Hyberis mizuhoae Makita, 2017

Makita, S., 2017, A New Species Of The Genus Hyberis Pascoe, 1860 (Coleoptera: Zopheridae) From Taiwan, Far Eastern Entomologist 333, pp. 10-12 : 10-12

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.10084327

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scientific name

Hyberis mizuhoae Makita

sp. nov.

Hyberis mizuhoae Makita , sp. n.

Figs 1–4 View Figs

MATERIAL. Holotype – male (dissected specimen), Taiwan: Tahanshan, Pintung , 10.IX 2015, leg. B.X. Guo ( TARI). Paratypes: 1 female, “Formosa” [= Taiwan], leg. T . Kano ( NSMT); 1 female, “ Formosa ” [= Taiwan], Kuraru, 9. V 1926, leg. T. Kano ( NSMT); 1 female, Taiwan: Nanshanchi, Jenai , Nantou, 3.IV 1981, leg. K. Kawada ( SEHU) .

DESCRIPTION. Body matt, granulated, small (BL = 4.4–5.1mm), thick (BL/GD = 2.67– 2.68). Head granulated, sparsely bearing spatulate setae; eye prominent, glabrous; short spatulate setae present produced weakly in

around eye; lateral margins bisinuate; temple dorsal view, absent in lateral view. Antennae 10-segmented with 1 club; the length of segments; X>III>I>IX=V=IV=II>VI=VII=VIII; the width of segments; X>I>II>IX=VIII= VII=VI=V=IV=III; X nearly hexagonal, separated into two parts by a transverse suture, anterior part 2 times as long as posterior one. Setation of antenomeres I to V consisting of spatulate setae at high-length, VI to IX consisting of simple setae at high length; X anterior part densely bearing hair-like setae at middle-length, in addition to them sparsely bearing hair-like setae at high-length. Clypeus weakly arcuate; Labrum strongly arcuate, densely bearing simple setae.

Pronotum narrow, 0.7 times as long as wide (PL/PW= 0.67–0.78), widest at middle; strongly narrowed anteriorly; surface granulate, having one pair of elevation; one groove present between elevations; lateral sides serrate, the number of the teeth six to seven, most of them having short spatulate setae; anterior angle shaped, but not divided; hind angle distinctly angulate; anterior margin arcuate; posterior margin angular arcuate; pronotal base transverse groove present. Proepisternum, granulated, sparsely bearing cuneate setae. Prosternum granulate, but glabrous. Scutellum nearly pentagonal, matt; surface smooth.

Elytra 1.4 times as long as wide (EL/EW= 1.42–1.46); sides subparallel, strongly convergent at posterior half, moderately bearing spatulate setae. Scutellar striola present. Each elytron with 3 yellowish tufts (one present near base; one posterior eight eleventh; one posterior nine eleventh), each tuft short, with 9 striae; striae 1st long, converging with 9th near apex; 2nd converging with at posterior eighth; 3rd converging with 4th and 5th at posterior fifth; 6th and 7th striae short, converging at posterior three fifth, breaking off at posterior. Intervals flat, smooth, matt. Strial punctures tiny, rounded, longitudinally separated by about 3 times as long as their diameter. Apex of elytra subrounded. Epipleuron widest at base, incomplete to apex fully developed.

, a little wider than the length of V2. Hind wings Prosternal process granulated, narrowed apically; apical margin horizontal. Mesoventrite granulate. Metaventrite granulate, but each granules much larger than ones on mesoventrite. The length of ventrites: I>V>II>III>IV. Sculptures on ventrites: I glabrous, punctated anteriorly, but smooth posteriorly; II to V similar condition, sparsely bearing short spatulate setae, punctataed, but punctures smaller than ones of I; structure of V ventrite like palisade present around apex, but shallowly impressed near base, transverse groove present between them.

Legs. Femora largely protruding over lateral margins, half of them present in dorsal view, moderately bearing long spatulate setae. Male profemora wider than female ones. Tibiae slightly enlarged apically, bearing moderately long spatulate setae; lacking regular spine, but having some small spines at apex; sides subparallel. Tarsomere I to III short, moderately bearing hair-like setae, similar in length; tarsomere IV a little shorter than twice length I to III combined. Claw simple, dilated at base.

Male genitalia. Paramere 0.2 times as long as tegmen, turning in apically at almost right angle in lateral view. Median lobe widest at apical eighth, narrowest at basic three eighth, divided at apical three eighth; apex narrowed apically.

ETYMOLOGY. The epithet is in honour of Mizuho Himeno, who always helps my study.

DISTRIBUTION. Taiwan (Pintung, Nantou)

COMPARISON. This new species is most similar to Hyberis wallacei Grouvelle, 1863 but differs by the smaller body, by narrower pronotum with one pair of distinct elevation, and by the present on each elytron three short yellowish tufts (in H. wallacei , the body lager, pronotum without a pair of distinct elevation and the yellowish tufts on elytra longer).


Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


National Science Museum (Natural History)


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium













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