Lophomilia posteburna, Sohn & Ronkay, 2011

Sohn, J. - C. & Ronkay, L., 2011, Two New Species Of Lophomilia Warren, 1913 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae, Hypeninae) From Asian Tropics, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 57 (2), pp. 131-137 : 135-137

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Felipe (2024-07-01 20:23:34, last updated 2024-07-01 20:34:00)

scientific name

Lophomilia posteburna

sp. nov.

Lophomilia posteburna sp. n.

( Figs 3–5 View Figs 1–5 , 8–9 View Figs 6–10 )

Type material. Holotype: male, Vietnam, Prov. Lao Cai, Fan-si-pan Mts, 4 km W[est] Cat Cat , 1920 m, 13.III.1998, leg. L. PEREGOVITS & T. VÁSÁRHELYI. Genitalia slide No. RL 7667m. The holotype is deposited in the Hungarian Natural History Museum ( HNHM), Budapest.

Paratypes: 2 males, Prov. Lao Cai, Hoang Lien NP, Tram Ton, forest edge, at light, 1915 m, 22.3493723°N, 103.7704565°E, 8–11.IV.2010, VN 2010 PL GoogleMaps _4, leg. L. PAPP, L. PEREGOVITS & Z. SOLTÉSZ (coll. HNHM).

Diagnosis. The new species is the second known member of the L. violescens species-group. Lophomilia posteburna is very similar to L. violescens YOSHIMOTO, 1993 , described from Nepal, but different from the latter by ivory-coloured interior region of hindwing and also greyish suffusion between postmedial and subterminal lines of forewing. Triangular valvae of L. posteburna in male genitalia are similar to those of L. violescens and Hepatica anceps STAUDINGER, 1892 , but the uncus is considerably narrower and the saccular projection is much more asymmetrical than in the two related species, being finer, longer and thinner than those of L. violescens . The clasper is shortened but distally broader than in L. violescens , somewhat longer and distally more dilated and more sinuous than in H. anceps ; the shape of the juxta of the three species is also different, as the juxta of the new species lacks the large dorso-medial flap which is present in L. violescens , and is larger, basally and broader than that of H. anceps .

Description. External morphology ( Figs 3–5 View Figs 1–5 ) – Wingspan 29–31 mm. Head: vertex with hair-like scales dark brown except light brown near posterior margin, all with whitish tip; frons dark brown. Antennae 1/2 as long as forewing; scape dark brown; flagellomeres dark brown, with short pectens ventrally. Labial palpi ascending; 1st segment 1/3 as long as eye diameter, dark brown; 2nd segment evenly thick throughout, 5 times longer than 1st, dark brown, intermixed with yellowish white scales at interior surface; 3rd segment 1/3 as long as 2nd, dark brown, sparsely intermixed with yellowish white scale-hairs, obtuse apically. Thorax and abdomen: patagia pale brown, sparsely intermixed with dark brown; tegulae brownish grey, sparsely intermixed with dark brown; mesonotum pale brown with a dark grey tuft posteriorly. Foreleg coxa with dense, brownish grey hairs; femur to tarsus dark brown; tarsomeres with a white ring on each distal apex. Midlegs dark brown dorsally, brownish white ventrally; tibia thickened with hairs; tarsomeres with a white ring on each distal end. Hindleg coxa and femur yellowish white, hairy; tibia dark brown intermixed with white on exterior side, yellowish white on interior side, thickened with hairs; tarsomeres dark brown intermixed with white, with white ring on each distal end. Forewing length 14–15 mm (n = 3), triangular, with round termen, angled apex and oblique tornus, fuscous; dorsal base tinged with yellowish white; antemedial line doubled, arched, sinuate by veins; postmedial line doubled, oblique, deeply angulated beyond discal cell; dark brown spot on the distal end of discal cell; submarginal suffusion arched, brownish black, interrupted by veins, turning to apex on anterior 1/4; space between postmedial and subterminal lines suffused with grey, with dark brown transverse streaks along veins and two small dots on potential extension to costa of subterminal line; fringes dark brownish grey. Hindwing flabellate, with slightly sinuous termen, pale yellow; postmedial line vague, dark brown; marginal shade dark brown; fringes yellowish grey. Abdomen yellowish grey dorsally, with dark brown raised scales medially on 2nd abdominal tergite, yellowish white ventrally.

Male genitalia ( Figs 8–9 View Figs 6–10 ) – Uncus elongate, curved, falcate terminally, hairy dorsally. Tegumen long, triangular, with inner margin of lateral arms strongly sclerotized. Transtilla inverted broad U-shaped; juxta wide, elliptical, with rectangular projection on upper margin; vinculum inverted trapezoidal, with triangular plate distally; saccus invisible. Valva elongate, triangular, broadened to truncate apex; costa thin except at base, as long as tegumen; clasper small, thick, tooth-like, connected to band-like sclerotized zone directing to and fusing with costal base; sacculus strongly sclerotized, rhomboid basally, with an inward-curved, thick process, left process shorter and thicker. Aedeagus thick, cylindrical; coecum narrower than aedeagus; two carinal bars triangular, ventral one with denticula. Proximal part of vesica globular, with two diverticula, ventral one thimble-like, dorsal one semiglobular, densely granulated vertically, distal part conical, tubular distally.

Female genitalia: unknown.

Distribution. Northern Vietnam.

Etymology. The species name, posteburna , is a combination of two Latin words, “ post ” and “ eburnus ”, each of which means “ behind ” and “ ivory ”, and refers to ivory-coloured hindwings of the new species.


Acknowledgements – We would like to express our cordial thanks to Mr MARTIN R . HONEY (Natural History Museum, London ) , and Dr WOLFRAM MEY (Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz Institut für Evolution und Biodiversitätsforschung ; Berlin) , and Mr CHIEN-MING FU (Taiping, Taiwan) for allowing us to check type specimens and the loan of the material of Lophomilia fusca for studies. The authors are indebted to Mr GÁBOR RONKAY and Mr ZOLTÁN SOLTÉSZ for the excellent digital images. This research was also supported by the National Office for Research and Technology (Grant No. VN-10/2006; L. RONKAY).

Gallery Image

Figs 1–5. Two new species of Lophomilia. 1–2 = L. fusca sp. n.: 1 = holotype, 2 = paratype; 3–5 = L. posteburna sp. n.: 3 = holotype, 4–5 = paratypes

Gallery Image

Figs 6–10. Genitalia of the two new Lophomilia species: 6–7 = L. fusca sp. n., male, paratype; 8–9 = L. posteburna sp. n., male, holotype; 10 = L. fusca sp. n., female, paratype, genitalia


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