Margarosmilia? gemminata Beauvais, 1986

Vasseur, Raphaël & Lathuilière, Bernard, 2021, Pliensbachian corals from the Western Tethys, Geodiversitas 43 (22), pp. 1187-1291 : 1242-1244

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Felipe (2021-12-07 15:16:31, last updated 2025-03-03 17:40:05)

scientific name

Margarosmilia? gemminata Beauvais, 1986


Margarosmilia? gemminata Beauvais, 1986 View in CoL

( Fig. 37 View FIG )

Margarosmilia View in CoL ? gemminata Beauvais, 1986: 27, pl. 6, fig. 3, and txt-fig. 17-18.

Margarosmilia View in CoL ? gemminata – Vasseur 2018: 234-235, fig. 3.53.

TYPE MATERIAL. — Holotype: MNHN.F.R11617, Beauvais 1986: 28, pl. 6, fig. 3 and txt-fig. 17-18. TYPE HORIZON. — Domerian ( Upper Pliensbachian ).

TYPE LOCALITY. — Beni Tadjit (Bou Dahar), Morocco. STUDIED SAMPLE. — Holotype MNHN.F.R11617. GEOGRAPHIC AND STRATIGRAPHIC RANGES. — Pliensbachian of Jebel Bou Dahar ( Morocco).

DESCRIPTION (modified after Beauvais 1986)

Subdendroid corallum in the form of a cylinder holding three short branches that seem to have grown by parricidal intracalicular budding. One single corallite is well developed, the two others are abortive. The bigger corallite is subcylindrical as the parent-corallite and hold a deep infundibuliform calice with sharp calicular edges. The parent-corallite is covered by a thick wrinkled epitheca s.l., which is not the case for the offspring-corallites. The calicular fossa is small, deep, slightly elongated. Radial elements are compact, free, straight costosepta with a fusiform elongated shape in transverse section. The distal edge is smooth or finely granulated and the lateral faces hold thin granulae. No columella. Wall probably present, of undefined nature.

Calicular diameter: 9 to 26 mm – Number of septa: approximately 102 for the bigger of the 3 rejuvenescent calices – Septal density: 5 per 2 mm.


We keep this species with doubt under the genus Margarosmilia , given that polished or thin sections would be necessary to exclude the possibility of a reallocation to the genus Coryphyllia Cuif, 1975 into the family of the Coryphylliidae .

BEAUVAIS L. 1986. - Monographie des madreporaires du Jurassique inferieur du Maroc. Palaeontographica Abteilung A 194: 1 - 68.

CUIF J. P. 1975. - Caracteres morphologiques, microstructuraux et systematiques des Pachythecalidae, nouvelle famille de Madreporaires triasiques. Geobios 8: 157 - 180. https: // doi. org / 10.1016 / S 0016 - 6995 (75) 80035 - 0

VASSEUR R. 2018. - Extinctions et recouvrements de coraux au cours de la crise Pliensbachien-Toarcien. These de doctorat, Universite de Lorraine, France, 542 p.

Gallery Image

FIG. 37. — Margarosmilia? sp.: A, lateral view of the specimen MNHN.F.R11617; B, distal view of the specimen MNHN.F.R11617; C, lateral view of the major calice, corallum specimen MNHN.F.R11617; D, distal view of the major calice of the specimen MNHN.F.R11617; E, detail of the septal ornamentation of the major calice of the specimen MNHN.F.R11617. Scale bars: A, B, 1 cm; C, 2 mm; D, 4 mm; E, 1 mm.


France, Paris, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle











