Oncopareia esocina (Fritsch & Kafka, 1887)

Tshudy, Dale M., Hyžný, Matúš, Veselská, Martina Kočová & Jagt, John W. M., 2022, Taxonomic revision of the extinct clawed lobster genus Oncopareia Bosquet, 1854 (Decapoda, Astacidea, Nephropidae), Palaeontologia Electronica (a 20) 25 (2), pp. 1-31 : 15

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.26879/1190

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scientific name

Oncopareia esocina


Oncopareia esocina (Fritsch in Fritsch and Kafka, 1887)

Figure 8A–E View FIGURE 8

1887 Stenocheles esocinus Fritsch in Fritsch and Kafka, p. 40, text-fig. 59; pl. 4, fig. 7.

1887 Ischnodactylus esocinus (Fritsch in Fritsch and Kafka); Forir, p. 189.

1893 Stenocheles esocinus Fritsch in Fritsch and Kafka; Frič, p. 106, text-fig. 137.

1894 Stenocheles esocinus Fritsch in Fritsch and Kafka; Frič, p. 102, text-fig. 137.

1929 Ischnodactylus esocinus (Fritsch in Fritsch and Kafka); Glaessner, p. 226.

1941 Oncopareia esocinus (Fritsch in Fritsch and Kafka); Mertin, p. 181, text-fig. 8b.

?1941 Oncopareia cf. esocinus (Fritsch in Fritsch and Kafka); Mertin, p. 181, text-fig. 8c; pl. 3, fig. 1.

2010 Oncopareia esocinus (Fritsch in Fritsch and Kafka); Schweitzer et al., p. 31.

2016 Oncopareia esocinus (Fritsch in Fritsch and Kafka); Feldmann et al., p. 23, fig. 20.3a.

Material examined. Part and counterpart of the holotype, NM O3467 and NM O3468 (respectively) in the palaeontological collections of the National Museum in Prague .

Diagnosis. Oncopareia with second pleonal somite tergite-pleuron boundary marked by arcuate, concave-upward, ridge. Second pleuron quadrate.

Remarks. This species is known from a single specimen representing a pleon and associated major claw, both of which are characteristic of Oncopareia . Pleonal terga are wide and convex with lateral carina at tergum-pleuron boundary on each segment. The pectinate claw with bulbous palm possesses long, slender fingers with acicular dentition. The material is flattened in fine-grained siliceous to calcareous claystones. The second pleonal somite on O. bredai differs from that of O. esocina in being shorter and less quadrate, and in having the tergite-pleuron boundary ridge straighter. Also, pleura bordered by marginal carina are narrower on O. esocina than those on O. bredai .

Range and occurrence. This species is known from the lower Coniacian ( Cremnoceramus crassus inoceramid Zone) of the Teplice Formation (Rohatce Member) at Oškobrh near Poděbrady in the Czech Republic (Fritsch and Kafka, 1887). The material reported by Mertin (1941, p. 181) from the lower ‘Senonian’ (i.e., Coniacian-lower Campanian) of Salzberg near Quedlinburg, northern Germany, is certainly referable to Oncopareia , although based solely on Mertin’s photographs of an unwhitened specimen, we cannot judge whether this belongs to O. esocina , or not.













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