Neoapterocis mexicanus, Lopes-Andrade, Cristiano, 2007

Lopes-Andrade, Cristiano, 2007, Neoapterocis, a new genus of apterous Ciidae (Coleoptera: Tenebrionoidea) from Chile and Mexico, Zootaxa 1481, pp. 35-47 : 41-44

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scientific name

Neoapterocis mexicanus

sp. nov.

Neoapterocis mexicanus sp. nov.

( Figs 7–14 View FIGURES 7 – 9 View FIGURES 10 – 12 View FIGURES 13 – 14 )

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to Mexico, terra typica of this species.

Diagnosis. This species is easily distinguished from Neo . chilensis sp. nov. by the absence of tubercles on the male frontoclypeal ridge ( Figs 7–9 View FIGURES 7 – 9 ) and the presence of emarginations on the outer edge of the apical lobes of tegmen ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 13 – 14 , arrows). It is generally larger than Neo . chilensis sp. nov., but with the abdominal setose patch of the male proportionally smaller and not marginate.

Description. Holotype. ɗ, measurements in mm: TL 1.63; PL 0.58; PW 0.79; EL 1.00; EW 0.89; GD 0.68. Ratios: PL/PW 0.73; EL/EW 1.12; EL/PL 1.73; GD/EW 0.76; TL/EW 1.82. Upper surfaces dark brown, almost black; undersurfaces dark brown, but antennae, mouthparts, legs, and ventrites reddish brown. Ventrites and legs bearing sparse setae; each seta more than four times longer than those on the elytra. Head with frontoclypeal ridge simple ( Figs 7–9 View FIGURES 7 – 9 ); lateral margins slightly angulate, but angles rounded. Length of the antennomeres (in mm): 0.053; 0.042; 0.044; 0.029; 0.021; 0.018; 0.015; 0.032; 0.033; 0.067. Pronotum with lateral margins visible from above, except for anterior angles. Epipleura with small sparse punctures; subglabrous, setae small, indistinct. Prosternum elevated at midline, lateral concavities not very distinct; intercoxal process marginate, slightly wider near apex; punctures distinct, deep, very close to each other but not coalescent. Disc of mesoventrite easily visible, bearing punctures similar to those on the intercoxal process of prosternum. Metaventrite with a small discrimen, from the posterior margin to one-seventh the metaventrite length at midline. First abdominal ventrite longer than the next two abdominal ventrites together; setose patch semicircular, not marginate, its median length approximately one seventh of the median length of the ventrite. Aedeagus with tegmen bearing a small emargination on the outer edge of both apical lobes ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 13 – 14 , arrows). Median lobe (penis) of aedeagus cylindrical, with apex not sclerotized and broadly rounded.

Females. First abdominal ventrite devoid of setose patch.

Type series. Holotype. ɗ, Mexico: labeled " Mexico: Oaxaca / 70 Km S Valle Nacional / 2600m, 3.x.1986 / R. Baranowski", "sifting litter, ±at hollow dec. trees, pine-oak forest" ( MZLU). Paratypes (14 specimens; 7 in LAPC, 7 in MZLU). Mexico: 11 specimens labeled " Mexico: Oaxaca 26 Km / E Teotitlan del Campo / 2250m, 26.ix.1990 / leg. R. Baranowski", "Sifting litter, mixed oak forest"; one specimen " Mexico: Oaxaca / 70 Km S Valle Nacional / 2500m, 10.ix.1986 / R. Baranowski", "sifting litter, pine-oak forest"; one specimen " Mexico: Oaxaca / 70 Km S Valle Nacional / 2600m, 3.x.1986 / R. Baranowski", "sifting litter, ±at hollow dec. trees, pine-oak forest"; one specimen " Mexico: Oaxaca, 87 Km N / Oaxaca City, 2700m / 13.xi.1989 / leg. R. Baranowski", "Sifting litter, mixed pine forest".

Variation. Measurements in mm (n = 6, including the holotype): TL 1.58–1.84 (1.68 ± 0.10); PL 0.53– 0.58 (0.54 ± 0.03); PW 0.74–0.84 (0.77 ± 0.04); EL 1.00–1.26 (1.11 ± 0.11); EW 0.79–0.95 (0.87 ±0.06); GD 0.63–0.68 (0.67 ± 0.03). Ratios: PL/PW 0.69–0.73 (0.71 ± 0.02); EL/EW 1.12–1.35 (1.27 ± 0.10); EL/PL 1.73–2.30 (2.03 ± 0.21); GD/EW 0.72–0.81 (0.77 ± 0.03); TL/EW 1.82–2.00 (1.93 ± 0.07).

Three specimens of the type series are slightly yellowish or pale greenish, probably not fully pigmented adults. In some specimens, the prosternum may be more distinctly carinate at midline, the lateral concavities more easily seen, and the punctures both on the prosternum disc and on its intercoxal process not so deep. The metaventrite discrimen varies from one-seventh to one-fifth the metaventrite length at midline. Such variation is found in other Ciidae species, and is probably due to the age of adult specimens when alive (for instance, older adults generally have less conspicuous carinae and punctures).

Biology. The specimens were collected sifting litter under shrubs, at logs and at hollows of deciduous trees, in mixed pine and oak forests.

Distribution. Known from the state of Oaxaca ( Mexico).


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