Neharpyrhynchus quiscalus Bochkov

Bochkov, Andre V, Oconnor, Barry M. & Klompen, Hans, 2015, A review of the mite subfamily Harpirhynchinae (Acariformes: Harpirhynchidae) — parasites of New World birds (Aves: Neognathae), Zootaxa 4023 (1), pp. 1-130 : 98-100

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Neharpyrhynchus quiscalus Bochkov


Neharpyrhynchus quiscalus Bochkov , OConnor and Klompen sp. nov.

( Figs. 79–81 View FIGURE 79 View FIGURE 80 View FIGURE 81 A–E)

Description. FEMALE (holotype, 5 paratypes, Figs. 79 View FIGURE 79 , 81 View FIGURE 81 A, B). Body, including gnathosoma, 570 long (570– 630) and 400 wide (400–420). Gnathosoma about 130 long and 150 wide. Palp about 65 long and 60 wide, moderately inflated dorsally. Palpalae dF, dG, and l”G subequal, about 37 long ( Fig. 81 View FIGURE 81 A). Setae vF about 100 long, smooth. Subcapitulum dorsally granulated. Peritrematal branch about 115 long. Idiosoma 460 long (420– 480). Anterior part of propodonotum unornamented. Dorsal shield entire, without median suture and ornamentation, 260 long (260–280) and 360 wide (360–375). Anterior margin of dorsal shield widely concave, posterior margin widely convex. Ventral surface of idiosoma without striations, scales or verrucosities. Setae vi, ve and si distinctly barbed, subequal in length, about 165, clustered together. Setae se and c2 smooth, very short, 8–10 long. Setae h2 about 235 long; areas immediately around setal bases h2 sclerotised. Setae 1a and 3a absent; setae 1c about 35 long. Base of legs I and II with distinct granulated lobe. Legs I and II with 2 articulated segments. Tibiae I and II with 5 setae, tarsi I and II with full complement of setae, claws of these tarsi with small basal angles. Legs III and IV with 1 segment. Leg III bearing 3 long and 1 short setae; leg IV bearing 2 long and 2 short setae.

MALE (4 paratypes, Fig. 80 View FIGURE 80 , 81 View FIGURE 81 C–E). Body, including gnathosoma, 300–320 long and 210–220 wide. Gnathosoma about 85 long and 100 wide. Palp about 75 long. Approximate lengths of palpalae ( Fig. 81 View FIGURE 81 C): dF and dG 25, l”G 18. Setae vF 65 long, serrate. Idiosoma rounded outline, 215–220 long. Dorsal shield about 185 long and 200 wide. Aedeagus about 135 long. Genital opening situated in anterior third of dorsal shield distinctly anterior to level of setal bases c2, surrounded by 3 pairs of genital microsetae, g1–g3, setae g2 situated closer to g3 than to g1 or equidistant. Setae vi very short and smooth, about 10 long; other dorsal setae ve, si, se, and c2 serrate, 100–110 long. Ventral surface of idiosoma without scales or verrucosities, with smooth setae 1a, 1c, and 3a 55–65 long. Setation of legs I, II (respectively, including solenidia): trochanter 1 (v)–1 (v), femur 2 (d, v)–2 (d, v), genu 3 (d, v, l')–3 (d, v, l'), tibia 5 (d, l', l", v', v")–5 (d, l', l", v', v"), tarsus 9 (tc', tc", p', p", a', a", u', u", ω1)–8 (tc', tc", p", a', a", u', u", ω1). Solenidia ω 1 I and II almost straight, about 9 and 12 long, respectively. Leg III with 2 segments. Basal segment of leg III with 1 seta. Apical segment of leg III with 2 long and 3 short setae. Leg IV with 1 segment bearing 2 long and 2 short setae.

Type material. Holotype female ( UMMZ BMOC 09-0910-002, #1) and 3 female paratypes ( UMMZ BMOC 09-0910-002, #2–4) from Quiscalus quiscula (Linnaeus) ( Passeriformes : Icteridae ) ( UMMZ 241885) [at bases of head feathers around ear opening], USA: Michigan, Mecosta Co., 1.3 mi E Big Rapids, 43.698604°N, 85.4576146°W, 21 May 2009, coll. S. Ross; 2 female and 1 male paratypes ( UMMZ BMOC 10-0928-001, #1-3) from same host ( UMMZ 242437) [at bases of head feathers around ears], USA: Michigan, Muskegon Co., 1.5 mi N Muskegon, 43.2705499°N, 86.202979°W, 28 April 2009, coll. R.A. Wolinski; 3 male paratypes ( UMMZ BMOC 09-1112-001, #1-3) from same host ( UMMZ 242302) [on skin of head], USA: Michigan, Livingston Co., 4 mi S Whitmore Lake, 42.405266˚N, 83.830037˚W, 15 June 2009, coll. J. Nordblom.

Type deposition. Holotype and most paratypes in UMMZ, 1 female paratype in ZISP, 1 in OSAL. Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the generic name of the host and is a noun in apposition. Hosts and distribution. Quiscalus quiscula ( Passeriformes : Icteridae ) from USA (Michigan) (present paper). Differential diagnosis. Females of Neharpyrhynchus quiscalus sp. nov. clearly differ from all other species of the group pilirostris by the absence of setae 1a, by the granulation of the dorsal part of the subcapitulum, and lobes at the bases of legs I and II. This species differs also from other species, except N. agelaius sp. nov., by the unornamented anterior part of the propodonotum.


University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology


Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences


Ohio State University Acarology Laboratory















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