Opisthoporus thuathienhuensis D. S. Do, T. C. Bui & V. N. Do, 2020

Sang, Do Duc, Chinh, Bui Thi & Nhuong, Do Van, 2020, The land snail genus Opisthoporus Benson in L. Pfeiffer, 1851 (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda: Cyclophoridae) from Vietnam, with description of a new species, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 68, pp. 103-111 : 108-109

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Opisthoporus thuathienhuensis D. S. Do, T. C. Bui & V. N. Do

sp. nov.

Opisthoporus thuathienhuensis D. S. Do, T. C. Bui & V. N. Do View in CoL , new species

( Figs. 1 View Fig , 2 View Fig H–K, 3C, F, I; Table 1, 2)

Material examined. Holotype (1 shell, shell height 10.1 mm, shell width 16.0 mm; Figs. 2H, I View Fig , 3C, F, I View Fig ) ( VNMN _ IZ 000.000.176), Vietnam, Thua Thien Hue Province , Nam Dong District , Thuong Quang Commune, Limestone mountain, 217 m a.s.l., 16°06′56″N, 107°38′32″E, coll. T.C. Bui, 16 September 2017 GoogleMaps ; Paratypes: 6 paratypes ( ZMHU. MOL 001 View Materials ) , 2 paratypes ( ZRC.MOL. 15631), same data as holotype GoogleMaps .

Etymology. The specific epithet “ thuathienhuensis ” is derived from its type locality Thua Thien Hue Province in central Vietnam, with the Latin suffix “-ensis” added to form an adjective.

Diagnosis. Shell devoid of patterns on both dorsal and ventral sides of shell. Small breathing tube in the form of

an inverted U-shape, distal end touching the last whorl. Peristome single, slightly thickened, not expanded.

Description. Shell slightly thick, medium sized (shell height 8.7–12.3 mm, shell width 14.0–19.5 mm), sub-discoidal with wide umbilicus. Spire low, obtuse. Whorls 3¾–4, well-rounded. The last whorl is partially detached from the penultimate whorl. Sutures deeply impressed. Umbilicus wide, about ⅓ of shell diameter. Periostracum brown, translucent, shiny, without spiral sculpture. Protoconch smooth and glossy, two whorls. Teleoconch sculptured with irregularly spaced, inconspicuous growth lines, spiral sculpture virtually absent. Breathing tube present near the suture, situated a little distance (ca. 1.4–2.2 mm) from the peristome. Breathing tube curved, forming a reversed U-shape, the distal end pointing back towards the last whorl. Aperture circular, with pale yellow, slightly thickened, and non-expanded peristome.

Operculum solid, round, bi-layered, the outer calcified layer thicker than the inner corneous layer. Outer surface slightly concave, covered with fine growth lines, nucleus usually deeply sunken. Inner surface smooth, glossy, and concave.

Distribution. The new species is thus far known only from the limestone mountain in Thuong Quang Commune, Nam Dong District, Thua Thien Hue Province, central Vietnam.

Remarks. The new species differs distinctly from O. beddomei and O. lubricus by its single peristome without an expanded lip and small breathing tube, which forms an inverted U-shape with distal end touching the last whorl.


Vietnam National Museum of Nature


Instituto de Zoologia


Zoologisches Museum der Humboldt Universitaet


Zoological Reference Collection, National University of Singapore

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