Neurolaena cobanensis Greenman ex Smith (1904: 418–419)

Bueno, Vinicius R., Gostel, Morgan R. & Heiden, Gustavo, 2023, An updated synopsis of Neurolaena (Neurolaeneae, Asteraceae) with a new species from the Colombian Andes, Phytotaxa 622 (2), pp. 131-145 : 139

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.622.2.3


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scientific name

Neurolaena cobanensis Greenman ex Smith (1904: 418–419)


2.2.1. Neurolaena cobanensis Greenman ex Smith (1904: 418–419) View in CoL ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ).

Brief description: —Shrubs 1–3 m tall. Leaf petiole 10.3–15 mm long, blade 13.3–36 × 1.55–5 cm, margin entire, venation penninervous, abaxial surface glabrous; capitula radiate, involucre 5–6 × 4.5–6 mm, cylindrical to narrowly campanulate, phyllaries densely puberulous or glabrous; receptacle holopaleaceous, paleae 5.2–5.5 mm long; ray florets 8–10 per capitulum, corolla 8–8.6 mm long, yellow; disc florets 40–50 per capitulum, corolla 5.6–6.5 mm long, pale green to pale yellow; cypselae 1.9–2 mm long, eglandular, pappus 60–70 bristles.

Geographic distribution: — Costa Rica ( US 01790956!), Guatemala ( US 0101494!), Nicaragua (MO 2977777!) and Mexico, in Chiapas state (MO 823662!) ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ).

Selected Material: — COSTA RICA. Guanacaste: Puntarenas and Alajuela, cordillera de Tilaran , 6 March 1986, F. Almeda & B. Anderson 5370 ( US) . GUATEMALA . Baja Varapaz : Union Barrios, 12 March 1972, E. Contreras 11273 ( US) . MEXICO. Chiapas: Villaflores , 28 February 2002, A. Reyes-Garcia 4141 (MO) . NICARAGUA. Nuevo Segovia : 19.2 km N of Mozonte, taking left fork, along road throught Finca El Rosario, 24 March 2017, W. D. Stevens & O.M. Montiel J. 39563 (MO) .

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