Microchelonus tuberulus, Papp, Jenő, 2016

Papp, Jenő, 2016, First Survey Of The Neotropical Species Of Microchelonus Szépligeti With Descriptions Of Twenty-Five New Species (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Cheloninae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 62 (3), pp. 217-344 : 307-309

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.17109/AZH.

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scientific name

Microchelonus tuberulus

sp. nov.

Microchelonus tuberulus sp. n.

(Figs 459–469)

Materialexamined – Femaleholotype: CostaRica, Heredia, Chilamate , 18–23 August 1988, leg. W. J. Hanson. – Holotype is in good condition: glued direct to the pin by the right sideofmesosoma. HolotypeisdepositedinHNHM, Hym. Typ. No. 12254; examined.

Etymology – Thenewspeciesreceivedthename “tuberulus” afterthetuberculeonthe apicalendofthecarapace (Figs 466–468).

Description of the female holotype – Body 3.1 mm long. Antenna somewhat shorter than body (2.8 mmlong) andwith 16 antennomeres. Scapeslightlyglobose, 2.8 timesaslong asbroad (cf. Fig. 322). Firstflagellomere 5.7 timesaslongasbroad, furtherflagellomeres shorteningsothatpenultimateflagellomeresubcubic, 1.25 timesaslongasbroad (Fig. 459). – Headindorsalviewtransverse, 2.1 timesasbroadaslong, eye 2.5 timeslongerthantemple, templereceded (Fig. 460). OOLalmosttwiceaslongasPOL. Eyeinlateralview 1.9 timesas highaswide, genabeyondeyebroadeningventrallyandhereaswideaseye, polishedwith hairpunctures (Fig. 461). Clypeus 1.3 timesaswidebelowashighmedially, itslowermargin truncate (Fig. 462), subpunctate, shiny. Facemoreorlessconfluentlypunctate, subshiny. Fronswithtransversesubstriolation, vertexandocciputhairpunctate, shiny (Fig. 460).

Mesosomainlateralview 1.2 timesaslongashigh, scabrous-rugose, mesoscutum unevenandpostero-mediallyscabrous. Scutellumrugose (cf. Fig. 372 View Figs 357–373 ). Transversecarina ofpropodeumwithfoursmalldenticules (Fig. 463), horizontalpartofpropodeummedial- Figs 456–469. 456–458. Micrchelonus townsendi ( Viereck, 1912) (f): 456 = ultimate six flagellomeres, 457 = carapaceindorsalviewwithindicationofitssculpture, 458 = apicalforamen ofcarapace. 459–469. Microchelonustuberulus sp. n. (f, holotype): 459 = ultimatefourflagellomeres, 460 = headindorsalviewwithindicationofitssculpture, 461 = headinlateral viewwithindicationofitssculpture, 462 = clypeus, 463 = propodealcarinaindorsalview, 464 = hindfemur, 465 = distalpartofrightforewing, 466 = carapaceindorsalviewwith indicationofitssculpture, 467 = carapaceinlateralview, 468 = posteriorthirdofcarapace inlateralview, 469 = posteriorthirdofcarapaceinventralview.

lywithawideoval-shapedareola (cf. Fig. 103). Hindfemursomewhatthick, 3.1 timesaslong asbroadmedially (Fig. 464). Hindbasitarsusalmostaslongastarsomeres 2–4 combined.

Forewingshorterthanbody (2.7 mmlong). Pterostigmawide, 2.1 timesaslongas wide and issuing r distally from its middle, 3–SR twice as long as r, SR1 straight, 1–R1 as longaspterostigma (Fig. 465 seearrows).

Carapaceindorsalviewsomewhatbelly, 1.8 timesaslongasbroadposteriorly, lon- gitudinallystriatedwithweaktransverse (sub)striolation, striolationwithoutanastomoses; posteriorly (beyondyellowcolour) withweakeningstriolation, apically (i.e. itsdeclivous part) polishedandherewithatubercule (Fig. 466). Carapaceinlateralviewfourtimes aslongashighposteriorly, apicallywithatubercule (Fig. 467 seearrows, 468). Carapace apico-ventrallyslightlyincurved (Fig. 469).

Groundcolourofbodyblack. Scape, pedicelandflagellomeres 1–4 yellow, flagellom- eres 3–4 darkeningbrownish, restofflagellumbrownishblack. Palpibrown. Tegulablack. Anteriorhalfofcarapacestrawyellow. Legsyellow, hindtibiaapicallybrownish. Wings subhyaline, pterostigmabrown, veinsyellowtobrownish.


Distribution – Costa Rica.

Taxonomic position – The new species, Microchelonus tuberulus , is close to M. latistigma sp. n. viewingtheircommontraits: pterostigmawide: 2.1–2.2 timesaslongaswide (Figs 296, 465), templeindorsalviewreceded (Figs 290, 460), penultimateflagellomeresomewhatlongerthanbroad (Fig. 459) and legsyellow; theirdistinctionispresentedasfollows:

1 (2) Carapaceapicallywithouttubercule, itshindenddeclivous (Fig. 298). Forewing: 1–R1 0.6 timesaslongaspterostigma (Fig. 296). Hindfe- mur 3.5 timesaslongasbroad (Fig. 294). Antennablack, flagellomeres 3–4 with straw yellow ring. f: 2.6 mm. – Costa Rica M. latistigma sp. n.

2 (1) Carapaceapicallywithtubercule (Figs 467, 468). Forewing: 1–R1 aslong aspterostigma (Fig. 465). Hindfemur 3.1 timesaslongasbroad (Fig. 464). Proximalhalfofantennayellow, restofflagellumbrownishblack. f: 3.1 mm. – Costa Rica M. tuberulus sp. n.

Inthekeytothefemale Microchelonus species M. tuberulus runsto M. polites sp. n., see couplets 10 (13) – 12 (11).













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