Lethocolea congesta (Lehm.) S. W. Arnell

Gradstein, S. Robbert, Ilkiu-Borges, Anna Luiza, Cargill, D. Christine, Beckmann, Karen & Vanderpoorten, Alain, 2024, An integrative taxonomic study of the genus Lethocolea (Marchantiophyta: Acrobolbaceae), Plant Ecology and Evolution 157 (3), pp. 375-398 : 375-398

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scientific name

Lethocolea congesta (Lehm.) S. W. Arnell


4. Lethocolea congesta (Lehm.) S. W. Arnell View in CoL ( Arnell 1955: 311)

Figs 1 View Figure 1 , 3 View Figure 3 , 6 View Figure 6 , 7 View Figure 7 , 8 View Figure 8 , 9 View Figure 9

Jungermannia congesta Lehm. ( Lehmann 1829: 365) – Type: same as for Lethocolea congesta.

Jungermannia radicosa Lehm. & Lindenb. ( Lehmann 1834: 35), syn. nov. – Type: Chile • s. loc.; s. coll., ex hb. Kunze; lectotype (designated by Grolle 1965): S [B 28853]; isolectotypes: G [ G 00065222], JE, S [B 28852], W.

Lethocolea radicosa (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Grolle ( Grolle 1965: 83) – Type: same as for Jungermannia radicosa. View in CoL

Gymnanthe bustillosii Mont. ( Montagne 1845: 346) – Type: Chile – Valparaiso • Puerto San Antonio; Gay s. n.; lectotype (designated here): PC [ PC 0103210]; isolectotypes: G [ G 00051870], G [ G 00051871], PC [ PC 0770901], PC [ PC 0770902], PC [ PC 0770903], PC [ PC 0770904]. View in CoL

Lethocolea bustillosii (Mont.) Mitt. ( Mitten 1876: 64) – Type: same as for Gymnanthe bustillosii. View in CoL

Lethocolea prostrata Mitt. ( Mitten 1876: 64) – Type: Tristan da Cunha • s. loc.; 1873; Moseley s. n.; lectotype (designated here): NY; isolectotype: G [ G 0051868]. View in CoL

Symphyomitra prostrata (Mitt.) Steph. ( Stephani 1901: 1125) – Type: same as for Lethocolea prostrata. View in CoL

Calypogeia fistulata Mitt. ( Mitten 1884: 85) – Type: Chile – Juan Fernandez Islands • s. loc.; Saunders s. n.; holotype: NY not seen (syn. fide Grolle 1965).

Calypogeia euthemona Spruce ( Spruce 1885: 449) – Type: Ecuador – Tunguragua • Baños; Spruce s. n.; lectotype (designated here): MANCH; isolectotype: G [ G 00282600].

Gongylanthus euthemonus (Spruce) Steph. ( Stephani 1906: 387) – Type: same as for Calypogeia euthemona.

Symphyomitra glossophylla Spruce ( Spruce 1885: 503), syn. nov. – Type: Ecuador – Pichincha • Nono, “ in rupibus montis Pichincha umbrosis humectatis supra pagum Nono, alt. 3000 m ”; Aug. 1858; Spruce s. n.; lectotype (designated here): MANCH [cc 4628]; isolectotype: G [ G 00051869]. View in CoL

Lethocolea glossophylla (Spruce) Grolle ( Grolle 1965: 83) – Type: same as for Symphyomitra glossophylla. View in CoL

(?) Symphyomitra glossophylla Spruce var. latifolia Spruce View in CoL ( Spruce 1885: 504) – Type: Ecuador – Tunguragua • “ ad terram in umbrosis ”; Spruce s. n.; type not found (not in MANCH).

Calypogeia solitaria Kaal. ( Kaalaas 1911: 96) – Type: Crozet Islands – East Island • 60 m; Ring & Raknes s. n.; holotype: O not seen (syn. fide Grolle 1965).

Jamesoniella ligulifolia Steph. ( Stephani 1911: 18) – Type: CHILE • Patagonia australis, Skyring; 1908; Halle & Skottsberg 43; lectotype (designated here): G [ G 000069825 ]; isolectotypes: S [B 24755], S [B 24756].

Tylimanthus hallei Steph. View in CoL ( Stephani 1911: 24). – Type: Falkland Islands • West Point ; 1907; Halle & Skottsberg 206; holotype: G [ G 00128103 ]; Material of T. hallei View in CoL in S collected by Halle & Skottsberg and labelled “ isotype ” has a different collection number (363).

Tylimanthus halleanus Steph. ( Stephani 1922: 247) – Type: same as for Tylimanthus hallei. View in CoL

Jamesoniella boliviana Steph. ( Stephani 1916: 183) – Type: Bolivia – Cochabamba • Cerros de Malaga; 1910–1911; Herzog 4411 / a; lectotype (designated here): G [ G 00128139]; isolectotype: JE.

Symphyomitra africana Steph. ( Stephani 1917: 102) – Type: Tanzania • Mt. Kilimanjaro, “ Lumifluß ”; 3000 m; H. Meyer 157; holotype: G [ G 00067905]. View in CoL

Neoprasanthus granatensis S. Winkl. View in CoL ( Winkler 1969: 69) – Type: Colombia – Magdalena / Cesar • “ Südflanke der Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta , Tal von Duriameina ”; 3300 m; 1967; Winkler C 395 a; holotype: ULM not seen (syn. fide Grolle 1972).

(?) Symphyomitra tabularis S. W. Arnell View in CoL ( Arnell 1953: 114) – Type: South Africa – Western Cape Province • Hottentots-Holland Mountains, Steenbrass River mouth; 1951; Arnell 694; lectotype (designated here): S [“ Material present in the herbarium, but no specimens have yet been registered in the database ”] not seen (syn. fide Arnell 1955). As explained below, the type of S. tabularis View in CoL belongs to L. congesta View in CoL or L. pansa View in CoL .


South Africa – Western Cape Province • Tafelberg ; Ecklon s. n.; lectotype (designated here): S [ B 25217 ]; isolectotypes: S [ B 25218 ], S [ B 25221 ], S [ B 25222 ], G [ G 00115872 ], G [ G 00115873 ], G [ G 00115874 ], JE, W [2010-01828] .


Plants dioicous, 1–2 cm long, 1–3 (– 4) mm wide, creeping or ascending, dull, pale to rather dark green to yellowish-green to yellowish-brown, becoming more pale-coloured and transparent on older shoot portions; branching ventral-intercalary and stoloniform or (rarely) lateral-intercalary and leafy, stolons usually near the base of the stem, occasionally higher up the stem and sometimes originating from below the immature marsupium. Stems fragile to rigid, colourless or pale green to brownish-green (never purplish-reddish), 0.25–0.5 mm in diameter, made up of 190–290 thin-walled cells. Rhizoids scattered or slightly fascicled, hyaline to light brown. Leaves present throughout the stem or limited to the upper portion of stem (the lower portion of stem thus stoloniform), green or occasionally tinged purple or red, densely imbricate and upright when growing exposed, more loosely imbricate or distant and spreading when growing in shade, towards the shoot apex usually upright and appressed, obliquely to widely spreading on older stem portion, suborbicular to ovate-oblong to oblong to lingulate, widest at 1 / 3–1 / 2 of leaf length, 0.8–2.1 mm long, 0.8–1.4 mm wide, 1–2.2 × longer than wide, flat in upper half and concave-convex in the lower half, apex usually rounded, occasionally truncate to emarginate, dorsal margin straight or slightly narrowed to the base, ventral margin arched and slightly to distinctly narrowed to the base, dorsal base shortly to moderately decurrent, ventral base not decurrent, lamina more transparent in the lower ventral half of the leaf due to larger cells with little or no chlorophyll. Cells in midleaf isodiametric-hexagonal to slightly elongate, 25–50 (– 60) × 20–40 µm, at the leaf margin slightly smaller and quadrate to rectangular, thin-walled, sometimes thick-walled and forming a border in plants with conspicuous trigones; cells in the lower ventral half of the leaf more hyaline, enlarged and elongate, about 2–4 × longer than wide, 40–100 × 20–40 µm, becoming gradually narrower and more elongate towards the margin, to 6 × longer than wide, 2–10 cell rows along the lower ventral margin without chlorophyll and in part lacking oil bodies, enlarged hyaline cells may extend high up in the ventral half of the leaf and sometimes in the upper half to near the apex (in plants from dry, Mediterranean environments); cuticle papillose both dorsally and ventrally, papillae colourless, rounded to suboblong, 2–5 (– 10) × 2–3 (– 8) µm, becoming more elongate to linear on the cells in the lower ventral half of the leaf; cell walls with minute to large trigones, the trigones to 10 µm in diameter, with concave to slightly bulging walls, not confluent (except sometimes on short cell walls); oil bodies 1–3 per cell, dark brown, persistent in rather rigid plants with distinct trigones (seen in up to 100 years old herbarium specimens), vanishing in flaccid plants with minute trigones, ellipsoid to fusiform, 2–3 × longer than wide, 8–10 × 15–25 µm, finely granular. Androecia terminal or intercalary, bracts in (1 –) 3–20 pairs, rather similar to vegetative leaves but more deeply pouched towards the base and with dorsal margin incurved; antheridia 1 (– 6) per bract. Gynoecia terminal on a main shoot, when unfertilized often with a ventral branch, bracts as large as or slightly larger than vegetative leaves, usually upright and appressed, in gynoecia with mature marsupia sometimes slightly spreading outwards. Marsupia conical-subcylindrical, green when young, brown when mature and with a hairy surface, up to 3 mm long, 2.5–3 × longer than wide, tapered towards the tip (tip not swollen). Sporophytes foot embedded inside the marsupium, elongated seta and capsule long-exserted; seta whitish, up to 1.2 cm long after elongation, formed by ca 70 cell rows, cells isodiametrical to somewhat elongate, with small trigones, the trigones of outer cell walls more conspicuous; capsule (before dehiscence) dark brown, cylindrical, tip apiculate, with four dehiscence lines, upon dehiscence splitting to the base into four valves or into only 2–3 valves with two adjacent valves remaining partially connate, valves erect, 1.5–3.0 × 0.7–1.0 mm, wall 2 (– 4) - stratose, being mostly 2 - stratose with limited 3–4 - stratose areas (Fig. 9 F View Figure 9 ), cells of the outer layer quadrate to long-rectangular, 37–100 × 18–32 µm, walls thin but firm, yellowish to reddish-brown, with small, orange to reddish-brown, nodular thickenings evenly spaced along the longitudinal walls, turning into conspicuous thickening bands on radial walls, cells of the inner layers variable in shape and size, trapezoidal-elongate, rounded-rectangular to rounded-quadrate, 37–85 × 28–40 µm, walls thin, hyaline, without thickenings; elaters with 1–2 spirals, narrowly fusiform, 130–200 × ca 10 µm, narrowed toward the tips, the tips rounded, surface finely punctate; spores (from herbarium material soaked in water) isodiametrical, ca 25 µm in diameter, yellowish to brown, spore surface finely papillose. Gemmae absent.


In high mountain areas of tropical America ( Mexico to Bolivia, southeastern Brazil, Dominican Republic) and tropical Africa (Central and East Africa, Réunion), furthermore in Mediterranean and temperate areas of southern South America (especially Chile), on the south Atlantic Islands ( Tristan da Cunha, Prince Edwards Is., Crozet Is.), and in South Africa.


Lethocolea congesta grows on moist soil along trails, on earth banks, and near rivulets, as well as on soil over acidic and lava rock, exceptionally on tree bases. In tropical regions, the species occurs in montane and subalpine forest areas and páramó, at (1000 –) 2000–4500 m, in Mediterranean and temperate regions in scrubby vegetation, often rather xerophytic, from sea level to 1000 m.

Additional material examined.

Mexico – Mexico • Passo Puerto de la Cruces ; 3000 m; Düll 21332; JE .

Costa Rica – Cartago • Cordillera de Talamanca, near Panamerican highway ; 3350 m; van Melick 214515; PC Chirripó ; 3550 m; Kuhbier 627; JE Páramo Buena Vista; 3250 m; Holz CR 2009; GOET .

Venezuela – Mérida • Páramo de Mucuché ; 3300–3700 m; c. gyn.; Griffin PV 395; GOET Páramo de Mucubaji ; 3500–3600 m; Drehwald 40133; GOET .

Colombia – Boyacá • Sierra Nevada del Cocuy, Corralitos ; 3900 m; c. gyn.; Bischler 2881; G, PC same data as for preceding; 4000 m; Bischler 2997; G, PC Sierra Nevada del Cocuy, near laguna La Pintada ; 4300–4700 m; Bischler 2829; PC . – Caldas • Nevado del Ruiz ; 4200 m; Bischler 291; G, PC same data as for preceding; 3780 m; c. gyn.; Florschütz 4396; GOET ibid., near hotel Termales ; 3460 m; Cleef 2386; GOET . – Cauca • Páramo de las Papas ; 3200–3600 m; Bischler 918; GOET . – Cundinamarca • Páramo de Chingaza ; 3460 m; c. gyn. & andr.; Gradstein 4249; GOET . – Risaralda • Parque de los Nevados, Páramo de Santa Rosa ; Aguirre et al. 4875; GOET same data as for preceding; Aguirre et al. 4952; GOET .

Ecuador – Carchi • Páramo El Angel ; 3400 m; c. andr.; Arts 14 / 067; QCA same data as for preceding; 3300–3630 m; Gradstein et al. 3349; GOET same data as for preceding; Gradstein et al. 6834; GOET . – Cotopaxi • Parque Nacional Llanganates, vicinity of Laguna Anteojos ; 4000 m; Burghardt et al. MB 6806; PC Near Sindipamba ; c. gyn.; Arts 23 / 005 c; JE Cotopaxi National Park, along road near the Park entrance ; 3550 m; Gradstein & Frahm 6667; GOET . – Pichincha • Road Lloa – Río Cristal ; Gradstein & Frahm 6698; G, GOET Old road Quito to St. Domingo , W of San Juan; ca 3000 m; Gradstein et al. 6720; GOET Quito, Parque Metropolitano ; 2800 m; Burghardt 6555; QCA . – Zamora-Chinchipe • Podocarpus Nat. Park, Río Bombuscara ; 1000 m; Schäfer-Verwimp & Preussing 23417; GOET .

Peru – Apurimac • Huancaras ; 3700 m; c. marsup.; Hegewald 5708; JE . – La Libertad • Road to Otuzco, near Esquil ; leaves bordered; Hegewald 7197; JE .

Bolivia • Torreni-Yamakaka ; ca 4500 m; leaves partially bordered; Herzog 3739; JE . – Cochabamba • Incachaca ; 3400 m; Gradstein 7397; GOET . – Santa Cruz • Near Vallegrande ; 2500 m; Churchill 22308; MO, GOET .

Chile – Juan Fernandez Islands • Masafuera ; ca 400 m; Hatcher & Engel 48; JE . – Coquimbo • Fray Jorge ; Schwabe 227; JE . – Valparaíso • Nature Reserve La Campana ; ca 500 m; Gradstein & Cuvertino 12426 - B; PC same data as for preceding; Larrain 43934; BR same data as for preceding; Larrain 43937; BR La Ligua ; 458 m; Larrain 45507; BR Viňa del Mar ; Larrain 40415; BR Laguna Peñuelas ; 380 m; Mahu 13006; JE, MO, PC El Tabo ; 20 m; Mahu 11862; JE . – Metropolitana • Reserva Altos de Cantillana ; 1869 m; Larrain 43526; BR Laguna de Aculeo ; Mahu 21984; JE . – Libertador • Sierras de Bellavista ; 1600 m; Mahu 20139; JE, MO . – Maule • Talca ; 1230 m; Mahu 50004; MO Talca ; 1230 m; Mahu 50060; MO Linares ; 764 m; Larrain 42566; BR . – Nuble • San Fabian ; between Leptoscyphus expansus ; 250 m; Mahu 9310; MO . – Araucanía • Cerro Lungoico , 1000 m, Schwabe 109; JE Pucón ; Mahu 11501; JE, MO Volcán Villarica ; Hosseus 211; JE . – Los Ríos • Corrál ; 10 m; Mahu 13559; JE Niebla ; 30 m; Mahu 12007; JE . – Los Lagos • Llanguihue, Yerbas Buenas, near Area de Recreación Las Cascadas ; 20 m; c. marsup.; Mahu 21410; MO same date as for preceding; 20 m; c. marsup.; Mahu 21438; MO . – Chiloë • Quicavi ; c. marsup. & spor.; Halle 139; JE . – Tierra del Fuego • Isla Grande, Cerro Recalada ; Hyvönen 32212; JE .

Argentina – Chubut • Parque Nacional Los Alerces, Alerzal ; 560 m; Hyvönen 5502 a; JE .

Democratic Republic of Congo – Lacs Edouard et Kivu • Mt. Karisimbi ; 3400 m; De Sloover 13131; BR [ BR 5040101618594 ] same data as for preceding; De Sloover 13150; BR [ BR 5040264975688 ] .

Rwanda – Lacs Edouard et Kivu • Mt. Muhavura ; ca 3900 m; De Sloover 13634; BR [ BR 5040264976692 ] Mt. Karisimbi, Hagenia forest ; Frahm 8048; G .

Uganda • Kigezi; c. gyn. & andr.; Hedberg 2156; BR [ BR 5040101615562 ] Ruwenzori, Lac Mahoma ; 3050 m; Lisowski 2984; BR [ BR 5040034019697 ] .

Kenya • Mt. Kenya, NW slopes ; 3450 m; Hedberg 1990 a; JE Moru track ; 3800 m; Agnew 345; JE .

Tanzania • Mt. Kilimanjaro, Makoa River below Machame hut ; 2960 m; Pócs 6976 / AH; G ibid., trail Madara hut to Horombo hut ; 3400 m; Albertshofer s. n.; JE ibid., Shira Plateau ; 4000 m; Lewinsky B 627; BR [ BR 5040264971642 ] South Uluguru Mts, gorge of Mgeta River ; 2215–2370 m; Pócs 6829 / J; G, JE, PC Mt. Meru, Engare Narok gorge ; 2490 m; Pócs & Kis 9145 / A; GOET .

Réunion • Plaine des Cafres ; 1570–1600 m; Onraedt 74 R 8378; JE Sentier de Langevin ; 2100 m; Onraedt 71 R 7573; BR [ BR 5040235549337 ]; JE Forêt du Taibit ; ca 2000 m; leaves bordered; Onraedt 74. R. 8687; JE Forêt du Taibit ; 1750 m; leaves bordered; Onraedt 75 R 942; BR [ BR 5040235558421 ] Footpath to La Nouvelle ; 1610 m; Arts 61 / 69; BR [ BR 5040315946179 ] Cirque de Cilaos ; 1600 m; leaves bordered; Onraedt 73 R 1229; BR [ BR 5040235550340 ] Sentier vers Piton des Neiges ; 1550 m; leaves bordered; Arts 19 / 54; BR [ BR 5040315939102 ] same data as for preceding; 2000 m; c. marsup.; Onraedt 70 R 4530; JE Trail to Piton de la Fournaise, Pas de Bellecombe ; Onraedt 69 R 330; BR [ BR 5040101616576 ], JE Pas des Sables, between Bourg Murat and Piton de la Fournaise ; 2320 m; Arts 42 / 04; BR [ BR 5040315941129 ] .

South Africa – Natal • Drakensberg Gardens, near Wilson’s Cave ; Meyer 1052 c; GOET Bergville Division, Drakensberg, Injasuti area ; 5000–9000 ft.; Esterhuysen 26104; BOL ibid., Ndederna area ; 6000 ft.; Esterhuysen 22986; BOL . – Western Cape Province • W of Cape Town, NW slope of Devils Peak ; 300–400 m; Rolfe 81; JE Constantia slopes ; leaves bordered; Arnell 375; BOL Jeep track from Constantia Neck to Table Mountain ; 300–700 m; leaves bordered; Arts 129 / 02; BR [ BR 5040313690890 ] same data as for preceding; Arts 129 / 43; BR [ BR 5040313688873 ] Kasteel Poort ; Arnell 1103; JE Between Kloof Nek and Brinkwater Ravine ; Arnell 1104, paratype of Symphyomitra tabularis ; BOL [ BOL 0233665 ] Kirstenbosch & Kloof Nek ; Bottomley 212, as Odontoschisma sphagni ; PRE, S Kirstenbosch ; Esterhuysen 2; BOL same data as for preceding; Vanden Berghen s. n.; BR [ BR 5040034017679 ] Camps Bay ; Garside 6681; BOL Ceres Division, Hansiesberg ; ca 1250 m; Esterhuysen 25689; BOL .


Lethocolea congesta is a widely distributed and highly variable, Afro-American species that has been described under many different names. In tropical America, the species was known as L. glossophylla and in southern South America and on the south Atlantic Islands as L. radicosa . Both appear to be synonyms of L. congesta . Lethocolea congesta differs from the other members of the genus in having 1–3 (usually 2) dark brown oil bodies per cell (Fig. 3 G, H View Figure 3 ) and in lacking asexual reproduction by disciform gemmae. Moreover, the marsupia are shorter, maximally 3 mm long and conical-subcylindrical in shape (Fig. 9 A, C, E View Figure 9 ), and the marsupial canal is lined by few papilliform cells.

The leaves in Lethocolea congesta range from suborbicular to ovate-oblong to narrowly lingulate and the area of enlarged, hyaline cells in the ventral half of the leaf may be restricted to the base or extending upwards, exceptionally to near the leaf apex. The hyaline area in the leaf is usually more extensive in Mediterranean plants from low elevation than in the plants from high elevation in the Tropics. The cuticle of the leaf cells is densely papillose, although the crowding of the papillae may vary somewhat (Fig. 3 A, D View Figure 3 ), and the trigones may be very small, ca 1 mm in diameter, or well-developed, up to 10 µm in diameter (Fig. 8 G, H View Figure 8 ). The size of the trigones seems to correlate with elevation as well and is usually smaller in plants from low elevation than from high elevation. The latter plants are usually more rigid (and easier to dissect) than those from low elevation and herbarium specimens from high elevation often had well-preserved oil bodies (Fig. 3 G, H View Figure 3 ), which were found intact in up to one hundred years old dried material. In herbarium specimens from low elevation, in contrast, oil bodies had usually vanished.

The thickening of the walls of the leaf margin cells is normally similar to that of the inner leaf cells (Fig. 8 D, F View Figure 8 ). In some specimens, however, they were thicker-walled (by confluent trigones) than the inner cells, forming a thickened border extending along part of, or almost the entire leaf margin (Fig. 8 B, C View Figure 8 ). Leaf borders of thick-walled cells occur in several genera of liverworts, e. g. in Adelanthus Mitt. , Bazzania Gray , Calypogeia Raddi , Odontoschisma (Dumort.) Dumort. , Plagiochila (Dumort.) Dumort. , Scapania (Dumort.) Dumort. , and Radula Dumort. , and can be a useful and stable taxonomic character to distinguish species ( Oliveira da Silva et al. 2022). In L. congesta , however, the development of a border – seen in specimens from throughout the range of the species – was variable and appeared to be without taxonomic relevance as no correlation with other characters was observed.

Young gynoecia with very short, bulging marsupia were not uncommon and were most frequently seen in plants from exposed sites. The female bracts are normally upright and tightly appressed, but in in gynoecia with fully grown marsupia they were sometimes spreading outwards. One or two innovations may sprout from the bulging base of young gynoecia. Mature marsupia and sporophytes are rare and were only seen in two old collections from Chile, i. e. Valparaiso, Gay s. n. (type of Gymnanthe bustillosii Mont. ) and Chiloë I., Halle 139 (Fig. 9 B – I View Figure 9 ). Spruce (1885) provided a detailed description of the mature marsupium and sporophyte in L. glossophylla based on the type collection from Ecuador. However, plants with marsupia could not be found in the type material of L. glossophylla kept in the Spruce herbarium (MANCH). A peculiar feature of the capsule of L. congesta is that dehiscence is sometimes incomplete, with capsules splitting to the base into only 2–3 valves (instead of 4 valves) with two adjacent valves remaining partially connate.

Male plants were less frequent than female plants. The length of the male spikes appeared to be highly variable, of 1–20 consecutive pairs. In a few instances male and female plants were found growing mixed (e. g. Uganda, Hedberg 2156; Colombia, Gradstein 4249); nevertheless, no sporophytes were observed in these specimens.

Several authors have suggested the occurrence of gemmae in African Lethocolea congesta (e. g. Arnell 1963; Grolle 1969; Gradstein et al. 1983; Schuster 2021). These reports are erroneous and were based on Arnell (1963) who included gemmiferous plants belonging to L. pansa in his treatment of L. congesta (this study). It has also been suggested that L. congesta is paroicous (based, again, on Arnell (1963) who wrote “ Paroicous? ”), but no paroicous plants of L. congesta have been seen in this study.

In the Neotropics, L. congesta has been confused with Solenostoma amplexifolium , but the latter species has a smooth cuticle and also lacks an area of elongated, hyaline leaf cells. Moreover, the rhizoids in S. amplexifolium are usually reddish or brown (rarely hyaline), the leaves are concave with the dorsal base clasping the stem (rarely plane, e. g. Mexico, Burghardt 4495, identified as L. glossophylla ), and the oil bodies are colourless and not persistent.

Stephani (1906: 222) erroneously placed Lethocolea congesta in synonymy of Leptoscyphus expansus (Lehm.) Grolle. The latter species often grows mixed with L. congesta in Chile and South Africa, on earth banks, and superficially resembles L. congesta in habit. The presence of underleaves with rhizoids sprouting in bundles from underleaf bases, and the absence of an area of elongated hyaline cells in the lower ventral half of the leaf clearly separate sterile material of Leptoscyphus expansus from L. congesta .

Symphyomitra tabularis is tentatively placed here in synonymy of L. congesta following Arnell (1955, 1963). The synonymy needs verification as the original description of S. tabularis ( Arnell 1953) was a combination of L. congesta and L. pansa . The leaves tinged purple, the papillose cuticle, and the presence of 1–3 oil bodies per leaf cell mentioned in the protologue of S. tabularis are characters of L. congesta , but the disciform, wingless gemmae mentioned in the original description point to L. pansa . The description of S. tabularis was used almost unaltered in the treatment of L. congesta in the South African hepatic Flora ( Arnell 1963). We have been unable to study the type of S. tabularis , which was deposited in BOL and S ( Arnell 1953). The isotype in BOL is apparently missing (Cornelia Klak pers. comm.) and the type material in S – which is present there according to the database of S – is currently unavailable due to the renovation of the Stockholm herbarium. Arnell (1953), additionally, cited four paratype collections, two from Constantia slopes and two from Kasteel Poort. We have examined the two paratype specimens from Kasteel Poort based on duplicates kept in BOL and G; one of them belongs to L. pansa (Arnell 1036, G), the other is L. congesta (Arnell 1104, BOL). In addition, numerous non-type specimens have been examined from Constantia slopes, collected by Arnell and others, where Lethocolea seems to be common. These collections also included both species. It may thus well be possible that the type of S. tabularis belongs to L. pansa rather than L. congesta .


Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador














Lethocolea congesta (Lehm.) S. W. Arnell

Gradstein, S. Robbert, Ilkiu-Borges, Anna Luiza, Cargill, D. Christine, Beckmann, Karen & Vanderpoorten, Alain 2024

Lethocolea radicosa (Lehm. & Lindenb.)

Grolle R 1965: 83

Lethocolea glossophylla (Spruce)

Grolle R 1965: 83

Tylimanthus halleanus

Stephani F 1922: 247

Symphyomitra africana

Stephani F 1917: 102

Jamesoniella boliviana

Stephani F 1916: 183

Calypogeia solitaria

Kaalaas B 1911: 96
Grolle 1965

Gongylanthus euthemonus (Spruce)

Stephani F 1906: 387

Symphyomitra prostrata (Mitt.)

Stephani F 1901: 1125

Calypogeia euthemona

Spruce R 1885: 449

Symphyomitra glossophylla

Spruce R 1885: 503

Calypogeia fistulata

Mitten W 1884: 85
Grolle 1965

Lethocolea bustillosii (Mont.)

Mitten W 1876: 64

Lethocolea prostrata

Mitten W 1876: 64

Gymnanthe bustillosii

Montagne CM 1845: 346

Jungermannia radicosa

Lehmann JGC 1834: 35
Grolle 1965

Jungermannia congesta

Lehmann JGC 1829: 365

Symphyomitra glossophylla

Symphyomitra glossophylla Spruce var. latifolia Spruce ( Spruce 1885: 504

Jamesoniella ligulifolia

Jamesoniella ligulifolia Steph. ( Stephani 1911: 18

Tylimanthus hallei

Tylimanthus hallei Steph. ( Stephani 1911: 24

Neoprasanthus granatensis

Neoprasanthus granatensis S. Winkl. ( Winkler 1969: 69
Grolle 1972

Symphyomitra tabularis

Symphyomitra tabularis S. W. Arnell ( Arnell 1953: 114
Arnell 1955