Oomtelecopon sebastiani, Perkins, 2005

Perkins, Philip D., 2005, A revision of the African hygropetric genus Coelometopon Janssens, and description of Oomtelecopon new genus (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae), Zootaxa 949 (1), pp. 1-103 : 1-103

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scientific name

Oomtelecopon sebastiani

sp. nov.

Oomtelecopon sebastiani new species

(Figures 2, 5, 6, 69)

Type Material. Holotype (male): South Africa: Cape Prov., Cape­Cederberg , jeep track, sifted marsh shore, elev. 1130 m, 32° 28' S, 19° 14' E, 7 November 1983, Endrödy­Younga (#2055); deposited in the TMSA GoogleMaps . Paratypes (19): Same data as holotype — (2 TMSA) GoogleMaps ;

Cape Prov., Bainskloof Pass above Wellington, wet cliff face, 33° 35' S, 19° 8' E, 1–30 September 2002, D. T. Bilton — (6 DBC); Middleberg Pass E. of Citrusdal, wet cliff face, 32° 20' S, 19° 3' E, 1–30 September 2002, D. T. Bilton — (3 DBC); Mitchellís Pass below Ceres, wet cliff face, 32° 23' S, 19° 16' E, 1–30 September 2002, D. T. Bilton — (8 DBC). Representative specimens deposited in AMG, BMNH, MCZ, NMW GoogleMaps , and TMSA.

Diagnosis. Recognized in part by the 9 or 10 elytral callosities; differing from O. setosum by the larger size (ca. 2.85 mm vs. 2.23 mm), the flatter elytral disc, and the more numerous callosities. Females additionally recognized by the acuminate last ventrite which fits into the V­shaped ventral margin of last tergite (accommodating highly modified, sickle­shaped male genitalia).

Description. Size (length/width, mm x 100) holotype: body (length to elytral apices) 285/133, head 63/78, pronotum 63/104, elytra 189/133. Dorsum dark brown to brown, with prominent arcuate yellowish setae. Maxillary palpi very short, length ca. 1/3 width of anterior margin of clypeus, penultomere ovoid, much wider than ultomere. Frons with large setose callosity in front of each eye. Clypeus very short, transverse. Mentum weakly produced apicomedially; depressed on each side of midline near base.

Pronotum with granules small, each bearing very long arcuate yellowish seta; disc humped in middle, depressed behind; sides emarginate behind anterior angles, then straight to broadly rounded posterior angles. Hypomeron densely setose laterally, non­setose and bearing strong oblique carina medially.

Elytral intervals: 2nd, 4th and 6th with strongly setose callosities (setae abraded in habitus figure); odd numbered intervals each with unilinear row of very small, widely spaced granules; elytral margin not granulate, lacking pseudoepipleuron of 8th interval.

Prosternum short, non­carinate. Mesosternal process pentagonal. Metasternum strongly punctate on disc; shallowly depressed basomedially; lateral depression non­punctate, delimited medially by sinuate ridge, delimited laterally by strong Y­shaped or Tshaped carina; base with strong transverse ridge in front of coxae. Abdomen with first sternite bearing strong oblique carina behind each coxa. Last tergite exposed surface ver­ tical, free margin arcuate, not bearing spines. Legs with tibiae slender, flat on inner surface.

Aedeagus length 0.78 mm; sickle­shaped, inner side of curve strongly serrate; gonopore subapical at small membranous area (Fig. 6).

Females with last ventrite apicomedially produced in sharply rounded point, interior surface ridge­like, fitting into V­shaped ventral margin of last tergite; last tergite exposed surface vertical, free margin arcuate, not bearing spines.

Etymology. Named in honor of the late Sebastian Endrödy­Younga.

Distribution. Currently known from western Cape Province (Fig. 69).


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Albany Museum


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