Neocollyris (Stenocollyris) fedorenkoi Matalin, 2022

Matalin, A. V., 2022, A new species of the genus Neocollyris W. Horn, 1901, subgenus Stenocollyris Naviaux, 1994, from southern Vietnam (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae), Russian Entomological Journal 31 (2), pp. 118-123 : 119-123

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.31.2.04

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Neocollyris (Stenocollyris) fedorenkoi Matalin

sp. nov.

Neocollyris (Stenocollyris) fedorenkoi Matalin , sp.n.

Figs 1 View Figs 1–3 , 4, 6, 8, 10 View Figs 4–15 , 16 View Figs 16–20 , 21, 27 View Figs 21–32 .

TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype ♂ — Vietnam, Lam Dong Prov., Bi Doup-Nui Ba Reserve, env. Long Lanh , at light, 12°10´44´´N / 108°40´44´´E, h = 1400–1600 m, 27–28.III.2008, leg. D. Fedorenko ( ZIN). GoogleMaps

COMPARATIVE MATERIAL. Neocollyris (Stenocollyris) compressicollis (W. Horn, 1909) : 1♀ — Vietnam, Bac Kan Province, Cho Moi District, Quang Chu, 15– 23.04.1986, leg. A. Gorochov ( ZIN); 1♂ 1♀ — Vietnam, Lao Cai Province, Mount Fan-Si-Pan, h = 2300 m, 20.05.1994, leg. V . Sinjaev, A. Simonov (cPU); 1♀ — Vietnam, Phu Tho Province, Thanh Son District, Xuan Son National Park , 21°08´20´´N 104°56´15´´E, h = 300–400 m, 18.X.2014, leg. T. V GoogleMaps . Galinskaya ( MSPU), 1♂ — Vietnam, Phu Tho Province, ~ 90 km W of Ha Noi City, Xuan Son National Park , 21°07´01´´N 104°56´39´´E, h = 400–700 m, 6–15.XI.2014, leg. D. Fedorenko ( MSPU), 1♀ — Vietnam, Thai Nguyen Province, 50 km NE of Thai Nguyen, h = 300 m, 15.6.1962, leg. O. Kabakov ( ZIN); 3♂♂ — Vietnam, Tuyen Quang Province, 160 km NNW of Ha Noi, NE of Na Hang, 150–200 m, 9– 14.6.1996, leg. A. Napolov, I. Roma ( MSPU, cAN); 1♂ — Vietnam, Hoa Binh Province, Mai Chau District, Ha Son Binh forest, 4.11.1990, leg. S. Belokobylskij ( ZIN); 3♂♂ 4♀♀ — Vietnam, Hoa Binh Province, Mai Chau District , Pa Co , Xa Linh GoogleMaps , 20°44´N 104°55´E, h = 1120 m, 23.4.2002, leg. S. Belokobylskij ( ZIN); 1♀ — Vietnam, Vinh Phuc Province, Tam Dao, h = 1000 m, 12.11.1990, leg. S. Belokobylskij ( ZIN); 1♀ — Vietnam, Vinh Phuc Province, Tam Dao , h = 1600 m, 17.07.1993, leg. V GoogleMaps . Sinjaev, A. Simonov (cPU); 2♂♂ 3♀♀ — Vietnam, Vinh Phuc Province, Tam Dao, 04.1995, leg. V . Sinjaev ( MSPU, cPU); 1♀ — Vietnam, Kon Tum Province, Kon Plong District , near Ngoc Boc I Mountain , 14°44´N 108°18´E, h = 1100–1200 m, leg. D. Fedorenko, 8–23.IV.2014 ( SIEE); 1♂ — Vietnam, Gia Lai Province, ~ 40 km NEE of Pleiku, Kon Ka Kinh National Park GoogleMaps , 14°12´57´´N 108°19´19´´E, h = 1200 m, 9–22. V GoogleMaps .2016, leg. D. Fedorenko ( SIEE).

Neocollyris (Stenocollyris) rubens (Bates, 1878) : 1♀ — Vietnam, Lao Cai Province, near Sa Pa , h = 2000 m, 4.6.1963, leg. O. Kabakov ( ZIN); 1♀ — Assam, Margherita (digital photo of Peter Schüle from the web-site .

DESCRIPTION. TL — 15.6 mm. Head moderately large, slightly elongate, HW/HL — 1.14, smooth and glabrous, with very fine and weakly visible isodiametric microsculpture on occiput; dark brown with light blue lustre, lateral sides of clypeus and frons, as well as anterior margin of genae red-brown; clypeus with two long setae; frons narrow, especially so in anterior third, frontal grooves deep, virtually parallel except for being slightly extended in the centre, with a longitudinal central carina between them; temples slightly convergent towards base; eyes large and protruding; each supra-orbital plate with two long setae and six shallow sparse striae behind posterior seta, PS/ AS — 1.52 ( Figs 1 View Figs 1–3 , 10 View Figs 4–15 , 16 View Figs 16–20 ). Labrum relatively long, transverse, LW/LL — 1.31; shiny brown-black with light bluish lustre; with seven long submarginal setae (right laterobasal seta abnormal in being reduced) and seven dark brown apical teeth: three central teeth with wide bases and rounded apices, a pair of large and sharp latero-apical teeth, as well as a pair of laterobasal teeth ( Fig. 4 View Figs 4–15 ). Mandibles brown with dark brown apices and molars. Maxillary ( Fig. 6 View Figs 4–15 ) and labial ( Fig. 8 View Figs 4–15 ) palps entirely brown-black except for very narrow brown apical margins of palpomeres 3 and 4, as well as the base of labial palpomere 1, with straight and truncate apices of ultimate palpomeres. Antennae relatively long, clearly projected towards base of pronotum; antennomere 3 the longest, distinctly flattened, with a thin and sharp anterior margin; scape, pedicel and basal 3/4 of antennomere 3 dark brown with light violet tinge; scape with a single apical seta, antennomeres 4 and 5 yellow-brown except for dark brown apices, with bluish tinge; antennomeres 6–11 dark brown except for yellow-brown bases, antennomeres 5–7 finely pubescent on ventral face, antennomeres 8–11 entirely and finely pubescent.

Pronotum thin and long, TL/PL — 3.63, slightly expand- ed in basal third, PL/PW — 3.31 ( Fig. 10 View Figs 4–15 ), with a relatively long collar PL/PCL — 2.69, as well as a small rounded hump and a wide deep impression in anterior third ( Fig. 16 View Figs 16–20 ); dark brown with light bluish lustre, glabrous with sparse, shallow, transverse wrinkles on disc; anterior and posterior sulci wide and shallow, anterior one clearly wider. Prothorax dark red-brown with light bluish tinge, prosternum and basal portion of pro-episternum sparsely pubescent with long, soft, white hairs ( Fig. 16 View Figs 16–20 ). Meso- and metathorax dark brown, mesosternum densely pubescent with long, soft, white hairs; metasternum clearly inflated, entirely covered with thin isodiametric microsculpture, with two wide central rows of very short, white, semi-decumbent setae and a small group of soft, decumbent hairs at outer angles; metepisternum with a deep, longitudinal, central groove and very sparse, thin, white hairs all along.

Legs very long and gracile; fore- and mid-coxae dark brown, sparsely pubescent with soft, white hairs on anterior face, hind coxae red-brown, with a long apical seta each, densely pubescent, especially so on external sides with relatively long, soft, white hairs; all trochanters yellow-brown with darker anterior margins, fore- and mid- ones with a long apical seta each; all femora and tibiae reddish brown with indistinct bluish lustre; all tibiae densely pubescent with whitish setae over ventral face; tarsomeres 1–3 of all legs reddish-brown with dark brown blue-tinged apices, tarsomeres 4 and 5, as well as claws of all legs dark brown with metallic blue lustre.

Abdominal sternites dark brown, clearly reddish brown laterally, entirely covered with thin isodiametric microsculpture, anterior margins of sternites 4–6 each with a central pair of widely spaced long setae and 6–8 very short setae between them; sternite 7 with wide central notch and numerous very short setae along anterior margin.

Elytra long, sub-parallel in basal third, then gradually expanded towards apex, EL/EW — 3.0, with well-marked shoulders, EW/SW — 1.43; dark brown in basal half and reddish brown in apical half; covered with very thin isodiametric microsculpture; immaculate; scutellum very small; suture with slightly protruding edges only in apical quarter and a very short, wide, blunt spine; epipleura dark brown; macrosculpture formed by small, sparse, shallow and rounded pits in basal third; six irregular, deep, smooth-edged, transverse folds in the middle, and relatively dense, small, shallow, rounded dots in apical third, these latter being virtually absent from apices; apical margins oblique ( Fig. 21 View Figs 21–32 ).

Aedeagus relatively long, AL — 3.8 mm; EL/AL — 2.37; with a rounded basal portion and a thin, long, slightly incurved, sharp apex; internal sack with a long flagellum and a large spoon-shaped sclerite ( Fig. 27 View Figs 21–32 ).

Females unknown.

ETYMOLOGY. The new species honours Dmitry Fedorenko, my good friend and a prominent Russian entomologist.

DIAGNOSES. Neocollyris (Stenocollyris) fedorenkoi sp.n. is closely related to N. (S.) compressicollis (W. Horn, 1909) and N. (S.) rubens (Bates, 1878) , being distinguished from both by the clearly narrower interocular area — PS/ AS — 1.52 ( Fig. 10 View Figs 4–15 ), vs. clearly broader — PS/ AS — 1.32–1.46 in N. (S.) compressicollis ( Figs 11–14 View Figs 4–15 ) and N. (S.) rubens ( Fig. 15 View Figs 4–15 ); by the thin, longer and narrower pronotum — PL/ PW — 3.31 ( Figs 1 View Figs 1–3 , 10 View Figs 4–15 , 16 View Figs 16–20 ), vs. more robust and wider — PL/ PW — 2.73–3.0 in N. (S.) compressicollis ( Figs 2 View Figs 1–3 , 11–14 View Figs 4–15 , 17–20 View Figs 16–20 ) and N. (S.) rubens ( Figs 3 View Figs 1–3 , 15 View Figs 4–15 ); the shorter aedeagus — EL/AL — 2.37, with a less expanded base and a clearly larger spoon-shaped sclerite in the internal sack ( Fig. 27 View Figs 21–32 ), vs. a longer eadeagus — EL/AL — 2.12–2.26, with a widely expanded base in N. (S.) compressicollis ( Figs 28–31 View Figs 21–32 ) and N. (S.) rubens ( Fig. 32 View Figs 21–32 ), as well as clearly smaller and spoon-shaped sclerite in the internal sack in N. (S.) compressicollis ( Figs 28–31 View Figs 21–32 ). Moreover, the elytral macrosculpture in N. (S.) fedorenkoi sp.n. in the basal and apical thirds is formed by small and rounded pits ( Fig. 21 View Figs 21–32 ), vs. large and polygonal pits in the basal third and longitudinally stretched pits in the apical third in N. (S.) compressicollis ( Figs 22–25 View Figs 21–32 ), or the small, sparse, very shallow pits in the basal third, and a virtually smooth apical quarter in N. (S.) rubens ( Fig. 26 View Figs 21–32 ).

To accommodate the new species, the key to the species of the subgenus Stenocollyris from Vietnam [ Wiesner et al., 2017] must be modified as follows:

1. Metatarsi and apical part of metatibiae yellowish; elytra with a transverse yellow fascia in the middle ................ .......................................... N. (S.) signata (Horn, 1902)

— Metatarsi and metatibiae reddish brown or brownish black; elytra without yellow fascia ......................................... 2

2(1). Pronotum narrow and slender, no less than 3.3 times as long as wide; aedeagus shorter, with a less strongly expanded base and a larger spoon-shaped sclerite in internal sack ............................. N. (S.) fedorenkoi sp.n.

— Pronotum more robust, not more than 3.0 times as long as wide; aedeagus longer, with a widely expanded base and a smaller spoon-shaped sclerite in internal sack ......... 3

3(2). Elytral sculpture smooth except for five or six deep transverse folds in the middle ........................................ .......................................... N. (S.) rubens (Bates, 1878) View in CoL

— Elytral sculpture very coarse all over ............................. ............................. N. (S.) compressicollis (Horn, 1909) View in CoL

Acknowledgements. I am very grateful to Dmitry Fedorenko and Pavel Udovichenko (both Moscow, Russia), Boris Kataev (St. Petersburg, Russia) and Alexander Napolov (Riga-Zoo, Riga, Latvia) who kindly lent material for this study, to Peter Schüle (Herrenberg, Germany) and Jurgen Wiesner (Wolfsburg, Germany) for the kind permission to use the digital photo of N. (S.) rubens View in CoL from the web-site, as well as to Sergei Golovatch (Moscow, Russia) who kindly checked the English.


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