Microchelonus projectus, Papp, Jenő, 2016

Papp, Jenő, 2016, First Survey Of The Neotropical Species Of Microchelonus Szépligeti With Descriptions Of Twenty-Five New Species (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Cheloninae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 62 (3), pp. 217-344 : 293-294

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.17109/AZH.

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Microchelonus projectus

sp. nov.

Microchelonus projectus sp. n.

( Figs 368–377 View Figs 357–373 View Figs 374–384 )

Materialexamined (1 f + 1 m) – Femaleholotype: Honduras, Yoro, PalodeComba , 15˚11’N / 87˚39’W, takenwithMalaisetrapinmid-elevationsecondaryforest, 31 August 1995, leg. R. Cave. Onemaleparatype: Honduras, Atlantida, LancetillaTela, 15˚43’N / 87˚27’W, takenwithMalaisetrapinlowlandforest, 31 August 1995, leg. R. Cave .

Types condition – Holotype is in good condition: (1) glued on card point by the right sideofmesosomaandcarapace, (2) rightmiddleleglessvisibleowingtothemounting. Oneparatypeisinfairlygoodcondition: (1) gluedoncardpointbytherightsideofmesosoma, (2) righthindleglessvisibleowingtothemounting, (3) leftantennamissing.

Type depositories – Holotype is deposited in ZMLU and paratype in HNHM, Hym. Typ. No. 12243.

Etymology – Thenewspeciesnamereferstotheexcessive (= projectus) richnessin speciesofthegenus Microchelonus .

Description of the female holotype – Body 3.3 mm long. Antenna nearly as long as body (3 mmlong), with 16 antennomeres. Scapeinlateralviewthriceaslongasbroad, flagellomereslong, firstflagellomerethriceandpenultimateflagellomere 2.5 timesaslongas broad ( Fig. 368 View Figs 357–373 ). – Headindorsalviewtransverse, twice (60:31) asbroadaslong, eye 1.5 timeslongerthantemple, templerounded ( Fig. 369 View Figs 357–373 ). POLaslongasOOL (9:10). Eyein lateralviewtwiceashighaswide, genabeyondeyelessbroadeningventrallyand 1.2 times aswideaseye, substriolateandsubshiny ( Fig. 370 View Figs 357–373 ). Clypeustwiceaswidebelowashigh medially, lowermarginofclypeusconvex ( Fig. 371 View Figs 357–373 ), withconfluentpunctation, subshiny todull. Faceandvertexdenselyrugulose, occiputtransverselysubstriolate ( Fig. 369 View Figs 357–373 ).

Mesosomainlateralview 1.5 timesaslongashigh, scabrous, notaulixdistinct, lateral lobeofmesoscutumdenselyrugulose. Scutellumrugose ( Fig. 372 View Figs 357–373 ). Hindfemurthick, 2.6 timesaslongasbroadmedially, hindtibiadistallylessbroadthanfemur (14:19, Fig. 375 seearrows View Figs 374–384 ). Hindbasitarsusaslongastarsomeres 2–4 andhalfof 5thtarsomerecombined.

Forewingshorterthanboidy (2.6 mmlong). Pterostigma 2.3 timesaslongaswide, issuing r fromitsmiddle, r twiceaslongas 3–SR, 1–R1 0.7 timesaslongaspterostigma, SR1 bentinwardly ( Fig. 374 seearrows View Figs 374–384 ).

Carapaceindorsalview 1.9 timesaslongasbroadposteriorly, antero-posteriorly striate, scabroustorugose, apicallyrounded ( Fig. 376 View Figs 374–384 ). Carapaceinlateralview 2.7 times aslongashighposteriorly, apicallyrounded ( Fig. 373 seearrows View Figs 357–373 ). Carapaceapico-ventrallyincurved, ventralcavityofcarapacenearlyaslongascarapaceitself ( Fig. 37 seearrow View Figs 32–45 ). Ovipositorsheathshort, concealed.

Bodyblack. Scape, pedicelandflagellomeres 1–2(–3) yellowtoyellowish, restoffla- gellumdarkeninggreyish–brownish, ventrallyratherochre. Palpistrawyellow. Tegula lightbrownish, parategulayellow. Forelegyellow, coxabasallybrownish. Middlelegyellow, coxaanddistalendoftibiabrownish. Hindlegyellow, coxablack, femurdarkbrown, tibiaapicallyblackish. Everytarsuspaleyellow, distallyfaintlybrownish.Wingshyaline, pterostigmabrown, veinsyellowtolightbrownishtoblackish.

Description of the male paratype – Similar to the female holotype. Body 3.7 mm long. Antennaaslongashead, mesosomaandhalfofcarapacecombined, with 22 antennomeres. Penultimateflagellomere 1.6 timesaslongasbroad. Forewing: pterostigmawide, twiceas longaswide, issuing r justdistallyfromitsmiddle. Carapaceindorsalviewtwiceaslong asbroadposteriorly ( Fig. 376 View Figs 374–384 ). Apicalforamenofcarapacewideoval, 2.5 timesaswideas high. Legsyellow, hindfemurentirelyandhindtibiaapicallyfaintlybrownish.

Distribution – Honduras.

Taxonomic position – The new species, Microchelonus projectus , runs to M. cephalanthi (McComb) withthehelpofthekeytotheNearcticspeciesof Microchelonus ( McComb 1968) , theamplifieddifferentationofthetwospeciesis asfollows (maleof M. cephalanthi unknown):

1 (2) Penultimatethreeflagellomereslong, (almost) threetimesaslongas broad ( Fig. 368 View Figs 357–373 ). Forewing: pterostigma 1.25 timeslongerthan 1–R1, r twiceaslongas 3–SR ( Fig. 374 seearrows View Figs 374–384 ). Carapaceblack. f: 3.3 mm. – Honduras M. projectus sp. n.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Lunds Universitet, Zoologiska Institutionen


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)













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