Petrolisthes magnus Müller, 1984a

Wallaard, Jonathan J. W., Fraaije, René H. B., Van Bakel, Barry W. M., Jagt, John W. M. & Müller, Pál M., 2023, Miocene decapod crustacean faunas from Cyprus - Part 1. Geographical-stratigraphical setting and Anomura, Palaeontologia Electronica (a 38) 26 (3), pp. 1-14 : 8-9

publication ID 10.26879/1258

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scientific name

Petrolisthes magnus Müller, 1984a


Petrolisthes magnus Müller, 1984a

Figure 9A, B View FIGURE 9

1984a Petrolisthes magnus Müller , page 60, plate 23, figures 1-4, plate 24, figures 1-4, plate 25, figures, 4-5.

2006 Petrolisthes magnus Müller – Radwański et al., page 96, plate 2, figure 2.

2010 Petrolisthes cf. magnus Müller – Gatt and De Angeli, page 1327, plate 2, figure 5.

2011 Petrolisthes magnus Müller – Ossó and Stalennuy, figure 3.6 (figure 3.4, 3.5 = Petrolisthes sp. A sensu Górka 2018).

2012 Petrolisthes magnus Müller – Górka et al., page 171.

2018 Petrolisthes magnus Müller – Górka, page 516, text-figures 3.5-3.7.

2021 Petrolisthes magnus Müller – Hyžný and Dulai, page 128-129, figure 45.1-7.

Material. A single carapace (MAB10343) from Cap Greco; 37 carapaces (MAB879, 10905.1, 10906, 10908, 10909.1, 10913, 10914, 10915.1, 10934.2, 13530.3, 13530.4, 13532-13534.1, 13535.1, 13536.1, 13537.1, 13538-13540.1, 13541, 13542.1, 13543-13548, 13549.2, 13550.1, 13551- 13554, 13587.1, 13823.1) from Mitsero.

Locality and stratigraphy. Cap Greco; Terra Limestone Member (Pakhna Formation, Aquitanian-Burdigalian); Mitsero, Koronia Limestone Member (Pakhna Formation, late Serravallian-early Messinian).

Remarks. The rostrum is rhombic with an elevated orbital ridge. The carapace is decorated with two posterior pointing V-shaped grooves, of which the anterior one is the deepest.

The complete surface is covered with fine transverse striations and the posterior margin is subcircular.

This species has also been recorded from the Middle Miocene (‘Badenian’) of Hungary (Müller, 1984) and Ukraine ( Radwański et al., 2006; Ossó and Stalennuy, 2011; Górka, 2018) and possibly from the Messinian of Malta ( Gatt and De Angeli, 2010). The presence of this species in the Aquitanian-Burdigalian of Cap Greco makes it the oldest occurrence.

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