Ochthephilus assingi, Makranczy, 2014

Makranczy, György, 2014, Revision of the genus Ochthephilus Mulsant & Rey, 1856 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Oxytelinae), Revue suisse de Zoologie 121 (4), pp. 457-694 : 610-616

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Ochthephilus assingi

sp. nov.

Ochthephilus assingi sp. nov. Figs 430, 501-503

TYPE MATERIAL: HOLOTYPE (3): “ CHINA: SHAANXI: Qin Ling Shan, Autoroute km93 S of Zhouzhi, 108km SW Xian, 1650m 33°45'N, 107°56'E, 1-2.IX.1995, leg. A. Pütz, mountain forest, sifted” ( SDEI) GoogleMaps . – PARATYPES (65): same data as holotype (coll. Pütz, 13). – “ Qinling Shan, pass on rd. Zhouzhi - Foping , 105km SW Xi'an, N-slope, 33°44'N, 107°59'E, 1990m, 2./ 4.VII.2001, leg. M. Schülke (C01-01), small creek valley, mixed deciduous forest/bamboo/small meadows, dead wood, mushrooms; sifted” (coll. Schülke, 13, 13, coll. Assing, 23, 1♀) GoogleMaps , same but leg. D. Wrase (01) ( HNHM, 13, 2, IZAS, 2). – “ Qinling Shan, pass on rd. Zhouzhi - Foping , 105km SW Xi'an, N-slope, 33°44'N, 107°58'E, 1880m, 4.VII.2001, leg. M. Schülke (C01-03), shady rockwall base, moist; sifted” (coll. Schülke, 3) GoogleMaps . – “ HUBEI: Daba Shan, pass E of Mt. Da Shennongjia, 12km NW Muyuping, 31°30'N, 110°21'E, 1950-2050m, 19.VII.2001, leg. M. Schülke (C01-13C), creek valley, mixed deciduous forest, moss, dead wood, mushrooms; sifted” (coll. Schülke, 2). – “ Daba Shan, mountain range NE Muyuping , pass 12km N Muyuping , 31°32'N, 110°26'E, 2380m, 17.VII.2001, leg. M. Schülke (C01-15), N pass, N-slope with young deciduous forest, bank of small creek, moss; sifted” (coll. Schülke, 1♀, 22, NKME, 13, MNHP, 13, USNM, 13, CNCI, 13, AMNH, 13, SEMC, 13, SMNS, 13, MHNG, 1, ISNB, 1♀, FMNH, 1♀) GoogleMaps . – “ YUNNAN: Zhongdian Co., 33km ESE Zhongdian, 27°41.5'N, 100°00.7'E, 3200m, 24.VIII.2003, leg. M. Schülke (C03-14), creek valley with old mixed forest, dead wood, bamboo, moss, mushrooms” (coll. Schülke, 13). – “ 50km N Lijiang, Yulongshan National Forest Park [SE of Dazu (Daju) Co. +27.27/+100.29], 24-29.VI.1993, leg. E. Jendek & O. Sausa ” ( NHMW, 23, 1♀) GoogleMaps .

DESCRIPTION: Habitus as in Fig. 430. Measurements (n=10): HW = 0.55 (0.52- 0.57); TW = 0.52 (0.49-0.54); PW = 0.65 (0.61-0.67); SW = 0.76 (0.71-0.79); AW = 0.92 (0.87-1.00); HL = 0.43 (0.41-0.44); EL = 0.17 (0.15-0.18); TL = 0.11 (0.10-0.12); PL = 0.53 (0.50-0.54); SL = 0.85 (0.80-0.90); SC = 0.76 (0.71-0.81); FB = 1.89 (1.77- 1.96); BL = 3.61 (3.35-3.90) mm. Head, pronotum and abdomen dark brown with occasional reddish tint. Elytra reddish medium to dark brown (darker around scutellum to shoulders and even along suture). Mouthparts and legs reddish medium brown, antennae also but occasionally darker except basal articles. Body with greasy lustre due to rather shallow punctation on head and pronotum, but strong coriaceous microsculpture on interspaces everywhere; elytral punctation deep, surface uneven and setation strong, more dense than in closest congeners. Pubescence on elytra moderately short, very regularly spaced, in contrast with somewhat less conspicuous setation of head and pronotum: with rather fine and moderately dense setae. Abdominal tergites with setae just as thick as elytral ones but much longer, especially at apices of tergites and adjacent to laterosternites. Head anteriad eyes and near inner posterior margin of eye with stronger and much longer bristles, as well as pronotal margin; at middle of tibiae with darker bristles. Elytral apex without conspicuous setae. Last tarsomere with a few setae only.

Forebody. Antenna as in Fig. 430. Clypeus faintly punctate (colliculate microsculptured), trapezoid, corners rounded, anterior edge gently arched; separated by impressed transversal line (frontoclypeal suture) across a shinier area. Supraantennal prominences well developed, feebly separated from clypeus/vertex by

FIGS 413-422

(413-415) Ochthephilus ketmenicus (Kashcheev) ; aedeagus (413), female ringstructures (414-415). (416-418) O. itoi sp. n.; aedeagus (416), femaleringstructures (417-418). (419-422) O. loebli sp. n.; aedeagus (419), spermatheca (420), femaleringstructures (421-422). Scale bar = 0.038 mmfor 414-415, 0.47 mmfor 417-418, 421-422, 0.1 mmfor 416, 419, 0.115 mm for 413, 420.

impressions. Vertex with oblique impressions in middle almost joining in V-shape. Temples slightly bulging, evenly curved, little longer than half of eye length. Neck separated by an impressed transversal groove, microsculpture much stronger than on head, with transverse cells, no setation. Pronotum with a narrow marginal bead, getting inconspicuous anteriorly with pronotal corners strongly curved in ventral direction. Posterior pronotal angles well-formed, just slightly obtuse-angled, sides in posterior 1/3 very gently concave. 'Anchor' fully formed, longitudinal midline as a slightly elevated, impunctate, weakly microsculptured line, parallel to this line two gentle, semilongitudinal elongate elevations in anterior half of disc. In corners of anchor feeble, oblique impressions directed outwards, in middle at sides of midline two smaller impressions. Elytra slightly broadening posteriorly, sutural corners narrowly rounded; apical sides slightly oblique and in inner halves more or less straight. Elytral surface rather even with two shallow, very elongate impressions behind scutellum. Head with fine coriaceous/colliculate microsculpture, fading on elevated parts, stronger in impressions, on pronotum microsculpture slightly stronger and more even. Punctation on head shallow and moderately dense, more so on posterior part and sides, on pronotum more evenly spaced, average interspaces much larger than puncture diameters; elytral punctation more even and regularly spaced, average interspaces (with indistinct coriaceous microsculpture) less than puncture diameters, punctures discrete but much smaller apically.

Abdomen. Compared to forebody, abdomen with much more sparse, finer, less distinct punctation, microsculpture on tergal apices fine coriaceous with moderately transverse cells. Tergite VII posterior margin with palisade fringe broadened in middle with more coarse spiniform processes. Tergite VIII basal edge evenly arched, without concavity in middle of basal sclerotized band; apical edge with sinuate (protruding) corners, and broad, moderately deep emargination in between. Sternite VIII with rounded apical corners, apex in males shallowly concave laterally, gently sinuate in middle; in females slightly more sinuate (convex) in middle. Tergite X unmodified, apex very slightly wider in males than in females. Aedeagus as in Fig. 501. Female ringstructures as in Figs 502-503.

ETYMOLOGY: The species is named after Dr. Volker Assing (Hannover, Germany), reknowned authority on Staphylinidae , who was very helpful in so many ways during so many years.

COMPARATIVE NOTES: Under the first species in this species group a warning must be included that it is ill-advised to attempt to identify any species without examination of at least the male genitalia. The O. monticola complex has a peculiar formation of parameres and possibly includes several undescribed species. Once this assemblage is ruled out there is a reasonable chance for determination. As for O. assingi , it seems to be a rather variable species, almost always with lighter (reddish) elytra, but some specimens (including the holotype) have peculiarly short elytra, while in some others this feature is not so expressed (all share the same genitalia). If they indeed belong to the same species, any other congeners can be distinguished by the form of the parameres.

DISTRIBUTION: Currently only known from the Chinese provinces of Yunnan,

Shaanxi and Hubei.

FIGS 423-428

(423-424) Ochthephilushammondi sp. n.; headandpronotum (423), antenna (424). (425) O. ketmenicus (Kashcheev) , antenna. (426) O. loebli sp. n., antenna. (427-428) O. wrasei sp. n.; antenna (427), forebody and base of abdomen (428). All SEM, dorsal views. Scale bar = 0.45 mm for 426, 0.5 mm for 423, 0.55 mm for 424, 427-428, 0.6 mm for 425.

BIONOMICS: Specimens were collected by sifting moss and other moist organic material on forest floor, in vicinity of streams or shaded rockwall.

Ochthephilus basicornis ( Cameron, 1941) Figs 447-454, 557 Ancyrophorus basicornis Cameron, 1941: 146 View in CoL .

Ochthephilus basicornis (Cameron) . – Herman, 1970: 384.

TYPE MATERIAL EXAMINED: Ancyrophorus basicornis – LECTOTYPE (3, here designated): “Type [red margined round disc, curator label] \ Ghum district [Darjeeling district, Ghoom, *+27.02/+88.16*]; v-vi-[19]31; Dr. Cameron \ A.; basicornis; TypeCam. \ M. Cameron.; Bequest.; B.M. 1955-147.; \ Lectotypus; Ancyrophorus ; basicornisCameron; [ontheback] des. Makranczy, 1999 \ Ochthephilus ; basicornis Cameron ; det. Makranczy, 1999” ( BMNH). – PARALECTOTYPES (5): samedataaslectotype ( BMNH, 5) .

OTHERMATERIAL: NEPAL: E-Nepal, Kosi, ForêtSMangsingma, 2200m *+27.52/ +87.33*, 11.IV.1984, leg. I. Löbl & A. Smetana (13) , verysteepslope, siftingofSphagnum, mosses, very wet litter, MHNG (13, 1), E-Nepal, Kosi, Forêt S Mangsingma, 2300m *+27.51/+87.33*, 13.IV.1984, leg. I. Löbl & A. Smetana (15) , singledonriverbank, MHNG (13, 1), HNHM (13). – Khandbaridistrict, "Bakan", WofTashigaon , 3200m *+27.65/+87.21*, 5.IV.1982, leg. A. & Z. Smetana , MHNG (1♀, 1). – Khandbaridistrict, "Bakan", Wof Tashigaon , 3250m *+27.64/+87.21*, 4.IV.1982, leg. A. & Z. Smetana , MHNG (1). – Khandbari district , aboveTashigaon, 3100m *+27.63/+87.20*, 8.IV.1982, leg. A. & Z. Smetana , MHNG (1). – Kosi, [Sankhuwasawadistr.,] Val. InduwaK[h]ola, 2800m *+27.52/+87.42*, 15.IV.1984, leg. I. Löbl & A. Smetana (22) , sieved Rhododendron and bamboo leaf litter acculumated along rocks, MHNG (1). – SW-Manaslu, Bhara Pokhari Lekh Kamm, unterh. see Bhara Pokhari , 2500m *+28.30/+84.47*, 2.IV.1999, leg. O. Jäger, Bodengesiebe , SMTD (8). — INDIA: Ghum distr., Mangpo *+26.97/+88.37*, V.1931, leg. M. Cameron, coll. Cameron , BMNH (1♀), HNHM (13, 1♀). — CHINA: YUNNAN: DiqingTibetAut. Pref., ZhongdianCo., 35kmESE Zhongdian , 3450m, 27°41.00'N, 100°01.47'E, 3.VI.2005, leg. M. Schülke (C2005-03) GoogleMaps , devastated mixed forest near small creek, litter, moss, dead wood, sifted, coll. Schülke (2). – Diqing TibetAut. Pref., DeqinCo., MeiliXueShan, Eside , 12kmSWDeqin, 2890m, 28°25.30'N, 98°48.47'E, 9.VI.2005, leg. M. Schülke (C2005-07) GoogleMaps , smallcreekvalley, mixedforestwithbamboo, leaflitter, moss, deadwood, sifted, coll. Schülke (4), samebut 13.VI.2005 (C2005-7A), coll. Schülke (3), samebut 9-13.VI.2005, leg. D.W. Wrase (07), mixedforestwithbamboo, under wood/stones in litter/soil, HNHM (1). – GANSU: Dalijia Shan , 46km W Linxia, 2980m *+35.60/+102.70*, 10.VII.1994, leg. A. Smetana (C5) , coll. Smetana (13).

REDESCRIPTION: ForebodyasinFig. 557. Measurements (n=10): HW = 0.56 (0.53-0.58); TW = 0.54 (0.50-0.57); PW = 0.65 (0.615-0.69); SW = 0.76 (0.68-0.79); AW = 0.91 (0.82-0.95); HL = 0.43 (0.40-0.45); EL = 0.16 (0.15-0.17); TL = 0.12 (0.105-0.15); PL = 0.56 (0.52-0.59); SL = 0.83 (0.76-0.89); SC = 0.76 (0.71-0.81); FB = 1.88 (1.74-2.01); BL = 3.64 (3.44-3.85) mm. Headblackishdarkbrown, pronotum elytra and abdomen reddish dark brown. Mouthparts, antennae and legs reddish medium to dark brown; antenna often with basal antennomeres lighter, reddish medium brown, rest sometimews blackish. Body with greasy lustre due to rather deep but not too rough punctation on head and pronotum, but distinct coriaceous microsculpture on interspaces everywhere; elytral punctation deep, surface uneven and setation strong, shorter than in closest congeners. Pubescence on elytra moderately dense but very regularly spaced, in contrast with somewhat less conspicuous setation of head and pronotum: with rather fine and moderately dense setae. Abdominal tergites with setae just as thick as elytral ones but much longer, especially at apices of tergites and adjacent to laterosternites. Head anteriad eyes and near inner posterior margin of eye with stronger and much longer bristles, as well as pronotal margin; at middle of tibiae

FIGS 429-430 Habitus of Ochthephilus species. O. biimpressus (Mäklin) (429), O. assingi sp. n. (430).

with darker bristles. Elytral apex without conspicuous setae. Last tarsomere with a few setae only.

Forebody. Antenna as in Fig. 449. Clypeus (Fig. 447) sparsely punctate (colliculate microsculptured), trapezoid, corners rounded, anterior edge gently arched; separated by impressed transversal line (frontoclypeal suture) across a shinier area. Supraantennal prominences well developed, feebly separated from clypeus/vertex by impressions. Vertex with oblique impressions in middle almost joining in V-shape. Temples (Fig. 448) slightly bulging, evenly curved, little longer than half of eye length. Neck separated by an impressed transversal groove, microsculpture much stronger than on head, with transverse cells, no setation. Pronotum with a narrow marginal bead, getting inconspicuous anteriorly with pronotal corners strongly curved in ventral direction. Posterior pronotal angles well-formed, just slightly obtuse-angled, sides in posterior 1/2 very gently concave/bisinuate. 'Anchor' fully formed, longitudinal midline as a slightly elevated, impunctate, weakly microsculptured line, parallel to this line two gentle, semi-longitudinal elongate elevations in anterior half of disc. In corners of anchor feeble, oblique impressions directed outwards, in middle at sides of midline two smaller impressions. Elytra (Fig. 450) slightly broadening posteriorly, sutural corners narrowly rounded; apical sides slightly oblique and in inner halves more or less straight. Elytral surface rather even with two shallow, very elongate impressions behind scutellum. Head with fine coriaceous/colliculate microsculpture, fading on elevated parts, stronger in impressions, on pronotum microsculpture slightly stronger and more even. Punctation on head moderately rough but more dense only on posterior part and sides, on pronotum more evenly spaced, average interspaces much larger than puncture diameters; elytral punctation more even and regularly spaced, average interspaces (with indistinct coriaceous microsculpture) about as puncture diameters, punctures discrete.

Abdomen. Compared to forebody, abdomen with much more sparse, finer, less distinct punctation, microsculpture on tergal apices fine coriaceous with moderately transverse cells. Tergite VII posterior margin with palisade fringe broadened in middle (Fig. 451) with more coarse spiniform processes. Tergite VIII basal edge evenly arched, without concavity in middle of basal sclerotized band; apical edge with sinuate (protruding) corners, and broad, moderately deep emargination in between. Sternite VIII with rounded apical corners, apex in males shallowly concave laterally, gently sinuate in middle; in females slightly more sinuate (convex) in middle. Tergite X unmodified, apex very slightly wider in males than in females. Aedeagus as in Fig. 452. Female ringstructures as in Figs 453-454.

COMPARATIVE NOTES: Details under O. monticola , with remarks on the complex.

DISTRIBUTION: The species is so far known from N-India, Nepal and the

Chinese provinces of Yunnan and Gansu.

BIONOMICS: Specimens were collected from various organic materials (mosses, very wet leaflitter) at fast flowing waters (streams and rivers), sometimes under stones and drift wood.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Institut Zoologii Akademii Nauk Ukraini - Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


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Canadian National Collection Insects


American Museum of Natural History


Staatliches Museum fuer Naturkund Stuttgart


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle


Field Museum of Natural History


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien














Ochthephilus assingi

Makranczy, György 2014

Ochthephilus basicornis (Cameron)

HERMAN, L. H. 1970: 384

Ochthephilus basicornis (

CAMERON, M. 1941: 146
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF