Kalophrynus intermedius Inger, 1966 Mengiong Sticky Frog Kalophrynus limbooliati Matsui, Nishikawa, Belabut, Ahmad, and Yong, 2012

Zug, George R., 2015, Morphology and Systematics of Kalophrynus interlineatus-pleurostigma Populations (Anura: Microhylidae: Kalophryninae) and a Taxonomy of the Genus Kalophrynus Tschudi, Asian Sticky Frogs, Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 62 (5), pp. 135-190 : 164-166

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Kalophrynus intermedius Inger, 1966 Mengiong Sticky Frog Kalophrynus limbooliati Matsui, Nishikawa, Belabut, Ahmad, and Yong, 2012


Kalophrynus intermedius Inger, 1966 Mengiong Sticky Frog View in CoL

Kalophrynus intermedius Inger, 1966, Fieldiana, Zoology 52:131 [type locality: “ Nanga Tekalit, Mengiong River, Third Division, Sarawak”, Malaysia (Borneo)] View in CoL .

TYPE MATERIAL.— HOLOTYPE: Field Museum of Natural History 139348 . PARATYPES: FMNH 138070 About FMNH , 144298 About FMNH . By original designation .

DEFINITION.— Medium size, adult females 37.9–40. 5 mm SVL (n = 2), no males known; head moderately long NA % HeadL/ SVL; head wider than long NA % HeadW/HeadL; naris closer to snout than to eye NA % NarEye/SnEye; eye moderately large NA % EyeD/HeadL; tympanum visible and smaller than eye ~66 % Tymp/EyeD; slender moderately long forelimb NA % Forarm/ SVL and forearm to crus length NA % Forarm/CrusL; hindlimb moderately long NA % HndlL/ SVL, 38–41 % CrusL/ SVL, and NA % CrusL/ThghL; hindfoot well developed NA % HndfL/CrusL.

Vomerine teeth, presence or absence not reported; palatal fold morphology, vomerine fold not described, postorbital fold short and notched medially, and buccal fold long and crenulated; tongue size and shape not reported.

Fingers not webbed; lengths 3>2>1>4, fourth nub-like; tips rounded, not dilated; subarticular tubercles present, shape and numbers on digits not reported; fleshy palmar tubercle, size and shape not reported. Toes two-thirds webbed, web extending to distal subarticular tubercle of toe 3 and between proximal and middle tubercle of toe 4, lengths 4>3>5>2>1; tips rounded, not dilated; subarticular tubercles present, number and shapes not reported, distinct on toes 1–4, barely visible on 5; inner and outer metatarsal tubercles poorly developed.

Color in life not known; dorsum brown to purplish brown with obscure darker markings on back, no inguinal ocelli; sides cream or yellow; venter cream, pinkish on throat and pair of dark bars on throat and scattered small dark spots on chest.

ETYMOLOGY.— The choice of the name intermedius was not stated, presumably it is in reference to this frog’s size between that of two smaller Bornean Kalophrynus heterochirus , punctatus ¸ and subterrestris and the larger K. “ pleurostigma ”.

DISTRIBUTION.— Borneo, Sarawk. Known only from the type localitye.

NATURAL HISTORY.— The three known specimens were collected on the floor of primary rain forest at less than 300 m a.s.l.

COMMENTS.— Preceding information extracted from Inger (1966).

Kalophrynus limbooliati Matsui, Nishikawa, Belabut, Ahmad, and Yong, 2012 Johor Tiny Sticky Frog

Kalophrynus limbooliati Matsui, Nishikawa, Belabut, Ahmad, and Yong, 2012, Zootaxa 3155:39 [type locality: “Gunung (= Mt.) Pulai, Kpg. (Kampung = village) Sri, Kulai, State of Johor, Peninsular Malaysia (01°36′N, 103°32′E, 457 m a.s.l.)”] .

TYPE MATERIAL.— HOLOTYPE: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Herpetological Collection 705 . PARATYPES: Kyoto University Health & Environment 53314–315, 52061. All by original designation

DEFINITION.— Small, no adult females, adult male 26.2–28. 7 mm SVL (n =3); head long 32 % HeadL/ SVL; head width subequal length 32–34 % HeadW/ SVL; snout moderately broad NA % SnW/HeadL; naris closer to snout than to eye NA % NarEye/SnEye; eye moderately large 13–17 % EyeD/ SVL; tympanum visible and smaller than eye 8–9 % Tymp/ SVL; moderate length forelimb NA % Forarm/ SVL and forearm equal crus length NA % Forarm/CrusL; hindlimb moderately long 129–136 % HndlL/ SVL, 41–42 % CrusL/ SVL, and NA % CrusL/ThghL; hindfoot well developed 33–36 % HndfL/ SVL.

Vomerine teeth presence or absence not reported; palatal fold morphology not reported; tongue entire, i.e., presumably end rounded and not notched.

Fingers with slight basal web; lengths 3>2>1>4; tips rounded and not dilated; subarticular tubercles large, round, and two on digits 1, 2, 4, and three on 3; outer palmar tubercle fleshy and large, inner indistinct; asperities (nuptial pad) absent on hand. Toes lightly webbed to below level of proximal subarticular tubercles of toe 4, lengths 4>3>5>2>1; tips rounded; subarticular tubercles variously developed, none on digit 5, one on 1, 2, two on 3, and three on 4, tubercles prominent only on fourth toe (distal and middle one); large, oval inner metatarsal tubercle, indistinct outer tubercle.

In life, dorsum variable from light orange brown to dark brown with obscure darker hourglass mark from interorbital to shoulders and scattered small dark spots posteriorly on trunk; light colored narrow stripe from tip of snout above eye and tympanum, then diagonally to mid inguina; dark inguinal spot without light border; loris and temporal area to axilla dark brown, trunk side as dorsum; venter pinkish gray with scattered white spots.

ETYMOLOGY.— The specific name honors Dr. Lim Boo Liat, a pioneer of field zoology in Malaysia.

DISTRIBUTION.— Southern Peninsular Malaysia (Johor, Negeri Sembilan, and possibly Pahang but unconfirmed) and Singapore.

NATURAL HISTORY.— Kalophrynus limbooliati is a forest-floor resident in a variety of forests, secondary broad-leafed and bamboo. Males call from beneath leaf litter.

COMMENTS.— Preceding information extracted from Matsui et al. (2012).
















Kalophrynus intermedius Inger, 1966 Mengiong Sticky Frog Kalophrynus limbooliati Matsui, Nishikawa, Belabut, Ahmad, and Yong, 2012

Zug, George R. 2015

Kalophrynus limbooliati

Matsui, Nishikawa, Belabut, Ahmad, and Yong 2012

Kalophrynus intermedius

Inger 1966
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