Macrostomus maranhensis, Sena & Rafael & Limeira-De-Oliveira, 2024

Sena, Jasmine Déa Nogueira, Rafael, José Albertino & Limeira-De-Oliveira, Francisco, 2024, Four new species and new records of Macrostomus Wiedemann (Diptera: Empididae) from Northern and Northeastern Regions of Brazil, Zootaxa 5492 (1), pp. 25-51 : 27-31

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5492.1.2

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persistent identifier

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scientific name

Macrostomus maranhensis

sp. nov.

Macrostomus maranhensis sp. nov.

( Figs 1–21 View FIGURES 1–5 View FIGURES 6–16 View FIGURES 17–21 )

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the state of Maranhão, where the specimens were collected.

Diagnosis. Thorax predominantly yellow, prescutellar region and scutellum darker, abdomen and postabdomen light brown ( Figs 1, 5 View FIGURES 1–5 ). Tergite 8 subrectangular, anterior and posterior ends slightly emarginated ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 6–16 ). Epandrium without anterodorsal break, posterodorsal lobe with internal triangular projection ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 6–16 ). Posterior cercus vertically elongated and cheliform distally ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 6–16 ). Hypandrium with apex reniform in posterior view ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 6–16 ); ventral surface with developed submedian protuberance, with short setae ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 6–16 ).

Holotype ♂ ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1–5 ). Body length 3.2 mm, wing length 3.15 mm.

Description. Head ( Figs 2, 3 View FIGURES 1–5 ). Narrowly dichoptic. Frons shiny, brown, narrow, slightly narrower than anterior ocellus. Face ventrally narrow, narrower and lighter than frons, brown, sub-shiny. Postcranium shiny, brown, with sparse gray pruinosity. Inner vertical setae same length of ocellar setae, approximately 2.0X longer than outer vertical setae; latter same length of uniserial postocular row of setae. Gena and postgena with 3 and 2 setae, respectively. Antenna velvety brown; with scape and pedicel paler, light brown; pedicel with ring of dark setae distally. Proboscis slightly longer than head height, yellow. Palpus yellow, with 2 long setae, 1 subproximal ventral and 1 distal.

Thorax ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1–5 ). Yellow, prescutellar region and scutellum darker with sparse gray pruinosity. Thoracic chaetotaxy: 3 antepronotals; 2 postpronotals, 1 minute anterior and 1 stout posterior; 3 dorsocentrals, anterior and posterior pairs longer; 1 presutural supra-alar; 2 notopleurals, anterior short and minute, posterior about 2.5X longer and stouter than anterior; 1 postalar stout; 2 proepisternals minute; 2 scutellars, lateral weaker than subdistal; 4 laterotergals, long and distinct.

Legs ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1–5 ). Predominantly yellow; dark yellow to light brown at following points: (i) distal 1 / 8 of hind femur; (ii) distal 1 / 4 of hind tibia and (iii) tarsi, hind slightly darker. Hind tibia increased in diameter distally, with 4 setae, first two shorter and last two long and stout, sometimes subequal in length. Hind tarsus with 1 long and stouter dorsal seta.

Wing ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1–5 ). Almost hyaline, except for costal cell, pterostigma region and distal end of cell r 2+3 and indistinctly apex of cell r 4+5, brown. Veins M 1, M 2 and CuA + CuP evanescent distally. Distal section of M 4 subequal in length to crossvein dm -m. Anal lobe absent. Halter yellow and knob white.

Abdomen ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1–5 ). Light brown, except tergite 1 and proximal margin of tergite 2 yellow. Tergite 8 ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 6–16 ), in dorsal view, subrectangular, wider than long, proximal and distal margins slightly emarginated, distal margin with long and strong setae. Sternite 8 ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 6–16 ), in ventral view, subrectangular, with shallow U-shaped proximal sinuosity, distal margin with long and stouter setae.

Male terminalia. Epandrium ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 6–16 ), in lateral view, subtriangular, without anterodorsal break; anterodorsal lobe short; posterodorsal lobe elongated, thin and longer than anterodorsal lobe, with long and stouter setae and subapical triangular anterior projection. Anterior cercus ( Figs 8, 12 View FIGURES 6–16 ) subrectangular in lateral view, with short and dark setae and acute anterodorsal projection ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 6–16 ). Cercal bridge small, sclerotized in posterior view ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 6–16 ), with convex anterior margin and concave posteriorly ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 6–16 ); cercal bridge with median projection at posterior margin ending with small concavity. Median cercus elongated, slightly sclerotized, with long, stouter setae distally ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 6–16 ). Posterior cercus elongated, cheliform distally ( Figs 8, 10, 13 View FIGURES 6–16 ). Subepandrial sclerite in anterior view narrow, less sclerotized medially ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 6–16 ). Hypandrium ( Figs 14, 15 View FIGURES 6–16 ) with posterior surface with distinct submedian protuberance with short setae; apex of hypandrium reniform in ventral view ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 6–16 ). Ejaculatory apodeme ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 6–16 ) tetralamellar. Phallus ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 6–16 ) narrow, cylindrical with distal end sharply tapered.

Female ( Figs 17–21 View FIGURES 17–21 ). One specimen from same locality, in good condition and with same color pattern as male, is herein associated with male. Terminalia ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 17–21 ) brown, with tergite and sternite 8 subequal in length. Tergite 8 in dorsal view with distinct concave sinus posteriorly; tergite 9+10 with rectangular sinus anteriorly ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 17–21 ). Sternite 8 ( Figs 17, 19 View FIGURES 17–21 ) with distinct cleft before middle; in ventral view ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 17–21 ) less sclerotized at posterior half, ending in thin margin more sclerotized and rounded. Spermatheca spherical ( Fig. 20 View FIGURES 17–21 ). Genital fork ( Fig. 21 View FIGURES 17–21 ) small, Y-shaped with short lateral arms; genital chamber ( Fig. 21 View FIGURES 17–21 ) mainly membranous with wavy median line slightly sclerotized.

Type material. HOLOTYPE ♂ (pinned) deposited at CZMA: Brazil, MA [= Maranhão], Carolina. PARNA. [=Parque Nacional] Chapada das Mesas, Riacho Sucuruiu , 240 m, 07°07'05.6"S- 47°18'31.6"W \ Armadilha MALAISE, 1–10.iv.2014, J.A. Rafael, F. Limeira-de-Oliveira, T.L. Rocha & G.A. Reis, cols [=collectors] \ FLO 5579 GoogleMaps . PARATYPES: idem, 25–, A.L. Costa, M.B. Aguiar-Neto; P.A.M. Moraes cols [=collectors]\ FLO 6630 (1♀, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem, Fazenda Cincorá , Armadilha Luminosa, 22–26.xi.2009 \ F. Limeira-de-Oliveira, J.A. Silva & M.B. Aguiar Neto, cols [=collectors]\ FLO 6631 (1♀, INPA) GoogleMaps ; idem, 10–20.ii.2014 GoogleMaps , idem \ FLO 5509 (pinned, terminalia in microtube) (1♂, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5591 (1♀, MNRJ) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5592 (1♀, MPEG) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5593 (1♀, MNRJ) GoogleMaps ; idem, 10–20.iii.2014, J.A. Rafael, F. Limeira-de-Oliveira, T.L. Rocha & G.A. Reis, cols [=collectors] \ FLO 5510 (pinned, terminalia in microtube) (1♂, MPEG) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5594 (1♀, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem, 1–10.iv.2014, J.A. Rafael, F. Limeira-de-Oliveira, T.L. Rocha & G.A. Reis, cols [=collectors] \ FLO 5580 (1♂, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5581 (1♂, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5582 (1♂, MPEG) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5583 (left antenna and fore legs lost) (1♂, MPEG) GoogleMaps , idem \ FLO 5584 (1♂, MPEG) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 6613 (1♂, INPA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5600 (1♀, INPA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5602 (1♀, INPA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5603 (1♀, MPEG) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5604 (1♀, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 6591 (1♀, INPA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 6592 (1♀, MZUSP) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 6593 (1♀, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem, 10–20.iv.2014 GoogleMaps , idem \ FLO 5585 (1♂, MZUSP) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 6587 (1♂, MZUSP) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 6588 (1♂, INPA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 6589 (1♂, MPEG) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 6590 (1♂, INPA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 6594 (1♂, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 6595 (left wing lost) (1♂, MZUSP) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 6596 (1♀, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 6597 (1♀, MNRJ) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5598 (1♀, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5599 (1♀, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5601 (1♀, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5605 (1♀, INPA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5606 (1♀, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem, Riacho Corrente , 288 mm, 07°04'24.2"S- 47°05'25.2"W \ Armadilha MALAISE, 10–, J.A. Rafael, F. Limeira-de-Oliveira, T.L. Rocha & G.A. Reis, cols [=collectors] \ FLO 5508 (1♂, MZUSP) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5511 (pinned, terminalia in microtube) (1♂, MNRJ) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5586 (1♂, INPA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5587 (1♂, MZUSP) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5588 (1♂, MZUSP) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5589 (left antenna lost) (1♂, INPA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5590 (1♂, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5595 (1♀, MPEG) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5596 (1♀, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5597 (1♀, MPEG) GoogleMaps ; idem, Faz. [=Fazenda] Serra Grande, Armadilha Malaise \ 23–27.ii.2009, F. Limeira-de-Oliveira & A.L. Costa, cols [=collectors]\ FLO 6632 (1♀, MNRJ) GoogleMaps ; idem, Bom Jardim , REBIO-Res. [=Reserva] Biol. [=Biológica] [do] Gurupi \ Armadilha Malaise, 17– 27.i.2010, F. Limeira-de-Oliveira, J.T. Câmara & A.A.T. Sousa \ FLO 6621 (1♀, MNRJ) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 6622 (1♀, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 6623(1♀, MPEG) GoogleMaps ; idem, C. [=Cândido] Mendes , Fazenda 7 Irmãos, 01°52'06"S- 45°45'59.7"W \ Armadilha MALAISE, 15–31.xii.2018, F. Limeira-de-Oliveira, D. Limeira & J.S. Brito, cols [=collectors] \ FLO 3349 (1♂, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem\ FLO 7539 (1♀, MNRJ) GoogleMaps ; idem\ FLO 7540 (1♀, MNRJ) GoogleMaps ; idem\ FLO 7541 (1♀, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem\ FLO 7543 (1♀, MNRJ) GoogleMaps ; idem, 1–15.i.2019 GoogleMaps , idem \ FLO 3351 (head lost) (1♂, MNRJ) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5706 (1♂, MNRJ) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 7534 (1♀, INPA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 7531 (1♀, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 7536 (wing detached) (1♀, MNRJ) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 7538 (1♀, INPA) GoogleMaps ; idem, 15–28.ii.2019 GoogleMaps , idem \ FLO 7537 (1♀, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 7542 (1♀, MNRJ) GoogleMaps ; idem, 1–15.iii.2019, F. Limeira-de-Oliveira, J.S. Brito & F.C.S. Pessoal, cols [=collectors] \ FLO 7526 (1♀, MPEG) GoogleMaps ; idem, 15–31.iii.2019 GoogleMaps , idem \ FLO 7527 (1♀, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem, 1–15.iv.2019, F. Limeira-de-Oliveira, D. Limeira & J.S. Brito, cols [=collectors] \ FLO 5506 (right antenna lost) (1♂, INPA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 7535 (1♀, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem, 1–15.xii.2019 GoogleMaps , idem \ FLO 7530 (1♀, MNRJ) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 7529 (1♀, MNRJ) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 7532 (1♀, INPA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 7533 (1♀, MNRJ) GoogleMaps ; idem, C.[=Centro] N. [=Novo] [do] Maranhão , REBIO-Res. Biol. Gurupi. Trilha 1, 03°37'35.4"S- 46°48'55.8"W \ Armadilha MALAISE (Grande), 1–20.xii.2021, F. Limeira-de-Oliveira & A. Tôrres, cols. [=collectors] / PROTAX\ FLO 5707(1♂, INPA) GoogleMaps ; idem, 10–20.i.2022, F. Limeira-de-Oliveira, A. Tôrres & E.S. Pessoa, cols [=collectors] / PROTAX\ FLO 5709 (head detached) (1♂, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 7528(1♀, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem, 20–31.i.2022 GoogleMaps , idem \ FLO 5710 (1♂, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ Armadilha MALAISE (Pequena), 1–14.ii.2022 GoogleMaps , idem \ FLO 5505 (1♂, MNRJ) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5708 (1♂, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ Armadilha MALAISE (Grande), 15–31.v.2022 GoogleMaps , idem \ FLO 5711 (1♂, MNRJ) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5712 (1♂, MZUSP) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5713 (1♀, MPEG) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5714 (1♀, MNRJ) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5715 (1♀, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5716 (1♀, INPA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5717 (1♀, INPA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5718 (1♀, MNRJ) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5719 (1♀, INPA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 6584 (1♀, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 6585 (1♀, INPA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 6586 (1♀, MNRJ) GoogleMaps ; idem, Mirador , Parque Est. [=Estadual] Mirador , Base da Geraldina, Armadilha luminosa\ 22.ii.–1.iii.2009, M.B. Aguiar-Neto & M. J.A. Holanda, cols [=collectors] \ FLO 6620(1♀, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem, São Pedro da Água Branca , Faz. [=Fazenda] Sta. [=Santa] Rosa, 05°07'07"S- 48°15'19"W \ 6.xii.2001, J.A. Rafael, F.L. Oliveira & J. Vidal, arm. [= Armadilha] Malaise \ FLO 6628 (1♀, MPEG) GoogleMaps ; idem, Vila Nova dos Martírios, Faz. Sta. Rosa , 05°07'07"S- 48°15'19"W \ 6.xii.2001, J.A. Rafael, F.L. Oliveira & J. Vidal, arm. [= Armadilha] Malaise \ FLO 6629 (1♀, MZUSP) GoogleMaps .

Variation. Male (n=10): body length 2.8–3.7 mm, wing length 2.9–3.2 mm. Thorax with 3–4 dorsocentrals setae; hind tibia with 3–4 setae.

Geographical records. BRAZIL (Maranhão).

Seasonal record. From November to June.

Bionomic. Amazon and Cerrado Biomes.

Remarks. This species fit best in the M. amazonensis species-group as described by Rafael & Cumming (2015).

Macrostomus maranhensis sp. nov. keys to couplet 1 and Macrostomus albicaudatus Rafael & Cumming in the key of the Macrostomus amazonensis species-group presented by Rafael & Cumming (2015), except by the brown female terminalia. This species also appears to be related to M. trombetensis Rafael & Cumming based on a similar posterodorsal lobe of the epandrium with a subapical triangular projection anteriorly ( Rafael & Cumming 2015, fig. 39), absent in M. albicaudatus ( Rafael & Cumming 2015, fig. 12). It differs from both species by the tergite 8 slightly concave anteriorly ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 6–16 ) (tergite 8 without concavity in M. albicaudatus and M. trombetensis (see Rafael & Cumming 2015, fig. 11)); posterior cercus symmetrically cheliform ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 6–16 ) (posterior cercus asymmetrically cheliform (see Rafael & Cumming 2015, fig. 12)); hypandrium with short posterior setae ( Figs 14, 15 View FIGURES 6–16 ) (no setae in M. albicaudatus and hypandrium with 2 uniseriated setae in M. trombetensis (see Rafael & Cumming 2015, fig. 41)). Female. Terminalia brown ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 17–21 ) (versus white); sternite 8 entirely widened when seen ventrally ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 17–21 ) (versus narrowed basally (see Rafael & Cumming 2015, figs 16, 43)).

Macrostomus maranhensis sp. nov. was collected in Bom Jardim (January), Cândido Mendes (December to April), Carolina (Februery to April, June and November), Centro Novo do Maranhão (December to Februery and May), Mirador (Februery to March), São Pedro da Água Branca (December) and Vila Nova dos Martírios (December).


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro


Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo













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