Philopterus kalkalichi Ansari, 1955

Sychra, Oldrich, Palma, Ricardo L., Saxena, Arun K., Ahmad, Aftab, Bansal, Nayanci & Adam, Costică, 2011, Chewing lice of the genus Philopterus (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae) from drongos (Passeriformes: Dicruridae), Zootaxa 2868, pp. 51-61 : 53-56

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Philopterus kalkalichi Ansari, 1955


Philopterus kalkalichi Ansari, 1955

( Figs. 1–4 View FIGURES 1 – 10. 1 – 4 , 11–14 View FIGURES 11 – 22. 11 – 14 )

Philopterus kalkalichi Ansari, 1955: 58 .

Philopterus kalkalichi Ansari , “sp. nov.”; Ansari, 1956a: 396. Philopterus kalkalichi Ansari, 1955 ; Ansari, 1956b: 17, figs. 30–32. Philopterus kalkalichi Ansari, 1955 ; Palma & Price, 2006: 7.

Type host: Dicrurus macrocercus Vieillot—Black drongo.

Male (n = 5). As in Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1 – 10. 1 – 4 . Head longer than wide, preantennal region with slightly concave lateral margin. Hyaline margin wide, expanded laterally (HMI> 1) and with a median emargination. Marginal carina interrupted medially and laterally. Coni short (about 0.05) and well pigmented ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 11 – 22. 11 – 14 ). Dorsal anterior head plate (= clypeal signature of Ansari 1956b) pale, uniformly pigmented and as in Fig. 14 View FIGURES 11 – 22. 11 – 14 ; ventral anterior head plate with widely rounded posterior margin. Anterior seta 3 stout and relatively long. Anterior seta 1 (preconal seta of Price & Hellenthal 1998) short: 0.03–0.04 in length ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 11 – 22. 11 – 14 ). Postconal seta very short not> 0.01. Dorsal submarginal seta 0.17–0.21 long. Eyes well developed, ocular seta long. Temporal carina distinct, marginal temporal carina with 3 very long setae. Thorax: Prothorax with one long seta on each postero-lateral corners. Pterothorax sharply angulated posteriorly with 19–21 posterior setae (including those on pteropleural margin). Abdomen: tergites uniformly pigmented, except for light areas associated with spiracles. Abdominal chaetotaxy: tergal setae: II, 11–13 (plus anterior pair); III, 11–14; IV, 15–17; V and VI, 15–16; VII, 11–13; VIII, 9–10; IX, 2; sternal setae: II, 7–8; III, 8–9; IV, 8–11; V, 9–10; VI, 8; subgenital plate as in Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1 – 10. 1 – 4 with 4 long setae; pleural (paratergal) setae: II–III, 0; IV–V, 4; VI–VII, 5; VIII, 3; IX, 1. Lateral sternites on III–V 0.05–0.07 wide; with prominent median sternite on VI ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1 – 10. 1 – 4 ). Genitalia ( Figs. 3–4 View FIGURES 1 – 10. 1 – 4 ) with short and stout parameres fused with the basal plate; endomeral plate simple with widely rounded posterior margin, mesomere with rounded projection posteriorly not overlaping posterior margin of endomeral plate, ventral plate as in Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1 – 10. 1 – 4 , with a group of four very short setae near the latero-posterior corner; basal plate long.

Dimensions: FW, 0.20–0.22; FHMW, 0.22–0.25; HMI, 1.10–1.14; PAW, 0.28–0.32; TW, 0.43–0.45; HL, 0.47– 0.51; PAL, 0.22–0.27; LHCL, 0.10–0.11; DAPL, 0.23–0.26; DAPW, 0.13–0.14; PW, 0.27–0.30; MW, 0.38–0.42; AWV, 0.50–0.62; TL, 1.35–1.47; GL, 0.26–0.28; GW, 0.09–0.10.

Female (n = 7). Most features as in male. Abdominal chaetotaxy: tergal setae: II, 14–15 (plus anterior pair); III, 16–18; IV, 15–22; V, 18–24; VI, 17–22; VII, 14–18; VIII, 10–11; IX, 2–3; sternal setae: II, 6–8; III, 9–10; IV, 9–14; V, 10–11; VI, 8; subgenital plate as in Fig. 13 View FIGURES 11 – 22. 11 – 14 with 4 long setae; vulva with 14–16 medium long and 4–6 short setae.

Dimensions: FW, 0.21–0.25; FHMW, 0.25–0.26; HMI, 1.04–1.10; PAW, 0.32–0.35; TW, 0.50–0.53; HL, 0.52– 0.57; PAL, 0.25–0.29; LHCL, 0.11–0.12; DAPL, 0.27–0.28; DAPW, 0.14–0.16; PW, 0.30–0.32; MW, 0.42–0.46; AWV, 0.72–0.77; SGPW, 0.33–0.41; TL, 1.69–1.82.

Material examined. 3 males, 3 females ex Dicrurus macrocercus harterti Baker , TAIWAN: Puli Nantou hsien, XI–XII.1963 and I.1964, T.C. Maa leg.; 2 nymphs, ex the same host species, TAIWAN: Taipei, 19.X.1964, C.T. Lin leg., deposited in PIPeR and UMSP (numbers TMT 239, 49, 95, 11–12 and 2152); 3 males, 6 females and 4 nymphs ex Dicrurus caerulescens (Linnaeus) , INDIA: Rampur (Uttar Pradesh), 15.VI.2008, A. Ahmad leg., deposited at the department of Zoology, Govt. Raza PG College, Rampur, U.P., India; 1 male and 1 female with the same data are deposited at Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta, India.

Remarks. Although we have not examined the type specimens of P. kalkalichi , and the original description of this species by Ansari (1955) is incomplete, our specimens are consistent with some important points in Ansari’s redescription (1956b), especially the shape of the head, the dorsal anterior head plate, and the male genitalia. Although, there are discrepancies between Ansari’s (1955) measurements and ours, they may be due to different mounting and/or measuring techniques.


University of Minnesota Insect Collection
















Philopterus kalkalichi Ansari, 1955

Sychra, Oldrich, Palma, Ricardo L., Saxena, Arun K., Ahmad, Aftab, Bansal, Nayanci & Adam, Costică 2011

Philopterus kalkalichi

Palma 2006: 7
Ansari 1956: 396
Ansari 1956: 17

Philopterus kalkalichi

Ansari 1955: 58
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