Mimopodabrus diversefoveolatus, Yang & Yang, 2009

Yang, Y. X. & Yang, X. K., 2009, Revision of the genus Mimopodabrus Wittmer (Coleoptera, Cantharidae), Journal of Natural History 43 (31 - 32), pp. 1879-1890 : 1883-1886

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1080/00222930902993690

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Mimopodabrus diversefoveolatus

sp. nov.

Mimopodabrus diversefoveolatus sp. nov.

( Figures 1A, 2 View Figures 1–4 A–D)

Male ( Figure 1A View Figures 1–4 )

Body length from apex of clypeus to apices of elytra 5.1 mm, maximal width on elytra 1.2 mm. Body black, except clypeus yellow. Body densely covered with very short dark pubescence.

Head. Eyes moderately protruding, breadth of head across eyes wider than anterior margin of pronotum, head behind eyes roundly narrowed, temple longer than longitudinal width of an eye, surface finely and densely punctuate; apical maxillary palpomeres longest, slightly widened apically and arcuated; antennae ( Figure 2D View Figures 1–4 ) extending to apical one-third of elytra, antennomeres III–VII thickened, III with an oblong impression, IV with a longitudinal impression near base, extending into a rounded fovea near apex, V–VII each with a rounded fovea near apex.

Pronotum. Slightly longer than wide, slightly widened posteriorly, anterior margin straight, anterior angles obtusely rounded, lateral margins nearly straight, posterior angles vertical, posterior margin straight; disc slightly convex, surface grossly punctuate.

Elytra. About five times longer than pronotum, combined at shoulder one-third wider than posterior margin of pronotum, lateral margins slightly widened posteriorly, surface matt, largely punctuate, with two slightly distinct longitudinal ribs.

Legs. All tarsal claws bifid, lower clefts slightly shorter than upper ones.

Aedeagus ( Figure 2 View Figures 1–4 A–C). Ventral processes of parameres stout, with obtusely pointed apices; dorsal plate of conjoint parameres tapered and apex bent ventrally; laterophyses separated from each other, on both sides of median lobe.



Type material

Holotype. 3, Vietnam, Lao Cai Prov., Sa Pa , Deo O Quy Ho, 1750 m, 16 May 1995, M. Satô (in NHMB).


This specific name is derived from Latin “ diverse ”+ “ foveolatus ” = different + concave, referring to its foveae on middle antennomeres being different in shape.


This new species is similar to M. lijiangensis (Wittmer) , but is definitely different in antennae, i.e. antennomere III with an oblong impression, IV with a longitudinal impression near base, extending into a rounded fovea near apex, V–VII each with a rounded fovea near apex, VIII without fovea, while the latter’s antennomeres III–IV without impressions or foveae, V–VIII each with a longitudinal furrow.


Natural History Museum Bucharest













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