Microchelonus jamaicus, Papp, Jenő, 2016

Papp, Jenő, 2016, First Survey Of The Neotropical Species Of Microchelonus Szépligeti With Descriptions Of Twenty-Five New Species (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Cheloninae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 62 (3), pp. 217-344 : 266-268

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.17109/AZH.

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Microchelonus jamaicus

sp. nov.

Microchelonus jamaicus sp. n.

(Figs 254–262)

Materialexamined – Maleholotype : Jamaica, HardwarGapatFairyGaldesTrail, 135 ma.s.l., 9 June 1989, leg. M. SörenssonetB. Martensson. – Holotypeisingoodcondition: (1) gluedoncarppointbytheleftsideofmesosomaandcarapace, (2) leftantennadeficient: withnineantennomeres (i.e. 14 distalflagellomeresmissing), (3) rightmiddlelegglued separately (intwoparts). HolotypeisdepositedinZMLU .

Etymology – Thenewspeciesreceivedthecountryname (”jamaicus”) whereitswas collected.

Description of the male holotype – Body 3.2 mm long. Right antenna nearly as long as bodyandwith 23 antennomeres. Firstflagellomerethrice (25:7) andpenultimateflagellomere 2.5 timesaslongasbroad. – Headindorsalviewtransverse, twiceasbroadaslong, eyealmosttwicelongerthantemple, templerounded (Fig. 254). OOLone- thirdlonger thanPOL. Eyeinlateralview 1.9 timesashighaswide, genabeyondeyenotbroadening ventrallyandslightlylesswide (15:17) thaneye, substriolate (cf. Fig. 236). Clypeussubquadrate: 1.4 timesaslongbelowashighmedially, itslowermarginconvex, transversely anddenselyrugulose, dull (Fig. 255). Malarspaceaslongasbasalwidthofmandible. Face 1.6 timesaswideashigh, transversely-denselyrugulose. Vertexandocciputrathertransverselysubstriolate, dull (Fig. 254).

Mesosomainlateralview 1.6 timesaslongashigh, scabrous. Notaulixfaintlydistinct. Mesoscutumfinelypunctateandsubshiny, scutellumbasallysubrugulose, otherwise haipunctate, shiny (Fig. 257). Fourdenticulesofpropodealcarinaweaklyprominent (cf. Fig. 220). Hindfemur 3.5 timesaslongasbroadmedially (Fig. 258). Hindbasitarsusaslong astarsomeres 2-4 combined.

Forewingshorterthanbody, 2.7 mmlong. Pterostigma 2.3 timesaslongaswide, issuing r proximallyfromitsmiddle, r aslongas 3–SR, SR1 straight, 1–R1 halfaslongas pterostigma (Fig. 256 seearrows).

Carapaceindorsalview 2.2 timesaslongasbroadposteriorly, moreorlessparallelstriatedanteriorly, rugulosetosubruguloseposteriorly, apicallyconicule- shaped (Fig. 259). Carapaceinlateralview 3.2 timesaslongashighposteriorly, apicallytruncate (Fig. 260). Apicalforamenofcarapacewide, 2.7 timeswiderthanhighlaterally (Fig. 261). Apical-ventralincurvedpartofcarapaceshort, aslongashindsecondtarsomere (Fig. 262).

Bodyblack, scapeyellow, pedicelyellowwithbrownishsuffusion, flagellumblack. Palpipaleyellow. Teguladarkbrown, parategulabrown. Foreandmiddlelegsyellow. Hindleg: coxablack, trochantersandbaseoffemuryellow, restoffemurbrown, tibia + tarsusblackish, tarsomeresventrallyyellowish. Wingshyaline, marginalcellbrownish fumous. Pterostigmabrown, veinsfeeblylightbrown.


Distribution – Jamaica.

Taxonomic position – The new species, Microchelonus jamaicus , is closest to M. amelot sp. n. consideringtheircommonfeatures: scutellumsmoothwith hairpunctation (Fig 257) orpunctures (Fig. 13), 1–R1 halfaslongaspterostigma (Figs 16, 256) andcoxae 1–2 yellow; thedistinctivetraitsofthetwospecies arekeyed:

1 (2) Templeindorsalviewrounded, eyealmosttwicelongerthantemple, vertexandocciputrathertransverselysubstriolate (Fig. 254). Forewing: pterostigmaissuing r proximallyfromitsmiddle (Fig. 256). Genainlat- eralviewnotbroadeningventrallyandslightlylesswidethaneye (cf. Fig. 236). Carapacelessstronglystriated (Fig. 259). Palpipaleyellow. m: 3.2 mm. – Jamaica M. jamaicus sp. n.

2 (1) Templeindorsalviewreceded, eyetwiceaslongastemple, vertexand occiputrugose (Fig. 10). Forewing: pterostigmaissuing r distallyfrom itsmiddle (Fig. 16). Genainlateralviewbroadeningventrallyandslightlywiderthaneye (Fig. 12 seearrows). Carapacestronglystriated (Fig. 17). Palpi light brownish. f: 3.3 mm. – Costa Rica M. amelot sp. n.

Thenewspeciesissimilartofemale M. projectus sp. n. consideringtheir longantenna: flagellomeres 2.5–3 timeslongerthanbroad, carapaceindorsal viewmoderatelybroadeningposteriorly (Figs 259, 376), blackcorporalcolour andyellowforeandmiddlelegs; thetwospeciesdifferfromeachotheras follows:

1 (2) Ocelli: OOLone- thirdlongerthanPOL, indorsalviewtemplerounded (Fig. 254). Forewing: pterostigmaissuing r proximallyfromitsmiddle, 1–R1 0.5 timesaslongaspterostigma (Fig. 256). Scutellumhairpunctate, smooth and shiny (Fig. 257). m: 3.2 mm. – Jamaica M. jamaicus sp. n.

2 (1) Ocelli: OOLaslongasPOL, indorsalviewtemplemoderatelyrounded ( Fig. 369 View Figs 357–373 ). Fore wing: pterostigma issuing r from its middle, 1–R1 0.8 timesaslongaspterostigma ( Fig. 374 View Figs 374–384 ). Scutellumrugose ( Fig. 372 View Figs 357–373 ). f: 3.3 mm. – Honduras M. projectus sp. n.

Inthekeytothemale Microchelonus species M. jamaicus sp. n. runsto M. hebes sp. n. and to M. refluus Papp , see couplets 14 (13) – 16 (15).













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