Metaleptobasis guillermoi, Ellenrieder, 2013

Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2013, <p> <strong> A revision of <em> Metaleptobasis </ em> Calvert (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) with seven synonymies and the description of eighteen new species from South America </ strong> </ p>, Zootaxa 3738 (1), pp. 1-155 : 42-44

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Metaleptobasis guillermoi

sp. nov.

Metaleptobasis guillermoi View in CoL new species

Figs. 1l View FIGURE 1 ; 3l View FIGURE 3 ; 4l View FIGURE 4 ; 5l View FIGURE 5 ; 8l View FIGURE 8 ; 9l View FIGURE 9 ; 10l View FIGURE 10 ; 11l View FIGURE 11 ; 12l View FIGURE 12 ; 14g

Etymology. I name this species guillermoi (noun in the genitive case) after my dear father, who instilled in me the love and respect for nature, always supported my interests and studies, and accompanied me into the field on many odonate quests.

Types. ( all *)— Holotype ♂: PERU, Loreto Dep., Yarinacocha, temporary forest stream (8°17'S, 74°37'W, 145 m), 2 vi 1972, D.L. Pearson leg. [ FSCA]; 1 ♀ (an) paratype: same data as holotype but forest trail, 10 vi 1972 [ DRP]; 1 ♀ (he) paratype: same data as holotype but forest trail, 24 vi 1972 [ DRP]; 1 ♂ paratype: PERU, Huánuco Dep., Biological Station Panguana, Río Yuyapichis , right tributary of Río Pachitea (9°37'S, 74°57'W, 220 m), 28 ix/ 18 x 2000, E.-G. Burmeister, E. Diller, T. Kothe & W. Schlang leg. [ ZSM]. GoogleMaps

Specimens examined. 2 ♂, 2 ♀.

Description of male holotype. Labium and rear of head pale yellow; base of mandible pale bluish yellow; labrum yellow with dark brown line along latero-basal margin; gena pale yellowish blue with a brown spot to the side of antefrons; anteclypeus dark brown with a medial yellow diffuse spot; postclypeus distal half black, basal half brown; antefrons pale yellowish blue; postfrons and epicranium black with metallic green reflections and orange pale spots and stripes as depicted in Fig. 1l i View FIGURE 1 ; postocular lobes posterior to vertex orange; eyes brown, color in life unknown; postocular lobes rounded. Thorax. Color as described for genus, with mid-dorsal dark stripe on pterothorax black with metallic green reflections, wider than inter-laminal sinus, maximum width at 0.25 of pterothoracic length of slightly more than 0.50 of mesanepisterna width, slightly narrowing posteriorly, extended along sides of antealar sinus ( Fig. 3l i View FIGURE 3 ). Legs missing distal to coxae. Pronotum anterior lobe ( Figs. 4l i View FIGURE 4 ; 5l i View FIGURE 5 ) smooth; anterior and middle lobes of pronotum separated dorso-laterally by a groove; anterior area of propleuron with a pronounced rounded tubercle (t.); dorsum of middle lobe of pronotum with an antero-lateral laminar ear-like lobe (e-l.) on each side, about as wide as long, of rounded contour and with antero-dorsal surface concave; pronotum posterior lobe entire, smoothly convex, narrowing to sides and ending on free and acutely angled lateral corners. Mesanepisternal horns about as long as 1.2 times mesostigmal plate width, of medium thickness, cylindrical, slightly diverging from each other in posterior view, directed antero-dorsally at an angle of 45° with dorsum in lateral view, ending on rounded tips, with bases separated. Wings hyaline, veins reddish brown; Pt squarish, with posterior side slightly longer than anterior side, anterior and distal sides about equal, and membrane pale brown margined by pale yellow; 13 pnx in Fw and Hw. Abdomen. Postmortem background color pale yellow on S1–10; S1 with a reddish brown dorso-posterior spot and ventral carina of lateral tergum margined with black; S2–7 with dark reddish-brown dorsum, with a basal pale incomplete ring at anterior edge interrupted by dorso-longitudinal dark line, and with a small diffuse pale transverse spot near posterior margin on each side on S2, on S3–6 dark dorsal color posterior to pale transverse spot extended ventrally along sides of lateral terga; dorsum of S8 dark reddish brown along basal 0.75, gradually turning into pale orange brown distally; dorsum of S9 dark reddish brown along basal 0.50, gradually turning into pale orange brown distally; S10 pale orange brown; caudal appendages pale orange brown with reddish brown distal portion and black apex. Genital lobe short, less than 0.50 of anterior hamule height, smoothly curved; posterior hamule laminar and large, clearly surpassing ventral margin of genital fossa but shorter than anterior hamule in lateral view, sickle-shaped, smoothly curved anteriorly, of uniform width and ending on a rounded tip; curvature of basal segment of genital ligula marked by a deep concave depression, followed by a prominent convex protuberance; genital ligula distal segment sub-rectangular, with ratio maximum width/length of 0.72, with a sub-apical constriction and latero-distal corners extended latero-entally, apex transverse with a narrow ectal fold (e-f., Fig. 8l View FIGURE 8 ). Medial portion of S10 postero-dorsal margin ( Figs. 10l View FIGURE 10 ; 11l View FIGURE 11 ; 12l View FIGURE 12 ) projected posteriorly, lacking a medial incision, with a dorsal prominence represented by an entire transverse subapical swelling. Cercus sub-cylindrical, slightly narrowing distally in lateral view, with a longitudinal medial concavity, in dorsal view medial 0.50 about straight, with tip angled medially at about 45°, wider than medial third of cercus, ending on single point directed medio-ventrally; ratio of cercus length to S10 maximum length in lateral view 1.4; ratio of cercus length to paraproct length in lateral view 1; paraproct in lateral view about straight, gradually narrowing distally, sub-cylindrical at base and slightly depressed dorso-ventrally distally, with tip curved medially, with a distal carina with a tooth on each end, dorsal and ventral (te., Figs. 10l View FIGURE 10 ; 11l View FIGURE 11 ).

Dimensions. Hw 21.1; abdomen 43; total length 51.1.

Female paratype (same data as holotype, an). Head. As in holotype but labium and rear of head ivory; pale color of base of mandible, and antefrons pale yellow; anteclypeus pale yellow with a pair of medio-lateral brown diffuse spots; postclypeus pale yellow with about distal half black; pattern of epicranium as in Fig. 1l View FIGURE 1 ii.— Thorax. As in holotype but mid-dorsal stripe of pterothorax ( Fig. 3l View FIGURE 3 ii) with metallic bluish-green reflections; mesanepisternal horns ( Figs. 4l View FIGURE 4 ii; 5l ii) about parallel to each other and converging at tips in posterior view; legs with black spurs and apical 0.25 of pretarsus reddish brown; Pt pale yellow margined with white.— Abdomen. Color pattern as in holotype but medio-longitudinal sternal carina on S2–8 narrowly brown; posterior margin of S8 sternum with 5 small denticles ( Fig. 9l View FIGURE 9 ); ovipositor slightly surpassing level of tip of cercus; caudal appendages pale orange brown; ovipositor external valves pale yellow, stylus reddish brown.

Variation in paratypes. Male paratype as holotype; heteromorphic female paratype as andromorphic female paratype but with lateral corners of posterior lobe of pronotum projected antero-dorsally, and mesanepisternal horns represented by low rounded protubernaces ( Figs. 4l View FIGURE 4 iii; 5l iii).

Dimensions. Males (n 2, including holotype): Hw 25.3 ± 0.4 [25–25.6] (S8–10 missing in paratype). Females (n 2): Hw 26.5 ± 0.5 [26.1–26.8]; abdomen 41.8 ± 1.2 [40.9–42.6]; total length 49.8 ± 1.5 [48.7–50.8].

Diagnosis. Metaleptobasis guillermoi is the only species in the genus bearing ear-like lobes (e-l.) on anterior portion of middle lobe of pronotum which are oriented dorso-ventrally with antero-dorsal surface concave ( Figs. 4l View FIGURE 4 ; 5l View FIGURE 5 ). In males and females of M. amazonica , M. falcifera , M. orthogonia , M. peltata , and M. tridentigera , and in females of M. mauffrayi , middle lobe of pronotum also has anterior ear-like lobes, but they are oriented antero-posteriorly, and are digit-shaped or tongue-shaped with posterior surface concave ( Figs. 4a, g, t, w View FIGURE 4 , ac; 5a, g, t, w, ac). Among the species with large laminar male posterior hamule clearly surpassing ventral margin of genital fossa in lateral view and with posterior margin of female S8 sternum with denticles, spines, or processes, it shares male posterior hamule shorter than anterior hamule only with M. gibbosa , M. gabrielae , and M. panguanae , and female S8 sternum with denticles or small spines only with M. gibbosa and M. mauffrayi . Male differs further from M. gabrielae , M. gibbosa , and M. panguanae by paraproct tip with a medio-distal carina with two teeth, dorsal and ventral (te., Figs. 10l View FIGURE 10 ; 11l View FIGURE 11 ; vs. paraproct ending on a single ventral tooth, s.t., Figs. 10j–k, v View FIGURE 10 ; 11j–k, v View FIGURE 11 ), and female differs further from M. gibbosa by lateral margin of anterior lobe of pronotum not projected ventrally ( Figs. 4l View FIGURE 4 ii; 5l ii; vs. with lateral margin projected ventrally forming a denticulated ridge, d.r., Figs. 4k View FIGURE 4 ii; 5k ii).

One of the two known females is andromorphic, the other heteromorphic, differing from male in shape of both pronotal hind lobe and of mesanepisternal horns.

Habitat. Forest trails, temporary streams, and rivers.

Distribution. Loreto and Huánuco Dep. in Peru ( Fig. 14g).


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


Bavarian State Collection of Zoology

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