Noonamyia sasakawai L. PAPP, 2006

Papp, L., Merz, B. & Földvári, M., 2006, DIPTERA OF THAILAND A summary of the families and genera with references to the species representations, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 52 (2), No. 2, pp. 97-269 : 185-186

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586111

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scientific name

Noonamyia sasakawai L. PAPP

sp. nov.

Noonamyia sasakawai L. PAPP View in CoL , sp. n.

( Figs 70–71 View Figs 67–75 )

Holotype male ( HNHM): THAILAND: Doi Pui , over a forest trail, Oct 31, 2004, No. 10, leg. L. PAPP & M. FÖLDVÁRI.

Paratypes: Thailand 2004, leg. L. PAPP & M. FÖLDVÁRI ( HNHM): 1 male 1 female: same as for holotype; 1 m (with abdomen and genitalia in a plastic microvial with glycerol): Chiang Mai, Doi Suthep N.P., 2 km down to Phuping Palace, groove in forest, Oct 28, No. 1; 2 m 2 f (one male with abdomen and genitalia in a plastic microvial with glycerol): Doi Suthep N. P., along a forest brook, Oct 31, No. 11; 4 m 2 f: same as No. 11, Nov 9, No. 26; 1 f: ibid., dry slope & beside a brook, Oct 31, No. 13; 1 m 1 f: ibid., over and along a brook, above and below a small waterfall, Nov 9, No. 27; 1 f: Doi Inthanon N. P., below Haui Sai Nueng Falls , along the brook, Oct 30, No. 7 . Thailand 2003: 1 m 1 f: Tham Sakoen National Park, 26. XI., N 19° 23’ E 100° 38’, swept over and along creek in forest, No. 17, leg. M. FÖLDVÁRI & A. SZAPPANOS; 1 f: ibid., 30. 11., along creek at forest border, leg. A. SZAPPANOS; 4 m 3 f: Doi Phuka National Park , headquarters, 26–27. XI., UV light, No. 18, leg. L. PEREGOVITS, M. FÖLDVÁRI, Á. KŐRÖSI, A. SZAPPANOS & B. MAKLÁRI-KIS GoogleMaps .

Measurements in mm: body length 2.35 (holotype), 2.28–2.93 (paratypes), wing length 3.06

(holotype), 2.93–3.53 (paratypes), wing breadth 1.26, 1.20–1.52.

Noonamyia sasakawai sp. n. is very closely related to N. euphlebia but a more distinct, more or less broad, clear rim is in the cells r 2+3, r 4+5 and m of its wings. The distinctive characters are in male genitalia, as follow.

Cerci much higher than in N. euphlebia : 0.17–0.18 mm high. Surstylus ( Fig. 70 View Figs 67–75 ) with a single, apical process. Phallus and phallapodeme much shorter than in N. euphlebia . Ventrocaudal process of gonopod ( Fig. 71 View Figs 67–75 ) unispinose, with a large seta, seemingly not fused to gonopod.

The new species occurs in North Thailand.

I name this new species to the honour of Professor MITSUHIRO SASAKAWA (Hirakata City, Osaka Pref., Japan, formerly Kyoto Prefectural University) for his most remarkable achievements in Diptera taxonomy, particularly so for the Oriental Lauxaniidae .

Pachycerina sp. Four indiv. (FSz03).

Phobeticomyia lunifera DE MEIJERE, 1910 View in CoL – 2004: 1 m 2 f: PF04/3; 2 f: PF04/6; 1 m 2 f: PF04/11; 4 m: PF04/9/14/21/24; 7 f: PF04/8/22/23/27/29/35/36; 2 m 1 f: PF04/25; 3 m: PF04/30; 1 m 1 f: PF04/42; 1 m 3 f: PF04/43. Altogether 31 specimens from 18 sites, i.e. widespread in Thailand. 2003: 1 m 1 f: FSz03/8; 1 m 1 f: FSz03/17; 3 m: OSz03/10; 1 f: OSz03/3. When identifying our Phobeticomyia View in CoL specimens from Thailand, I studied also the specimens, which had been in K. KERTÉSZ’ s hands, when he described the genus ( Lauxania lunifera DE MEIJERE View in CoL being its type species, which was described from “Batavia”). Although details of male genitalia of the Thaii and KERTÉSZ’ s Taiwan specimens differ, those differences fit to local populations of a widespread species (in the HNHM there are other specimens from Taiwan as well as from India ).

Phobeticomyia preapicalis MALLOCH, 1929 View in CoL – 7 m 4 f: PF04/28; 1 f: PF04/38; 3 m 3 f: PF04/29; 8 m 2 f: PF04/35. 28 indiv. from under four locality numbers (actually only three sites) in S Thailand. 6 f: OSz03/34.

Phobeticomyia spp. 3 spp, 35+2+1 indiv. from 2004, 8 indiv. from 2003. One of them (we believe, the commoner one) is Ph. spinosa SASAKAWA, 1987 View in CoL , which was described from Thailand. The other two spp. are obviously new to science.

Steganopsis spp. – sp. 1: 1 m 2 f: PF04/6; 1 m: PF04/17. sp. 2: 1 m: PF04/35.

Trypaneoides spp. It is better to separate Old World species in Trypaneoides as a genus, rather than a subgenus of Trypetisoma MALLOCH. Four species in our materials are represented by 18 indiv., at least one of them is new to science.

Calliclypeus spp. – Three specimens of two spp., one of them must be new.

Chaetolauxania sp. – 2 m: PF04/43.

Drepanephora sp. – 1 m: PF04/38.

Frendelia spp. Altogether 28 indiv. of 6 spp.

Minettia s.str. sp. – Five indiv. of a sp., superficially resembling to the M. quadrivittata group but with 8 rows of acmi.

Minettiella sp. 8 indiv. of M. atratula or a closely related sp.

Hendelimyza sp. In the HNHM 1 indiv. from Thailand and 2 indiv. from Vietnam.

Lauxaniella sp. – 1 m: PF04/25.

Sapromyza s.l. spp. – In the HNHM 1 indiv. from Thailand, another one from Vietnam.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Departamento de Biologia de la Universidad del Valle














Noonamyia sasakawai L. PAPP

Papp, L., Merz, B. & Földvári, M. 2006

the Thaii

Papp & Merz & Földvári 2006

Ph. spinosa


Phobeticomyia preapicalis



Kertész 1915

Phobeticomyia lunifera

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