Nebria (Epinebriola) zayula ANDREWES, 1936

Huber, Charles & Schmidt, Joachim, 2017, Notes on the Nebria subgenus Epinebriola K. DANIEL, 1904 with the description of Barbonebriola subgen. nov. and 13 new species from the Himalaya-Tibet orogen (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Nebriini), Contributions to Natural History 36, pp. 1-85 : 33-34

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Carolina (2021-11-26 14:02:06, last updated 2024-11-29 10:45:34)

scientific name

Nebria (Epinebriola) zayula ANDREWES, 1936


Nebria (Epinebriola) zayula ANDREWES, 1936 View in CoL

Remarks on the type locality: When describing the species Andrewes (1936) noted the type locality "Kawy La", a locality obviously unknow to him, and which he interpreted as follows: " The locality is apparently the Kaya Pass of the Indian Ordnance Survey map, connecting the valley of the Dibang and Zayul rivers."

It was obviously a reading error by Andrewes: On the original label of the type specimen "Kang La" is legibly handwritten, but neither "Kawy La" nor " Kaya La ". Due to the reading error, Andrewes made an interpretation error: The misinterpreted locality ( Kaya La ) at the India-China border indeed crosses the Mishmi Mountains westwards to the Dibang river valley, but the correct type locality Kang La (= Ata Kang La, Fig. 18 View Fig ) crosses in a linear distance of approx. 50 km the Kangri Garpo Mountains northwards, connecting the Valley of the Kangrigarpo Qu and the valley of Rawok Lake and Mang Lake ( Kaulback 1934, Nakamura 2001). Kaulback (1934), member of the expedition in 1933 and one of the two beetle collectors, noted in his travel report "… on July the 15 th [1933] … I went with Kingdon Ward to the top of the Ata Kang La ….", providing a travelling map ( Fig. 18 View Fig ) and thus confirming the collecting date noted on the label of the holotype specimen. Obviously Andrewes had no knowledge of Kaulback's map which was published two years before Andrewes described the species.

Distribution: N. zayula is known only from the type locality, but the type locality lies east of the deeply incised Kangrigarpo Qu river valley (= Rong To Chu in Fig. 18 View Fig ) and not west of it as supposed so far.

Description of additional morphological characters in N. zayula ( Tab. 2 View Tab ): We examined several relevant characters of the holotype specimen of N. zayula which had been overlooked and/or wrongly noted by Andrewes (1936) as well as by Ledoux & Roux (2005). The head supraorbitally bisetose – true in N. zayula , but overlooked so far – is rare in the subgenus Epinebriola , only present in N. rasa and N. schawalleri , and asymmetrically present in N. molendai and N. martensi . N. zayula is even the only Epinebriola species with a row of 4–5 setae on each side of the male anal sternum (not mentioned in Andrewes 1936, wrongly noted in Ledoux & Roux 2005). For other characters see Tab. 2 View Tab .

Andrewes, H. E. (1936): Paper on Oriental Carabidae, 30. - The annals and magazine of natural history, Serie 10, 18: 54 - 65.

Kaulback, R. (1934): Tibetan Trek. - 319 pp., London.

Ledoux, G. & Roux, P. (2005): Nebria (Coleoptera, Nebriidae) Faune mondiale. - 976 pp., Saint-Just-la-Pendue.

Nakamura, T. (2001): Kangri Garpo range in Southeast Tibet. - Japanese Alpine News 1: 1 - 7.

Gallery Image

Fig. 18: Copy of Kaul- back’s map (Kaulback 1934, p. 87) showing the more northerly part of Kingdon Ward’s and Ronald Kaulback’s expedition route in 1933 to the Ata Kang La (= type locality of Nebria (Epinebriola) zayula ANDREWES, 1936; black arrow). Red dot = approximate position of the misin- terpreted type locality Kaya La (= Kawy La) in Andrewes (1936).















