Hoplandrothrips quinqueconus sp. n., 2024

Okajima, Shûji & Masumoto, Masami, 2024, The genus Hoplandrothrips and its relatives (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) from Southeast Asia and Taiwan, Zootaxa 5489 (1), pp. 22-91 : 50-51

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5489.1.4

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scientific name

Hoplandrothrips quinqueconus sp. n.

sp. nov.

Hoplandrothrips quinqueconus sp. n.

( Figs 40–42 View FIGURES 29–42 , 225–232 View FIGURES 225–232 )

Female (macroptera). Distended body length: 2.8–3.7mm. Body uniformly dark brown. All legs dark brown, but tibiae often scarcely paler distally, all tarsi concolourous with apex of tibia. Antennal segments I and II dark brown, segments III – VIII largely brown, paler than segment II, segment III scarcely paler medially, with base somewhat darker, segments IV and V with basal 1/3 yellowish, extreme base of segment VI pale. Fore wings shaded with pale brown. Prominent body setae pale. Head ( Fig. 225 View FIGURES 225–232 ) elongate, 1.31–1.42 times as long as wide, dorsal surface distinctly sculptured with fine reticulation, but reticles weaker behind posterior ocelli. Cheeks weakly rounded, incised just behind eyes, serrate, each with three short stout setae. Postocular setae a little longer than eyes, dilated, 185μm apart from each other in holotype. Eyes about 0.3 times as long as head; distance between posterior ocelli longer than diameter of an ocellus, 27μm apart from each other in holotype. Antennae ( Figs 230 & 231 View FIGURES 225–232 ) 1.84–1.91 times as long as head; segment VIII constricted basally, pedicellate; segment III 1.9 2.1 times as long as wide, with five, rarely six, sense cones; segments III and IV subequal in length. Mouth cone scarcely reaching prospinasternum; maxillary stylets retracted to postocular setae. Pronotum about 0.6 times as long as head in large female, about 0.5 times in small female, dorsal surface sculptured marginally; five pairs of major setae dilated, am a little shorter than aa, ml and epim subequal, pa the longest, 0.73-0.78 times as long as median length of pronotum. Mesopresternum ( Fig. 228 View FIGURES 225–232 ) divided into three plates. Metanotum ( Fig. 229 View FIGURES 225–232 ) polygonally reticulate, median pair of setae 40–45μm apart from anterior margin, 120μm apart from each other in holotype. Metathoracic sternopleural sutures present, but very weak. Fore wing with 12–18 duplicated cilia, 17–18 in holotype; three sub-basal setae ( Fig. 232 View FIGURES 225–232 ) dilated, S1 and S2 subequal, S3 scarcely longer than S2. Pelta ( Fig. 229 View FIGURES 225–232 ) bell-shaped, with rather large lateral wings. tergite IX setae S1 and S2 subequal, shorter than tube, slightly dilated. Tube 0.54–0.59 times as long as head, 2.30-2.44 times as long as wide, almost tapering; terminal setae much longer than tube.

Measurements (holotype large female/ paratype small female in μm). Body length 3650/2820 (distended). Head length 372/320, from anterior margin of eyes 335/290, width across eyes 240/210, maximum width across cheeks 262/245; eyes length 110/95, width 75/70; diameter of posterior ocelli 25/23; postocular setae 120/105–110. Antenna total length 710/590, segments I–VIII length (width) as follows: 70/55 (60/48), 75/60 (42/38), 112/88 (54/46), 110/95 (54/48), 104/85 (42/38), 88/70 (33/30), 70/55 (29/27), 50/43 (18/17). Pronotum length 225/160, width 395/325. Setae on prothorax: am 75–76/62–65, aa 85–90/73–75, ml 105–110/70–75, pa 160–165/125–128, epim 110–113/75–78, cox 50–60/45. Fore wing length 1500/1100. Sub-basal wing setae: S1 100–105/72–75, S2 110–115/75–78, S3 118–120/85–87. Tergite IX setae: S1 170–175/140, S2 170–175/148. Tube length 220/175, maximum width 90/76; terminal setae 300/220.

Male (macroptera). Distended body length 2.4–3.3mm. Colour very similar to female; fore wing sub-basal setae S3 pointed, at least not dilated; abdominal sternite VIII with no pore plate. Large male: head more than 1.5 times as long as wide, cheek setae stout; prothorax enlarged; fore legs enlarged, fore coxa slightly angulated behind coxal setae, with two stout spine like setae, fore femur angulated postero-laterally, with two apical inner tubercles, fore tibia with a small sub-basal inner tubercle, fore tarsal tooth stout; pronotal aa setae the longest, am more slender and shorter than aa; fore wing with 16–18 duplicated cilia. Small male: head 1.34 times as long as wide, cheek setae small; fore femur and tibia unarmed; pronotal pa the longest, am dilated, shorter than aa; fore wing with 14 duplicated cilia.

Measurements (paratype large/small males in μm). Body length 3250/2450 (distended). Head length 360/295, from anterior margin of eyes 340/265, width across eyes 220/195, maximum width across cheeks 235/220; eyes length 112/90; postocular setae 160/105. Antenna total length 700/570, segments I–VIII length as follows: 75/55, 70/57, 116/85, 114/88, 107/82, 89/70, 70/57, 50/43. Pronotum length 240/150, width 395/285. Setae on prothorax: am 100–110/43–45, aa 150–160/65–70, ml 120/65–72, pa 125/100–110, epim 95–108/70–75, cox 55–60/30–42. Sub-basal wing setae: S1 75–80/65–70, S2 75–77/70–75, S3 60 –75/60. Tergite IX setae: S1 150–160/120, S2 58 – 62/48–50. Tube length 185/150, maximum width 90/73; terminal setae 215/200.

Type series. Holotype: macropterous female, Taiwan, Nantou Hsien, Meifeng, alt. about 2000m, on dead branches, 20.iii.1984, SO . Paratypes: 2 females and 2 males, collected with holotype ; same locality as holotype, 1 female, 2.ix.1993, TN & SO; Nantou Hsien, Nanshanchi , 1 male, on dead leaves, 28.iii.1977, W. Suzuki; Nantou Hsien, foot of Mt. Nankao, nr. Wanta , 1 female and 1male, on dead branches, 1.iv.1984, SO; Nantou Hsien, Mt. Kantou-san , 8 females and 7 males, on dead leaves, 14.v.1987, K. La; Taoyuan Hsien, Mt. Lala-shan , on dead leaves and branches, 5 females and 8 males, 19.viii.1993, TN & SO.

Remarks. This species is peculiar in the genus in having five (rarely six) sense cones on the antennal segment III which arise almost in the usual position, not on the ventral apex of the segment, and it is presumably related to H. formosae and H. ryukyuensis . Except for the sense cone formula, it is very similar to formosae , but has the head comparatively shorter, antennal segment III paler, and antennal segment V shorter than segment III without distinct apical neck. Moreover, pronotal anteromarginal setae are shorter than anteroangular setae even in the largest male of quinqueconus , whereas they are subequal in length in large males in formosae .


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