Mesiotelus confusus Zamani, Fomichev, Naumova & Marusik, 2024

Zamani, Alireza, Fomichev, Alexander A., Naumova, Maria, Kaya, Rahşen S. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New taxonomic and faunistic data on Liocranidae (Arachnida: Araneae) of West Palaearctic), with nine new species of Mesiotelus Simon, 1897, Zootaxa 5519 (2), pp. 190-214 : 196-197

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5519.2.2

publication LSID


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scientific name

Mesiotelus confusus Zamani, Fomichev, Naumova & Marusik

sp. nov.

Mesiotelus confusus Zamani, Fomichev, Naumova & Marusik , sp. nov.

Figs 5, 6 View FIGURES 1–6 , 17–19 View FIGURES 17–21 , 46–48 View FIGURES 43–51

Mesiotelus cyprius scopensis View in CoL : Hadjissarantos 1940: 96, fig. 32a‒b (♂); Lazarov 2009: 34, figs 6‒10 (♂ ♀).

Mesiotelus skopensis : Bosmans et al. 2009: 34, figs 29‒33 (♂ ♀, lapsus).

Mesiotelus scopensis View in CoL : Elverici et al. 2013: 306 View Cited Treatment , figs 6‒11 (♂ ♀); Naumova 2020: 4, figs 4‒5 (♀); Zamani & Marusik 2021: 560, fig. 5F‒G (♀); Coşar et al. 2023: 11, figs 12‒16 (♀); Tutar & Yağmur 2023: 208, fig. 13A‒D (♂ ♀); Demircan Aksan 2023: 1432, fig. 2A‒B (♀); Bosmans 2023: 34, figs 9C, H, 10C (♂ ♀).

Type material. Holotype ♂ ( ZMUT), TÜRKIYE: Kayseri Prov.: nr. Develi Dist. , 38°21'41"N, 35°28'56"E, 1274 m, among vegetation on rocky slope, 18.IX.2010 (leg. Y.M. Marusik). GoogleMaps

Paratypes: 8♂ 6♀ ( ZMUT), same data as for the holotype GoogleMaps ; 1♀ ( ZMUT), Antalya Prov.: Alanya Dist., rd. of Elikesik Vil. , 36°33'55.6"N, 31°55'30.3"E, 24 m, maquis on southern exposed slope, 8.I.2013 (leg. Y.M. Marusik) GoogleMaps ; 1♂ 1♀ ( ZMUT), Alanya Dist., Asmaca Vil. , 36°36'32.3"N, 32°03'12.4"E, 686 m, 3.I.2013 (leg. Y.M. Marusik) GoogleMaps ; 1♀ ( ZMUT), Hatay Prov.: İskenderun, Orhangazi , 36°37'18.0"N, 36°14'07.3"E, 4.V.2008 GoogleMaps ; 1♀ ( ZMUT), İzmir Prov.: Kemalpaşa Dist., Vişneli Vil. , Fetrek Cave , 38°20'46.6"N, 27°25'16.3"E, 311 m, 5.VI.2009 (leg. Y.M. Marusik) GoogleMaps ; 1♂ 1♀ ( ZMUT), Kahramanmaraş Prov.: Türkoğlu Dist., Yeşilyurt Vil. , 37°14'21.7"N, 36°45'23.7"E, 11.III.2008 GoogleMaps ; 1♂ ( ZMUT), Onikişubat Dist., Döngel Vil., Döngel Caves , 37°51'32.8"N, 36°38'28.4"E, 30.V.2008 GoogleMaps ; 1♀ ( IBER), BULGARIA: Kardzhali Prov.: Eastern Rhodopes Mts. , 41°37'36.5"N, 25°32'10.0"E, 365 m, 14.V.2019 (leg. M. Naumova) GoogleMaps .

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the confusing history of this species and the fact that it has been repeatedly misidentified as M. scopensis .

Diagnosis. The male of the new species differs from that of M. scopensis , with which it was previously confused, by having a subtriangular tibial apophysis (vs. with parallel sides) (cf. Figs 18 View FIGURES 17–21 and 24 View FIGURES 22–28 ), a thinner sperm duct (Sd) (cf. Figs 19 View FIGURES 17–21 and 23 View FIGURES 22–28 ), a relatively shorter palpal tibia (cf. Figs 17 and 20 View FIGURES 17–21 ), and the apparent absence of a prolateral tegular process (vs. distinctly present). The epigyne of M. confusus sp. nov. differs from that of M. scopensis by having digitiform copulatory ducts (vs. indistinct), and curved lateral margins (Lm) (vs. straight) (cf. Figs 46–48 View FIGURES 43–51 and Zamani & Marusik 2021b: fig. 5A–E).

Description. Male (holotype). Habitus as in Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1–6 . Total length 4.00. Carapace 1.85 long, 1.47 wide. Eye sizes: AME 0.08, ALE 0.11, PME 0.10, PLE 0.09. Carapace light brown, relatively densely coated with dark short setae. Chelicerae and labium brown. Maxillae light brown. Sternum pale yellow. Legs yellowish-brown. Abdomen and spinnerets dark grey, abdomen lighter ventrally. Ventral paired tibial spines: I, II: 2p, III, IV: 3p. Measurements of legs: I: 7.01 (1.64, 0.96, 1.81, 1.57, 1.03), II: 6.26 (1.75, 0.92, 1.48, 1.37, 0.74), III: 5.72 (1.57, 0.76, 1.21, 1.49, 0.69), IV: 8.65 (2.28, 0.88, 2.13, 2.38, 0.98).

Palp as in Figs 17–19 View FIGURES 17–21 ; femur almost as long as patella+tibia; patella longer and thicker than tibia; tibia ca. 3 times long than wide, RTA slightly longer than tibia wide, dorsal margin straight, basal half of ventral margin subparallel to dorsal one, distal part triangular; cymbium 2 times longer than wide; bulb suboval, ca. 1.7 times longer than wide; sperm duct thin, as wide as proximal width of tegular apophysis; prolateral process indistinct.

Female. Habitus as in Fig. 6 View FIGURES 1–6 . Total length 5.65. Carapace 2.00 long, 1.67 wide. Eye sizes: AME: 0.10, ALE: 0.12, PME: 0.09, PLE: 0.11. Coloration as in male. Paired ventral tibial spines: I, II: 2p; III, IV: 3p. Measurements of legs: I: 6.87 (1.94, 1.04, 1.63, 1.34, 0.92), II: 5.93 (1.66, 0.90, 1.40, 1.19, 0.78), III: 5.45 (1.48, 0.76, 1.18, 1.33, 0.70), IV: 8.24 (2.17, 0.95, 2.02, 2.18, 0.92).

Epigyne as in Figs 46–48 View FIGURES 43–51 ; epigynal plate 1.5 times longer than wide; fovea 2 times longer than its maximal width; anterior hood slightly wider than long; lateral margins roundly bent; copulatory duct short and thin; receptacles (Re) oval, 1.3 times longer than wide, spaced almost by their width.

Comments. Mesiotelus cyprius scopensis Drensky, 1935 was described based on female specimens collected in the surroundings of Skopje, North Macedonia ( Drensky 1935). Hadjissarantos (1940) described and illustrated what they considered the conspecific male from Attica, Greece. Bosmans et al. (2009) elevated this subspecies to full species status and illustrated specimens of both sexes, which they had identified following Hadjissarantos (1940). While the male palp illustrated by Bosmans et al. (2009) matches that illustrated by Hadjissarantos (1940), the epigyne differs significantly from the one illustrated by Drensky (1935), a point even noted by Bosmans et al. (2009). Therefore, it can be concluded that the male illustrated by Hadjissarantos (1940) is not conspecific with the female described by Drensky (1935). Hadjissarantos’ error led to a cascade of misidentifications by subsequent researchers. Consequently, all previous records of M. scopensis from Bulgaria, Greece, and Türkiye in fact belong to M. confusus sp. nov., as they were all identified based on the illustrations provided by Hadjissarantos (1940) and Bosmans et al. (2009).

Distribution. Bulgaria, Greece, and Türkiye ( Fig. 75 View FIGURE 75 ).


University of Tokyo, Department of Zoology














Mesiotelus confusus Zamani, Fomichev, Naumova & Marusik

Zamani, Alireza, Fomichev, Alexander A., Naumova, Maria, Kaya, Rahşen S. & Marusik, Yuri M. 2024

Mesiotelus scopensis

Naumova, M. 2020: 4
Elverici, M. & Ozkutuk, R. S. & Kunt, K. B. 2013: 306

Mesiotelus skopensis

Bosmans, R. & Baert, L. & Bosselaers, J. & De Koninck, H. & Maelfait, J. - P. & Van Keer, J. 2009: 34

Mesiotelus cyprius scopensis

Lazarov, S. 2009: 34
Hadjissarantos, H. 1940: 96
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