Kalophrynus bunguranus ( Günther, 1895 ) Natuna Sticky Frog

Zug, George R., 2015, Morphology and Systematics of Kalophrynus interlineatus-pleurostigma Populations (Anura: Microhylidae: Kalophryninae) and a Taxonomy of the Genus Kalophrynus Tschudi, Asian Sticky Frogs, Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 62 (5), pp. 135-190 : 156

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https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.11512244

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scientific name

Kalophrynus bunguranus ( Günther, 1895 ) Natuna Sticky Frog


Kalophrynus bunguranus ( Günther, 1895) Natuna Sticky Frog View in CoL

Diplopelma bunguranum Günther, 1895 View in CoL , Novitates Zoologicae 2:501 [type locality: “Bunguran, or Great

Natuna [ Island]”, Indonesia].

TYPE MATERIAL.— SYNTYPES: number and deposition not noted in original publication, presumably BMNH; British Museum of Natural History 1947.2.11. 38–41 (formerly–108) according to R. F. Inger (in Frost, 1985) .

DEFINITION.— Small, adult females 25–27 mm SVL, adult males 22–23 mm SVL; head medium length 28 % HeadL/ SVL; head slightly wider than long 113 % HeadW/HeadL; naris closer to snout than to eye NA % NarEye/SnEye; eye moderately large 45 % EyeD/HeadL; tympanum visible and smaller than eye 61 % Tymp/EyeD; slender moderately long forelimb 29–31 % Forarm/ SVL and forearm to crus length NA % Forarm/CrusL; hindlimb moderately long HndlL/ SVL, NA % CrusL/ SVL, and NA % CrusL/ThghL; hindfoot well developed 85 % HndfL/CrusL.

Vomerine teeth presences or absence not reported; palatal fold morphology not reported; tongue large, subelliptical and entire behind.

Fingers without web; lengths 3>2≈1>4 (nub-like); tips rounded; subarticular tubercles not reported; palmar tubercle not repored; spiny nuptial excrescences dorsally on base of fingers 1 to 3 and adjacent hand of males (fide Parker; see comment). Toes weakly webbed, lengths 4>3>5>2>1; tips rounded, not dilated; subarticular tubercles indistinct, numbers on toes not report- ed; indistinct inner and outer metatarsal tubercles.

Color in life unknown. Dorsum purplish brown, no mark mentioned; large dark brown, oval black inguinal spot without light border; loris edged with reddish rose that extends posteriorly above eye and onto and widening on trunk to inguina and hindlimbs; loris, chin to anterior chest black fading to yellowish.

ETYMOLOGY.— Great Natuna Island is also called Bunguran, whence the name of the species as a resident of Bunguran.

DISTRIBUTION.— Great Natuna Island.

NATURAL HISTORY.— Günther considered it a common frog owing to its abundance in collections.

COMMENTS.— Preceding information extracted from Günther (1895) and Parker (1934). Park- er considered C. heterochirus Boulenger as a synonym of K. bunguranus and may have included traits of the former in the description of the latter. Parker reported nuptial pads on dorsum of fingers; Inger (1966: table 16) specifically noted their absence.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile














Kalophrynus bunguranus ( Günther, 1895 ) Natuna Sticky Frog

Zug, George R. 2015

Diplopelma bunguranum Günther, 1895

Gunther 1895
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