritter 3177 (NY). La Paz: Franz Tamayo, Parque Nacional Madidi, quebrada Jatun Chiriuno, 31 km en línea recta al este de Apolo por el camino a San José de Uchupiamonas, trayecto de 1.5 km hacia el oeste, 1850−2020 m, 14°30'00"S, 68°13'58"W, 27 June 2002, Fuentes 4625 (MO). Santa Cruz: Manuel María Caballero, Bosque Hiperhúmedo de Ceja de Monte, colecta en El Locotal sobre el camino a San Mateo a 9.5 km del cruce El Empalme, 2200m, 17°47’41”S, 64°43’01”W, 18 June 2003, Nuñez 214 (MO).— COLOMBIA. Antioquia: Belmira, páramo de Belmira, localidad Montañita, 2839 m, 06º37’N, 75º38’W, 09 February 2012, Sanín 5002 (HUA); La Unión, carretera de la Unión-San Miguel, 2340−2430 m, 05º58’N, 75º21’W, 05 July 1987, Arbeláez 50 (HUA). Boyacá: Santa María, vereda Caño Negro, camino a Palo Negro, entre las fincas Santa Rosita, El Recuerdo y El Tesoro, hacia cuchilla Negra, 1810 m, 05 November 2003, Murillo-A. 3479 (COL). Caldas: Salamina, corregimiento de San Félix, sector La Samaria, relictos detrás de la escuela, 2945 m, 04º59’N, 75º10’W, 28August 2009, Sanín 3459 (FAUC). Cauca: Popayán, Parque Nacional Natural Puracé, sector anexo a las bases militares, 3887 m, 26 July 2009, Sanín 3294 (FAUC). Cundinamarca: Fómeque, páramo de Chingaza, La Laja y alrededores, 2700−3250 m, 11 December 1963, Huertas 5802 (COL). Huila: Pitalito, vereda Charguayaco, reserva de la comunidad El Arroyuelo, 1925 m, 01º46’N, 76º01’W, 28 July 2009, Sanín 3204 (FAUC). Nariño: Pasto, Pasto-Bosque Daza, 2700 m, 20 November 1980, de Benavides 2565 (PSO). Quindío: Salento, vereda Boquia, sector La Patasola, flanco sur-oriental del río Boquia, frente al Quindío y detrás del Santuario Otún Quimbaya, 1950 m, 04º41’N, 75º41’W, 20 July 2009, Sanín 3084 (FAUC). Risaralda: Pereira, Santuario de Fauna y Flora Otún Quimbaya, senderos al interior del Santuario, 1783 m, 04º46’N, 75º37’W, 20 April 2012, Sanín 5124 (HUA). Santander: Carretera del páramo de Guantiva a Onzaga, 2970 m, 01 December 1967, Jaramillo-Mejía 4442 (COL). Tolima: Ibagué, El Vergel, vía Termales de Cañón, escuela rural, bosques a mano derecha, sur este, 3500 m, 23 July 2009, Sanín 3147 (TOLI). Valle del Cauca: Cali, vereda Pance, P.N.N. Farallones de Cali, Reserva Amor y Paz, vía Balcones, transición entre bosque alto andino y páramo, 3000−3500 m, 02 January 2009, Sanín 2731 (CUVC).— COSTA RICA. Cartago: Oreamuno, Pastures along road to the top of Volcán Irazú, 09°55’12”N, 83°52’12”W, 2600−2900 m, 23 June 1983, Moran 3031 (MO). Heredia: Cantón de Barva, P.N. Braulio Carrillo, Cuenca del Tárcoles, Estación Barva, 2700−2900 m, 10º07’20”N, 84º06’00”W, 30 May 1997, Rojas 3555 (INB).— CUBA: Lomas de la Hemita, 16 August 1918, Bro. Hioram 2095 (NY); June 1941, Howard 5355 (MO); June 1941, Howard 5395 (MO). Matanzas: 10 October 1950, Liogier 1651 (MO); 20º52’N, 76º54’W, Wright 804 (MO).— DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. La Vega: between Constanza and Valle Nuevo, 22 December 1964, Jones 1053 (NY); 1889 m, 18º51’N, 70º43’W, 16 April 1981, Zanoni 12656 (MO, NY). Peravia: Cordillera Central, 20 km NW of Rancho Arriba, 1300 m, 01 March 1983, Mickel 9122 (NY). Caña Brava: Barahona, 1300 m, 24 April 1976, Liogier 25139 (NY).— ECUADOR. Azuay: Cuenca, Parroquia Baños, Hacienda Yanasacha, 3000−3200 m, 20 July 1978, Boeke 2451 (NY). Carchi: Estación Biológica La Guandera, 3310 m, 00°35’N, 77°42’W, 18 February 2004, Moran 6878 (MO). Loja: Parque Nacional Podocarpus, S of Loja, wet montane forest at the Centro de Información E of Nudo de Cajanuma, 2850−2950 m, 04°05'S, 79°10'W, 21 February 1985, Øllgaard 57904 (MO). Morona: - Santiago, near city of Macas, 1100 m, 02°20’S, 78°08’W, 07 October 1993, Fay 4037 (MO). Napo: El Cacho, on the Baeza-Lago Agrio rd., turn east to the bridge over Río Quijos to Sala Honda, near the bridge, 1560 m, 00°24’S, 77°49’W, Fay 3904 (MO). Pastaza: Pastaza, north of city of Puyo, in city park by the river, 950 m, 01°29’00”S, 77°59’30”W, 14 July 1992, Fay 3610 (MO). Tungurahua: 1300 m, 01°24’S, 78°10’W, 18 March 1985, Palacios 189 (MO). Zamora-Chinchipe: along road from Quime Ferry Crossing into Cordillera del Condor, 22 km above Río Zamora, in a southward direction, along creek at old military camouflage shed, 1489 m, 03°37’46”S, 78°26’17”W, 14 July 2004, Croat 91048 (MO).— GUADELOUPE. Without locality, 1864, L’Herminier s.n. (RB).— GUATEMALA. Baja Verapaz: Purulha, Purulhá, Centro de visitantes en Biotopo Universitario para la conservación del Quetzal, 29 February 2009, Jiménez Barrios 879 (MO).— GUYANA. Pakaraima: Mts Aymatoi, 1150 m, 05º55’N, 61º00’W, 17 October 1981, Maas 5804 (NHN).— PERU. Amazonas: close to the border with Depto. San Martin, along the road from Pedro Ruíz, past Laguna de Pomacocha to Rioja, the border between the departments is the watershed dividing the Río Mayo (the San Martin side) and the Río Chiriaco (the Amazonas side), 1950 m, 05°41’S, 77°48’W, 04 March 2001, van der Werff 16738 (MO). Ancash: Huaylas, Huascarán National Park, Paro Valley, 3500−4000 m, 09°01'S, 77°42'W, 29 September 1985, Smith 11553 (MO). Cajamarca: Contumaza, La Pampa de Guzmango, 2000 m, 21 April 1984, Sagástegui 11440A (MO). Cusco: Calca, Road Quebrada-Alto Lacco, 2800 m, 12°37’22”S, 72°14’40”W, 30 April 2006, van der Werff 21208 (MO). Huánuco: Muna, 11 March 1959, Woytkowski 5180 (MO). La Libertad: Otuzco, Cerro Ragache (Salpo), 3400 m, 08°00’S, 78°37’W, 23 May 1984, Sagástegui 11609 (MO); Santiago de Chuco, 3960 m, 07°59’S, 78°15’W, 25 August 1982, Smith 2298 (MO). Pasco: Oxapampa, Laguna San Daniel, 2400 m, 10°25’58”S, 75°27’23”W, 08 November 2009, van der Werff 23383 (MO). Piura: Huancabamba, Subiendo al Cerro La Viuda (Distrito Sondor), 2170 m, 05°15’18”S, 79°41’34”W, 21 July 1975, Sagástegui 8208 (MO). Puno: Carabaya, Ollachea alsojo rocas, 1500 m, Vargas 6910 (MO).— VENEZUELA. Amazonas: Atabapo, Cerro Marahuaca, riverine forest upstream from “Sima Camp” along branch of Caño Negro, 1140 m, 03°43’N, 65°31’W, 28 February 1985, Steyermark 130903 (MO). Bolivar: Piar, Auyan-tepui, summit, in south central region, headwaters of Río Churun, 1700−1800 m, 05°51'N, 62°32'W, 31 March 1987, Holst 3829 (MO). Distrito Federal: Libertador, selva nublada con Ceroxylon interruptum , a lo largo del camino Costa de Maya, noroeste de la Colonia Tovar, 3−5 kms desde la carretera principal La Vitoria-Colonia Tovar, 2100−2240 m, 10°25'N, 67°20'W, 09 December 1982, Steyermark 127905 (MO). Lara: Morán, Carretera desde Humacaro Alto hacia Guaito, 2200 m, 09°28’N, 70°01’W, 14 November 1984, van der Werff 7868 (MO). Tachira: Lobatera, La Cazadora, 2000 m, 07°56’00”N, 72°14’48”W, 22 July 1983, van der Werff 5492 (MO). Trujillo: Carache, via Páramo Cende, margenes del Río Cende, 3000 m, 09°32’N, 70°08’W, 15 April 1988, Rivero 1641 (MO).

Notes:—According to the International Code of Nomenclature ( McNeill et al. 2012, ICN Article 11.4), the correct name of a species is the combination of the final epithet of the earliest legitimate name of the taxon in the same rank, with the correct name of the genus or species to which it is assigned. The earliest name available is Polypodium sessilifolium Desvaux (1827: 238) = Serpocaulon sessilifolium , but apparently it was not considered by Hooker (1864) when he described P. chacapoyense Hooker (1864: 29) = S. chacapoyense from Peru. As a result, this name must be considered as a new synonym under S. sessilifolium , as suggested previously by Hensen (1990) and Tryon and Stolze (1993).

Goniophlebium acuminatum , described by Fée in 1866, was redesignated to Polypodium by Maxon (1930). He correctly proposed a new name, P. antillense (= S. antillense ), because there were already earlier combinations, P. acuminatum Houttuyn (1783: 181) and P. acuminatum ( Fée 1866: 68) Sodiro (1893: 354) , blocking the further use of this epithet. It is remarkable that Maxon (1930) noted that “it ( P. antillense ) is allied to the continental P. surucuchense Hooker (1837: 69) ”, because both names are currently regarded synonyms of S. sessilifolium ( Hensen 1990, Smith et al. 2006). Later, Christensen (1913), kept G. acuminatum as synonym for P. antillense = S. antillense , and but Hensen (1990) treated it as synonym of P. sessilifolium = S. sessilifolium . Recently, Christenhusz (2009) suggested a new combination, S. acuminatum (Christenhusz 2009: 270) , for this name. Christenhusz (2009) mentioned that P. antillense should be considered as a synonym of S. acuminatum , and inadvertently designated a lectotype for this name, despite the lectotype designation by Hensen (1990). Intriguingly, S. antillense was also recently recognized in the fern flora of Cuba ( Sánchez 2017). However, in order to apply those names, the authors did not review the older name P. sessilifolium = S. sessilifolium . In this sense, S. sessilifolium should be considered to represent all the mentioned collections and names above ( McNeill et al. 2012, ICN Article 11).

This species can be very variable, especially in the diameter of its short-creeping rhizomes, the number of pinnae, the plant size and the size and number of the sori ( Sanín 2018) ( Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 , 2A–B View FIGURE 2 ). However, the combination of short-creeping rhizomes, concolorous iridescent patent scales, pinnate laminae, one row of sori, and spores with folded perine ( Ramírez-Valencia et al. 2013, Ramírez-Valencia & Sanín 2016, Sanín 2018) allow for its determination. Although it could be recorded as terrestrial and rupicolous, it is usually epiphytic.














Serpocaulon sessilifolium ( Desvaux 1827: 238 ) Smith (2006: 927)

Sanín, David & Salino, Alexandre 2018

Serpocaulon sessilifolium ( Desvaux 1827: 238 )

Smith, A. R. & Kreier, H. P. & Haufler, C. H. & Ranker, T. A. & Schneider, H. 2006: 238
Desvaux, N. A. 1827: )

Serpocaulon chacapoyense ( Hooker 1864: 29 )

Smith, A. R. & Kreier, H. P. & Haufler, C. H. & Ranker, T. A. & Schneider, H. 2006: 29
Hooker, W. J. 1864: )

Serpocaulon antillense ( Maxon 1930: 83 )

Smith, A. R. & Kreier, H. P. & Haufler, C. H. & Ranker, T. A. & Schneider, H. 2006: 83
Maxon, W. 1930: )

Polypodium pseudofraternum

Smith, A. C. 1931: )

Polypodium remotum

Christensen, C. 1906: )
Baker, J. G. 1891: )
Desvaux, N. A. 1827: )

Serpocaulon acuminatum ( Fée 1866: 68 )

Christenhuz, M. J. M. 1866: 68
Fee, A. L. A. 1866: 68

Polypodium andinum

Karsten, G. K. W. H. von 1861: )

Polypodium surucuchense

Moore, T. 1857: )
Hooker, W. J. 1837: )
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