Olenecamptus cabrasae, Medina, 2023

Medina, Milton Norman, 2023, Synopsis Of The Tribe Dorcaschematini Thomson, 1860 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) Of The Philippines With The Description Of Olenecamptus Cabrasae Sp. Nov. From Davao Oriental, Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 23 (2), pp. 113-126 : 118-121

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.59893/abud.23(2).001

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scientific name

Olenecamptus cabrasae

sp. nov.

Olenecamptus cabrasae sp. nov. ( Figs. 1 View Figure 1 -2)

Type material. Philippines – Eastern Mindanao / Davao Oriental / Mun. San Isidro/ ii.2023 / T.K. Taño leg (Typed on white card) // HOLOTYPE male / Olenecamptus cabrasae sp. nov. / Medina, 2023 (typed on red card), deposited in PNM . PARATYPE, female, same label as holotype, deposited at MMCP .

Synopsis of the tribe Dorcaschematini Thomson, 1860 ( Coleoptera , Cerambycidae , Lamiinae ) of the Philippines with the description of Olenecamptus cabrasae sp. nov. from Davao Oriental

Description. Measurements: Holotype male: LB (LH+LP+LE): 13.0 mm. LH: 2.0 mm. WH: 2.5 mm. LG: 0.5 mm. LL: 1.0 mm. WL: 0.8-1.0 mm. LP: 3.0 mm. WP: 2.5 mm. LE: 9.0 mm. WEH: 3.5 mm. Paratype female: LB (LH+LP+LE): mm. LH: 2.0 mm. WH: 2.5 mm. LG: 0.5 mm. LL: 1.0 mm. WL: 0.8-1.0 mm. LP: 2.5 mm. WP: 2.5 mm. LE: 10.0 mm. WEH: 4.0 mm.

Adult male. Integuments: Head from epicranium to frons matte black; lateral side lustrous black, underside lustrous light brown; prothorax dark brown to black; elytra, mesothorax, and abdomen light to dark brown, legs dark brown.

Head longer than wide; epicranium densely covered with recumbent whitish pubescence with few erect yellowish setae randomly arranged from near upper eye towards the center of epicranium; epicranium separated by a line along midline from base of frons up to base of epicranium ( Figs. 1A&C View Figure 1 ); antennal support raised; vertex short, deep, lined with two bands of whitish pubescence; underside glabrous, lustrous dark brown; thick band of whitish pubescence at the side of lower eye not reaching the base forming an interrupted band when viewed laterally; genae covered with dense whitish pubescence, twice shorter than eye; eyes matte black, inferior lobe as long as wide, widened posteriorly, slightly tapering towards frons.

Antennae matte dark brown to black, scape robust covered with wrinkles at front side, densely covered with whitish recumbent pubescence; pedicle short; antennomere III long and slender, reaching basal third of elytra, highly serrated arrange in random, twice longer than antennomere IV; antennomeres IV to X sparsely serrated; antennomere XI smooth with few fine erect setae.

Pronotum longer than wide, widest at the middle, narrowest at near the base; pronotal disc slightly bulging, microsculptured, densely covered with whitish to yellowish recumbent pubescence. Propleuron densely covered with whitish recumbent pubescence interrupted with a band of yellowish pubescence, the base of propleuron highly sinuate. Prosternum matte dark brown, sparsely covered with recumbent whitish pubescence, slightly concave near apex.

Elytra is almost three times longer than wide, widest at humeri, tapering towards the elytral apex. The humeral angle is slightly raised, densely punctate randomly distributed finer towards the apex, dorsally with three prominent circular or triangular bands of whitish pubescence arranged as follows: one near elytral apex not reaching suture, the second triangular band before the median near elytral carina, the third broad oblong band near apical third. Each band is more pronounced as each is lined with thin pubescence ( Fig. 1A View Figure 1 ). Elytral disc is relatively flat and uniformly clothed with dense recumbent whitish or yellowish pubescence. Laterally, an elongated band of whitish pubescence lined the elytral carina from the humeral angle up to the basal third. Scutellum rounded, densely covered with yellowish recumbent pubescence.

Procoxae matte dark brown, raised, partially covered with recumbent whitish pubescence; procoxal cavity closed; mesocoxae slightly raised partially covered with; metacoxae not raised. Profemora prominently longer than meso and metafemora; densely covered with whitish recumbent pubescence. Protibia is visually longer than meso and metatibia, densely covered with whitish recumbent pubescence, slightly recurved towards the apex, with ten or more small spines lined at the underside. Mesotibia and metatibia are lined with goldish sub-erect setae near the apex. Tarsi matte goldish brown, covered with sub-erect whitish to goldish setae. Claws glabrous, dark brown to black, simple.


Milton Norman Medina

Mesosternum is slightly depressed partially covered with recumbent whitish pubescence. Metaventrite as long as wide, densely covered with whitish Mesepimeron, mesepisternum, and metanepisternum densely covered with recumbent whitish pubescence; metepisternum pubescence interrupted at the base, elongated. Abdominal ventrites matte goldish brown to black, densely covered with recumbent pubescence; ventrite I broader than ventrites II-V.

The whole system of genitalia is lustrous light brown. Aedeagus highly recurved when viewed laterally, slightly shorter than tegmen (2.5 mm vs. 3 mm), robust at the middle, and apex almost rounded. Parameres are slender, elongated, slightly bottle-shaped, separated, and lined with erect yellowish setae. Tergites VIII (Figs. 2J).


Figure 2. Male genitalia of Olenecamptus cabrasae sp. nov., holotype: A-C: Whole system of genitalia, A. dorsal aspect, B. ventral aspect, C. lateral aspect. D-F: aedeagus, median lobe, D. dorsal aspect, E. ventral aspect, F. lateral aspect. G-I: Tegmen G. dorsal aspect, H. ventral aspect, I. lateral aspect. J. 8 th tergite. Scale bar = 1mm. Photo: M. N. Medina.

Adult Female (Paratype). Significant morphological variation compared to the holotype male was not found, except the following differences: body more robust than male; stouter pronotum (as wide as long) compared to male (longer than wide); more robust elytra, widest near the apical third (vs. male slenderer, tapering towards elytra apex), and shorter antennae.

Differential diagnosis. The new species is distinct and can be easily distinguished from other Olenecamptus species for having a white pubescence covering its body (vs. finely covered with yellowish pubescence amongst O. bilobus species group). Olenecamptus circulifer is close to the new species for having white pubescence in the body integument but

Synopsis of the tribe Dorcaschematini Thomson, 1860 ( Coleoptera , Cerambycidae , Lamiinae ) of the Philippines with the description of Olenecamptus cabrasae sp. nov. from Davao Oriental easily distinguished for having three bands of circular pubescence in elytra (vs. four circular white bands of pubescence in O. circulifer ).

Etymology. Olenecamptus cabrasae ’ is named after Dr. Analyn Cabras, a scientific worker and conservationist on Philippine weevils who dedicated her life to understanding the world of Entiminae . A colleague, a great coleopterist, and a good friend.

Distribution. Philippines (Mindanao: San Isidro, Davao Oriental).


Philippine National Museum













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