Lecadonileia parvistyla, BLAGODEROV & GRIMALDI, 2004

BLAGODEROV, VLADIMIR & GRIMALDI, DAVID, 2004, Fossil Sciaroidea (Diptera) in Cretaceous Ambers, Exclusive of Cecidomyiidae, Sciaridae, and Keroplatidae, American Museum Novitates 3433 (1), pp. 1-76 : 47-48

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scientific name

Lecadonileia parvistyla

sp. nov.

Lecadonileia parvistyla View in CoL , new species

Figures 65–68 View Figs , Plate 6E

DIAGNOSIS: As for genus.

DESCRIPTION: Body length = 2.24 mm, wing length = 2.05 mm. Head: Vertex setose. Ocelli three, lateral one twice its diameter from eye margin. Frons bare, face with tiny trichia. Scape small, roundish. Pedicel rounded, with dorsal setae, wider than flagellomeres. Flagellum 14­segmented, cylindrical, flagellomere length equal to width. Palpi 4­segmented. Basal palpomere very short, apical three subequal, lengths 2.5–3Χ their width. Clypeus setose. Thorax: Scutum irregularly setose. Antepronotum with 4 setae, proepisternum with 5. Ventral process of proepimeron just opposite anapleural suture. Anepisternum with distinct oblique cleft. Anepimeron very narrow ventrally. Laterotergites setose. Mediotergite bare. Wing membrane with macrotrichia. Costa ends beyond tip of R 5, at one­fourth length between tips of R 5 and M 1. R 1 and R 5 with two rows of setae; R stem, r­m, M 1, M 2, M 3+4, and CuA with one row. Sc ends free at the level of the base of M3 section. R 1 equal to M3 section and 2.5Χ length of r­m. Fork of M 1 and M 2 1.8Χ length of M3. M 3+4 base absent, vein begins at level of RS base. Legs: Fore coxae with numerous setae on anterior and lateral surfaces. Mid coxae with setae on apical half. Hind coxae with posterolateral row of setae. Tibial bristles short. Fore tibiae with 3 apical bristles; mid one with 2 anterior and 6 apical bristles; hind tibia with 4–6 bristles in anterior, anteroventral, and anterodorsal rows and several apical bristles. Anteroapical depression on fore tibiae well developed, with single row of short setae. Tarsal claws without teeth. Abdomen setose. Eighth and 9th segments very short and retracted. Gonocoxites semicylindrical, widely separated at base. Gonostyli small, with one apical appendage turned medially.

MATERIAL: Holotype MCZC 6941, male. Canada: Manitoba, Cedar Lake , coll. F.M. Carpenter.

ETYMOLOGY: The species epithet is a combination of the Latin word parvus, meaning ‘‘small’’, and stylus, meaning ‘‘spike, stem, pen’’, in reference to simple small gonostyli of the species.















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