Helix (Helix) asemnis BOURGUIGNAT, 1860

Neubert, Eike, 2014, Revision of Helix LINNAEUS, 1758 in its eastern Mediterranean distribution area, and reassignment of Helix godetiana KOBELT, 1878 to Maltzanella HESSE, 1917 (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Helicidae), Contributions to Natural History 26, pp. 1-200 : 72-83

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https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.13222466

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scientific name

Helix (Helix) asemnis BOURGUIGNAT, 1860


Helix (Helix) asemnis BOURGUIGNAT, 1860 View in CoL ( Figs 111–131; Table 2)

1860 Helix solida ALBERS, Die Heliceen , edition II: 142 [non Helix solida BORN, 1778 , nec Helix [ Helicella ] punctulata var. β solida LOWE, 1831 , nec Helix solida L. PFEIFFER, 1851 etc.] [Kleinasien].

1860 Helix asemnis BOURGUIGNAT, Revue et Magasin de Zoologie View in CoL (2) 12: 159, pl. 8, fig. 4, 5 [separatum: Aménités malacologiques II [1860]: 176] [nom. nov. pro Helix solida ALBERS, 1860 View in CoL ].

1863 Helix nilotica BOURGUIGNAT, Mollusques View in CoL nouveaux, litigeux ou peu connus: 15 (§ 7), pl. 2, fig. 10–12 [ Égypte, Damiette].

1876 Helix equitum BOURGUIGNAT , Species novissima molluscorum: 53 [Ile de Rhodes].

1876 Helix asemnis , – Kobelt, Iconographie der Land- und Süsswassermollusken 1 (4): 21, Taf. 99, Figs 1032, 1033.

1889 Helix asemnis var. homerica V. MARTENS, Archiv für Naturgeschichte 55 (1): 195, Taf. 11, Fig. 4 View Figs 1–9 [Inseln Chios, Syme].

1889 Helix asemnis var. venusta V. MARTENS, Archiv für Naturgeschichte 55 (1): 201, Taf. 11, Fig. 6, 7 View Figs 1–9 [Küste von Caria, gegenüber Syme].

1893 Helix (Pomatia) moabitica GOLDFUSS, Nachrichtsblatt der deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft 25: 86 [Wadi Medjib in Moab am Ostufer des Todten Meeres].

1895 Helix (Pomatia) baristata KOBELT, Iconographie der Land- und Süsswassermollusken, Suppl. 1: 46, Taf. 16, Fig. 6 View Figs 1–9 [nÖrdliches Syrien zwischen Alexandrette und Urfa].

1895 Helix pleurorinia KOBELT, Iconographie der Land- und Süsswassermollusken, Suppl. 1, Taf. 18, Fig. 2 View Figs 1–9 [nomen nudum, only figured in 1895].

1896 Helix (Pomatia) pericalla KOBELT & ROLLE, Nachrichtsblatt der deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft 28: 35 [Giosna in Cilicien] (March 1896).

1896 Helix (Pomatia) pericalla , – Rolle & Kobelt, Iconographie der Land- und Süsswassermollusken, Suppl. 1: 49, Taf. 19, Fig. 3 View Figs 1–9 , Taf. 20, Fig. 3 View Figs 1–9 [bei Giosna in Cilicia] (Sept. 1896).

1896 Helix (Pomatia) adanensis KOBELT, Iconographie der Land- und Süsswassermollusken, Suppl. 1: 52, Taf. 23, Fig. 1–4 View Figs 1–9 [in Cilicia, in der Umgebung von Adana].

1896 Helix (Pomatia) nucula var. mersinae KOBELT, Iconographie der Land- und Süsswassermollusken, Suppl. 1: 53, Taf. 23, Fig. 7, 8 View Figs 1–9 [Umgebung von Mersina].

1896 Helix (Pomatia) adanensis var. sarica KOBELT, Iconographie der Land- und Süsswassermollusken, Suppl. 1: 53, Taf. 23, Fig. 5, 6 View Figs 1–9 [Adana in Cilicia].

1896 Helix (Pomatia) infidelium KOBELT, Iconographie der Land- und Süsswassermollusken, Suppl. 1: 54, Taf. 24, Fig. 5, 6 View Figs 1–9 [Zwischen Alexandrette und Tschengen-KÖi, im Giaur Dagh].

1903 Helix (Pomatia) adanensis var. incrassata NÄGELE, Nachrichtsblatt der deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft 35: 170 [Bodrun Ciliciae].

1903 Helix (Pomatia) adanensis var. plicata NÄGELE, Nachrichtsblatt der deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft 35: 170 [aus dem Inneren Cilicias].

1903 Pomatia blumi KOBELT, Nachrichtsblatt der deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft 35: 149 [Gheuzneh in Cilicia].

1904 Helix (Helicogena) ciliciana KOBELT, Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet VI : 152, Taf. 334, Fig. 1–5 View Figs 1–9 [von Loebbecke in den Ruinen vom Pompejopolis gesammelt].

1904 Helix (Helicogena) pachya kossenae KOBELT, Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet VI : 158, Taf. 335, Fig. 5, 6 View Figs 1–9 [Missat (ubi?)].

1904 Helix (Helicogena) pachya riebecki KOBELT, Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet VI : 158, Taf. 335, Fig. 12 View Figs 10–19 [ Palästina].

1904 Helix (Helicogena) adanensis globulosa KOBELT, Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet VI : 163, Taf. 341, Fig. 7, 8 View Figs 1–9 [Adane in Cilicia].

1904 Helix (Helicogena) adanensis pyrami KOBELT, Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet VI : 163, Taf. 341, Fig. 9 View Figs 1–9 , 10 View Figs 10–19 [Adane in Cilicia].

1904 Helix (Helicogena) ciliciana pleurorinia KOBELT, Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet VI : 164, Taf. 336, Fig. 10 View Figs 10–19 [Gebirge zwischen Alexandrette und Beilan]

1904 Helix (Helicogena) ciliciana pompeji KOBELT, Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet VI : 169, Taf. 339, Fig. 4–6 View Figs 1–9 [Umgebung von Pompejopolis (= Pompeiopolis in Cilicia = Soloi = western urban district of Mersin].

1904 Helix (Helicogena) moabitica blanckenhorni KOBELT, Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet VI : 168, Taf. 339, Fig. 7 View Figs 1–9 [no definite locality given, according to Zilch (1951: 145) " Palästina, Parreys d."].

Type specimens:

solida View in CoL : syntype ZMB, H = 41.7; D = 39.5; PH = 23.8; PD = 22.2; PrD = 6.6; W = 5.25. adanensis View in CoL : holotype SMF 9790 ( Zilch 1952: 143), H = 36.1; D = 35.4; PH = 24.5; PD = 18; PrD = 4.8; W = 5.25. baristata View in CoL : not researched. blanckenhorni: holotype SMF 9021 ( Zilch 1952: 145): H = 38.8, D = 40.8, PH = 21.8, PD = 23.1. blumi View in CoL : lectotype SMF 9809 (SD Zilch 1952: 144): H = 48.9; D = 48.2; PH = 35.2; PD = 23.8; PrD = 5.5; W = 5.25. ciliciana View in CoL see note. equitum View in CoL : syntype MHNG 17944, H = 37.8; D = 34.8; PH = 23.2; PD = 23.8; PrD = 5.1; W = 5. globulosa: lectotype SMF 9811 (SD Zilch 1952: 143): H= 34; D = 33.4; PH = 25; PD = 15; PrD = 4.7; W = 5.25. homerica: not researched. incrassata: lectotype SMF 75928 (SD Zilch 1952: 143): H = 39.7; D = 42.8; PH = 27.8; PD = 19.4; PrD = 5.1; W = 5.5. infidelium View in CoL : lectotype SMF 9805 (SD Zilch 1952: 144): H = 43.7; D = 39.9; PH = 31.4; PD = 20.6; PrD = 7; W = 5.5. kossenae: not researched. mersinae: lectotype SMF 9648 (SD Zilch 1952: 159): H = 24; D = 26.3; PH = 19.5; PD = 13.5; PrD = 4.4; W = 4.5. moabitica View in CoL : lectotype SMF 9620 (SD Zilch 1952: 145): H = 39.9; D = 40.5; PH = 27.3; PD = 19; PrD = 5.1; W = 5.5. nilotica View in CoL : syntype MHNG 17975, H = 43.9, D = 38.8, PH = 23.6; PD = 23.7. pericalla View in CoL : probable syntype SMF 9936 (coll. Kobelt ex Rolle): H = 56.1, D = 54.3, PH = 31.8, PD = 34.6. pleurorinia View in CoL : syntypes MHNG 17981/2, not researched. plicata: lectotype SMF 75930 (SD Zilch 1952: 143): H = 51.5; D = 48.9; PH = 31.3; PD = 22.8; PrD = 5.8; W = 6. pompej: holotype SMF 9716 ( Zilch 1952: 145): H = 37.1; D = 36.3; PH = 26.8; PD = 18.3; PrD = 5.4; W = 5.25. pyrami: holotype SMF 9763 ( Zilch 1952: 143): H = 33.5; D = 33.4; PH = 22.7; PD = 16.15; PrD = 5.4; W = 5. riebecki: not researched. sarica: holotype SMF 9652 ( Zilch 1952: 143): H = 35.6; D = 35.6; PH = 25; PD = 17.1; PrD = 5.9; W = 5.25. venusta: syntype SMF 9697, H = 39.7; D = 36.4; PH = 23.4; PD = 23.5; PrD = 6.9; W = 5.

Note on Helix (Helicogena) ciliciana KOBELT, 1904 View in CoL : Zilch (1952: 144–145) mentioned that in Kobelt's private copy of the "Iconographie" there is a handwritten note, which says that the name " ciliciana View in CoL " has to be attributed to his figure 1032 from Iskenderun. Because this specimen is lost, Zilch designated a neotype (SMF 22671) for this taxon from Iskenderun. However, the neotype is a specimen of H. antiochiensis View in CoL , and not H. asemnis View in CoL as originally intended by Kobelt. Thus, the neotype designation of Zilch has to be regarded as invalid, and the taxon ciliciana View in CoL remains without a type specimen. Kobelt mentioned that he copied the name ciliciana View in CoL from the collection of Bourguignat in Geneva, but so far no label and specimen with this name could be found there.

A certain chaos appears with the name Pomatia pericalla ROLLE & KOBELT, 1894 . The authors mention "bei Giosna in Cilicia" as the type locality for this taxon, and also mention that the name is a manuscript name by Bourguignat, and that the figures were painted after the type specimens in Bourguignat's collection in Geneva. Fact is that in the collection, the name Helix pericalla appears with Bourguignat, 1878 as author and date, but it was never published. The two lots under this name have two different localities, none of them is Giosna (MHNG 18059/1 ( Syrie, Tripoli et marché d'Alexandrie) and MHNG 18060/4 (Amrith, près Tortose), with the first meaning Tripoli in Lebanon and market in Alexandria, and the second in Amrith, a small village south of Tartus at the Syrian Mediterranean coast). In the collection of Bourguignat, the locality Giosna (and in its various notations) does not appear at all. Kobelt (1904: 156, Taf. 337, Figs 1–2 View Figs 1–9 ) simply copies the figures from the Iconographie Supplement volume of 1896, with the note that these illustrations represent "Bourguignat's types " bought by Letourneux in Alexandria ( Egypt). This latter note coincides with the collection in Geneva, however, in the same text he mentions that originally his specimens had been collected by Rolle in Giosna. Concluding, it is clear that pericalla has been described based on specimens collected by Rolle in Turkey, and that Kobelt was inspired by an unpublished name in Geneva. The specimens there do not have any status.

Specimens examined:

Greece: Chios : Chios, 38.4573 26.0727, SMF 22759/2 (paratypes homerica ex v. Oertzen); ditto, SMF 22760. Symi: Panormiti, 36.5476 27.8464, SMF 74319/3 [Simi]. Kasos: Kasos, 35.3906 26.9194, 17.04.1982, LIEB (4) . Kastellorizo: Castelrosso, 36.1486 29.5938, SMF 299266; ditto, SMF 74320/6; Kastelorizo, 15.05.1983, LIEB (20) ; plateau over Aghios Ioannis, 07.06.1996 LIEB (3).

Turkey: Denizli Ili: road 330 Burdur to Denizli, 3 km W Güney , 37.51 29.51, 16.4.1993, NMBE 512919 View Materials /4. Muğla Ili: Yatagan, ruins of Stratonikeia W of Yatagan, 37.3134 28.058, 07.10.1997, LIEB ; Muğla, rocky slope above the old town of Muğla, 37.2229 28.3604, 30.9.1997, LIEB ; Akyaka , GÖkova, rocky slope N of Akyaka, 37.0648 28.3253, 06.10.1997, LIEB ; Akyaka , rockgrave approx. 1 km S Akyaka, 37.0538 28.3454, 29.10.1997, LIEB ; GÖkova, 2 km W of Akyaka , 37.0550 28.3660, 03.10.1997, LIEB ; Marmaris, road from the harbour to the Günnücek Park , 36.8489 28.2893, 04.10.1997, LIEB ; Caria, coast opposite Symi, SMF 9697 (" paratype " of venusta ex v. Oertzen); ditto, SMF 9696; ditto, SMF 22758/2; rocks at the shore N Budrun [= Bodrum], 37.0388 27.4154, SMF 74340/6; Bodrum , Cilicia (= Bodrume , Bodume ), SMF 22663; ditto, SMF 74252/3; ditto, SMF 74253/3; Bozburun Yarimadasi , Loryma , castle and adjacent area, 36.5660 28.0160, 04.06.1998, NMBE 512923 View Materials / 11; Peninsula of Bodrum, Ören, ruins of Keramos , 37.0374 27.9802, 05.10.1997, LIEB ; Makri [= Fethiyhe], 36.6467 29.1682, SMF 22756; Fethyie, 50 km S Fethyie, Minore , ruins of Pinara , 36.4896 29.2573, 05.10.1994, LIEB (2) ; between Esen and Dodurga, Fethiye , 36.42 29. 25, 150 m alt., 4.6.2006, NMBE 23005 View Materials /21. Antalya Ili: Geris, Akseki / Antalya, 36.9564 31.7376, 800 m alt., 16.6.1987, NMBE 522709 View Materials / 12; Arif, 1–2 Km S of road Finike-Elmalı , 36.509 30.0563, 600 m alt., 9.6.1987, NMBE 522708 View Materials / 3; Akseki, Mt. Cevizli , 37.1968 31.7635, 1100 m alt., 16.6.1987, NMBE 522707 View Materials / 1; Beskonak, bridge over KÖprülü Canyon , 37.1919 31.187, 200 m alt., 17.6.1987, NMBE 522706 View Materials /7; Antalya, 36.91 30.69, 1976, NMBE 522618 View Materials / 1; Alanya, Dim Valley, 5 Km from coastal road, 36.5419 32.1069, 50 m alt., 7.10.2001, NMBE 522345 View Materials / 5; pass between Sultaniye and Ekincik , 36.8601 28.5576, 400 m alt., 2.6.1998, NMBE 512922 View Materials / 1; Beldibi , 36.7349 30.5596, 9 m alt., 25.3.1986, NMBE 505539 View Materials / 4; Kas , 36.2 29.58, 20 m alt., 7.6.2006, NMBE 23008 View Materials / 1; Kalkan, Kas , 36.26 29.41, 50 m alt., 6.6.2006, NMBE 23007 View Materials / 3; Palamut, Kas , 36.4088 29. 3644, 350 m alt., 6.6.2006, NMBE 23006 View Materials /9; Cilicia, Adana, 36.9156 30.7173, SMF 22660/5; ditto, SMF 22669; ditto, SMF 22670/5; ditto, SMF 24009; ditto, SMF 74234; ditto, SMF 74235/2; ditto, SMF 74236; ditto, SMF 74237; ditto, SMF 74239; ditto, SMF 74240; ditto, SMF 74242; ditto, SMF 74243/2; ditto, SMF 74244; ditto, SMF 74247; ditto, SMF 74248; ditto, SMF 74250/2; ditto, SMF 155822; ditto, SMF 299440/2; ditto, SMF 299445/4; ditto, SMF 299446/6; ditto, SMF 299448/4; ditto, SMF 299449/5; ditto, SMF 299450/4; ditto, SMF 299451/3; ditto, SMF 299435/2; ditto, SMF 299439/3; ditto, SMF 299437/23; ditto, SMF 299441/2; SMF 74245 Adana, Caramanie ; SMF 299443/2 mountains around Adana; SMF 214886 Adana (Giaur Dagh); Lycia , Adalia (= Antalya, many records with this locality in SMF), 36.9156 30.7173; Beydağları, Gedelme W Kemer , 36.6068 30.4308, ca. 900 m alt., 02.10. 1986, leg. Rähle, RÄH (1); W of the Düden waterfall, 36.8498 30.7816, 22.03.1986, leg. Rähle, RÄH (1); rocks 4 km N crossroads near Varsah 8 km N Antalya, 36.9911 30.7139, 23.12.1986, MENK (2) ; Antalya, 2 km N Beldibi SW Antalya, 36.7565 30.5685, 25.03.1986, leg. Rähle, RÄH (2); at the springs of Kirk GÖz N of Karain, 37.0958 30.5807, 03.10.1986, leg. Rähle, RÄH (1); Castle of Alanya , 36.5327 31.9910, 27.12.1986, MENK (15) ; ditto, III.2003, leg. Rähle, RÄH (1); ditto, 12.1.1997, 525609/28; ditto, 7.4.1997, NMBE 525598 View Materials / 6; ditto, 10.5.1991, NMBE 512913 View Materials / 5; Alanya , castle hill, 20.05.1964, coll. Schlickum ex Schütt ; Antalya, 1.5 km N of crossroads close to Güzelbağ 18 km NW Antalya, 36.7196 31.8948, 27.12.1986, MENK (3) ; Manavgat , E of waterfall, 36.8135 31.4553, 10.1.1997, NMBE 525605 View Materials / 1; Oba E of Alanya, 36.5371 32.0499, 11.1.1997, NMBE 525599 View Materials / 2; 3 km SSE Demirtas SE Alanya , 36.4043 32.2143, 22.4.1997, NMBE 525602 View Materials /1; Antalya 20 km N Manavgat in dir. Aydinkent , 36.834 31.506, 9.5.1991, NMBE 512926 View Materials / 2; Manavgat, Cevizli , 37.1939 31.7637, 24.7.1994, SMNS/NORDS ; Antalya, Ihsanyie at Antalya, 36.9845 30.8547, 11.6.1995, SMNS/NORDS ; Antalya, rocky slope 7 km W of Güney 25 km W of Yesilova , 1.8.1984, MENK (11) ; Antalya: rocks at the crossroads to the Düden waterfall NW Antalya in direction to Burdur, 22.12.1986, MENK (10) ; Lycia , Jenitsche Pass, SMF 299461; SMF 280624 Antalya, Fuss des Kara Dag ; Antalya, Güney, 3 km in direction to Karahüyük , 10.6.1995, SMNS/NORDS . Icel Ili: Tarsus, 36.9201 34.8940, SMF 78205/2; Tarsus , Tasobasi at Tarsus , 37.0900 34.9286, 31.12.1993, SMNS/NORDS; ditto, 28.7.1994, SMNS/NORDS; GÖzne, limestone cliffs opposite of castle, 36.9946 34.5551, 3770 ft alt., 09.10.2001, HEMM (3 alk., no shells) ; GÖzne, rocks above the castle, 37.0067 34.5771, 20.4.1997, NMBE 525596 View Materials / 11; 6 km S GÖzne N of Mersin, 36.9654 34.5717, 20.4.1997, NMBE 525626 View Materials / 1 (alk.); Gheuzneh (= Giosna, = GÖzne), 36.9992 34.5712, SMF 9809; Mountains around Giosna , SMF 9936; ditto SMF 22752; ditto SMF 22751/4; ditto SMF 9810; ditto SMF 214785; ditto SMF 22754; ditto SMF 74294/2; ditto SMF 299459; ditto SMF 299460; ditto SMF 299462; ditto SMF 299463/2; Geuzneklis (= GiÖsne ?), SMF 74293; Giorna , (= GiÖsne ?), SMF 22338; Anamuryum , rocks at the ruins, 36.0253 32.8050, 28.12.1986, MENK (2) ; ruins of Anamuryum , 10.5.1991, NMBE 512914 View Materials / 2; ditto, 10.4.1997, NMBE 525604 View Materials / 5; ditto, 20.03.2003, leg. Rähle, RÄH (4); Mamure Kalesi at Cap Anamur, 36.0811 32.8946, 20.03.2003, leg. Rähle, RÄH (1); Icel, Silifke , GÖksu Delta , April 1992, NMBE 512925 View Materials / 1; 5 km SW Silifke, ruins of Ayatekla , 36.3629 33.9210, 29.12.1986, MENK (10) ; Softa Kalesi close Boyazi ENE Anamur , 36.1042 33.0176, 9.4.1997, NMBE 525593 View Materials / 18; west of Boyazi ENE Anamur , 36.0906 32.93, 9.4.1997, NMBE 525592 View Materials / 5; 17 km from Silifke to Uzuncaburc , 36.4919 33.9208, 12.4.1997, NMBE 525603 View Materials / 2; Cehennem NE Silifke , 36.4541 34.1064, 13.4.1997, NMBE 525606 View Materials / 1; 1.5 km from GÖzce to AydIncIk, 36.1298 33.1986, 11.4.1997, NMBE 525607 View Materials / 2; 2 km from GÖzce to AydIncIk, 36.1332 33.2126, 11.4.1997, NMBE 525624 View Materials / 1 (alk.); approx. 2 km SW Akkum ENE Silifke , 36.4294 34.1004, 20.4.1997, NMBE 525610 View Materials / 1 (alk.); Balcali, Çamlitepe , 37.0628 35.3685, 23.07.1992, NMBE 512924 View Materials / 2; Icel, Silifke , 2 km W Tavşucu, 36.3078 33.8575, 10.5.1993, NMBE 512920 View Materials / 3; Icel, Silifke, Kizkalesi 23 km NE Silifke, 36.468 34.166, 24.7.1986, NMBE 512909 View Materials / 7; Selefke Cilicia (= Silifke ), 36.3819 33.9323, SMF 9644; ditto SMF 214894; ditto SMF 74350/2; ditto SMF 299408; ditto SMF 299430/2; between Mersin and Pompejopolis, 36.7882 34.6050, SMF 22666; ditto SMF 22678; Gülek (= Camalan ), 37.1989 34.8106, SMF 22673; ditto SMF 74246; ditto SMF 74251; ditto SMF 22688/2; ditto SMF 299447; ditto SMF 299453; ditto SMF 299457/2; Pompejopolis, 36.7823 34.5835, SMF 9761; ditto SMF 9683; ditto SMF 9717; ditto SMF 74363; ditto SMF 214879; ditto SMF 299456/2; ditto SMF 22692 ; Mersin to Silifke SMF 22761; ditto SMF 74349/2; ditto SMF 74291/2; ditto SMF 74293/2; ditto SMF 74314; ditto SMF 74351; ditto SMF 214880/2; ditto SMF 214893/2; ditto SMF 214789; ditto SMF 299452/2; Findikpinar, 36.9230 34.3691, SMF 74292; between Anamur and Silifke , 4.6 km E Aydıncık, 36.152 33.372, 11.5.1991, NMBE 512908 View Materials / 2; Icel, Silifke, Çennet ve Çehennem 18 km NE Silifke, 36.4524N 34.1054, 24.7.1986, NMBE 512907 View Materials / 1; ditto, 16.9.1989, NMBE 512912 View Materials / 5; Silifke , 3 km S UzuncaburÇ, 36.55 33.92, 26.7.1986, NMBE 512910 View Materials / 2; Silifke , 6 km S UzuncaburÇ, 36.53 33.945, 26.7.1986, NMBE 512911 View Materials /3; Mersin, 3 km S Findikpinar , 36.906 34.382, 13.5.1991, NMBE 512916 View Materials / 2; 36 km N Erdemli in dir. Güzeloluk , 36.789 34.091, 12.5.1991, NMBE 512915 View Materials / 1; Silifke , 24 km W Silifke at the coastal road, 36.256 33.779, 10.5.1993, NMBE 512921 View Materials / 1; Silifke, Olba at UzunÇaburc ( Aquaeduct ), 36.5805 33.9246, 4.8.1994, SMNS/NORDS; Silifke , Narlikuyu , 1 km in dir. Akkum , 36.4505 34.1199, 5.8.1994, SMNS/NORDS; rock crevices in Yemiskuma 7 km to W from Erdemli , 36.4927 34.1816, 9.8.1984, MENK (11) ; SMF 9645 Tetemtere Cilicia ; ditto, SMF 22691/2 Tenemtere (sic!); SMF 299405/2 ditto . Niğde Ili: ÇamardI, Ala DaglarI, Çukurbağ , PInarbaşI, limestone rocks, 1700 m alt., 38.011 35.1472, 30.05.2007, leg. C. Huber, NMBE 24876 View Materials / 4; rocks 46 km SW of Niğde, 37.6238 34.5332, 1600 m alt., 18.7.1986, MENK (17) . Adana Ili: Mersin, GÖzne, S Kale , 36.9984 34.5726, 1060 m alt., 3.8.1994, SMNS/ NORDS ; Mersin, GÖzne, at Kale , 3.8.1994, XF 39 SMNS/NORDS ; Karaman, Taskale, 1 km in dir. Yesildere, 37.1526 33.5508, 26.7.1994, SMNS/NORDS; Pozanti , 4 km in dir. Çiftehan ( Ak KÖprü), 37.4677 34.8682, 26.7.1994, SMNS/NORDS; Pozanti , 70 km N Tarsus along E 5, 2300 m alt., XG 64, 8.1984, MENK (11) ; Pozanti, Gülek Bogazi at Tekir , 37.3785 34.8088, 27.7.1994, SMNS/NORDS; at the road Pozanti to Niğde, ca. 6 km N of Pozanti , 37.4906 34.8434,; rocks 6.5 km N of Pozanti, 700 m alt., 37.4790 34.8555, 23.12.1990, MENK (5) ; rocks at Yilankale 6 km SW of Ceyhan, 37.0111 35.7480, 25.12.1990, MENK (2) ; rocks at Tumlu Kalesi 12 km NW of Mercimek, 37.1473 35.7044, 50 m alt., 24.12.1990, MENK (4) ; ditto, 13.10.2001, SMF 280621/3 alk.; ditto, 15.4.1997, NMBE 525601 View Materials / 5, Hemm (alk.1); rocky slope W of Kozan, 37.4550 35. 7784, 160 m alt., 27.7.1988 MENK (8) ; rocks 2.9 km N Kozan , 37.4678 35. 7986, 450 m alt., 24.12.1990, MENK (28) ; rocks 8 km SW of Kozan , 37.3816 35.7704, 85 m alt., 27.7.1988, MENK (2) ; vegetation at Toprakkale , 37.0508 36.1356, 26.12.1990, MENK (7) ; 22 km from Tarsus to Pozanti N Tarsus , 37.0965 34.9094, 14.4.1997, NMBE 525614 View Materials / 7, NMBE 525628 View Materials / 1 (alk.); Taurus mountains close to Pozanti, 37.4013 34.8718, 18.08.1964, leg. Probst, RÄH (1); Gülek Bogazi , 37.3265 34.7911, 14.4.1997, NMBE 525600 View Materials / 1, NMBE 525627 View Materials / 1 (alk.); ditto, 22.10.2001, HEMM (2 alk.) ; 11 km from Gülek to Pozanti , 37.3996 34.8620, 14.4.1997, NMBE 525608 View Materials / 2; castle of Kozan , 37.4438 35.8104, 15.5.1991, NMBE 512918 View Materials / 3; ditto, 15.4.1997, NMBE 525595 View Materials / 3, NMBE 525594 View Materials / 2 (alk.); ruins of Hierapolis and Castabala , 37.11 36.11, 23.7.1986, NMBE 512927 View Materials /9; road Adana to Kozan , 25 km S Imamoğlu, 37.089 35.491, 220 m alt., 14.5.1991, NMBE 512917 View Materials / 1; Ceyhan, Anavarza at Aysehoca , 37.2635 35.8501, 2.8.1994, SMNS/NORDS . Hatay Ili: Iskenderun , quarry above the city, 36.5741 36.2122, 16.4.1997, NMBE 525625 View Materials / 2 (alk.); Alexandrette (= Iskenderun), 36.5816 36.1680, SMF 22664/2; ditto, SMF 22684, ex LÖbbecke; SMF 214885, mountains around Alexandrette ; SMF 299458, between Alexandrette and Beilan, 36.5181 36.1628; SMF 299550/2 Antakia , cascades four hours S of Antakia (= Harbyie !), 36.1451 36.1415, coll. C. Bosch ex Rolle ; Iskenderun , right of big quarry, 36.5827 36.2062, 14.10.2001, HEMM (3 alk.) ; Payas (= Yakacik), 5 km in dir. Hassa , 30.7.1994, 36.8351 36.3476, SMNS/NORDS; Antakya , St. Pierre Kilesi , 36.2091 36.1784, 31.7.1994, SMNS/NORDS; Harbiye in direction to DÖver, slope at the road, 36.1201 36.1342, 06.04.1987, LIEB (2).

Syria, Lebanon: SMF 9736 Libanon; ditto, SMF 22672; ditto, SMF 22680; ditto, SMF 299444/4; ditto, SMF 299452; SMF 78207/3 E Lebanon; SMF Lattaquiah, 35.5259 35.7932, SMF 78208/2; SMF 2267/7 Beyrut; SMF 299455 Syrien.

Doubtful localites: SMF 74134/2 Ephesus (?) or Priene, coll. K.L. Pfeiffer ex Schickfuss.

Unidentified localites: SMF 22662/2 Hadjime, Cilicia; SMF 9646 Julet Kabas; SMF 9647 ditto; SMF 22753 Bulgar Maaden; SMF 74241/2 Tschengen-KÖi.

Erroneous localities: SMF 22687 Orfa.

Unspecific localities: SMF 22665 Taurus; SMF 22668 ditto; SMF 22675 ditto; SMF 74213 "Taurus"; NMBE 18477; SMF 9937 "Cilicia"; SMF 299454/2 Caria; Lycia, SMF 22755/3; ditto, SMF 299406.

Diagnosis: shell medium sized to very large, thin to very thick, globular to slightly conical, upper three spirals fused to a large brown band, protoconch relatively small, aperture rounded, small, labial callus strong, cream coloured, columellar triangle reinforced, epiphallus shorter than penis, animal colour brick-red.

Description: shell of medium size to very large, thin to considerably thickened, globular or spire slightly conical; basic shell colour greyish white with chestnut brown spirals, usually spirals Nos. 2 and 3 fused, sometimes even fused with No. 1, the subperipheral spirals always separate; protoconch small in comparison to shell, its diameter ranging from 4. 5–6 mm, smooth, white whorls; teleoconch of 3–4 whorls, smooth, with medium sized axial riblets; last whorl only slightly descending below the periphery; aperture subquadrate to rounded, rather small if compared to the overall shell size, apertural rim narrow, labial callus strong, cream coloured, columellar triangle large and reinforced, columella straight to slightly oblique; umbilicus closed in adult shells; animal colour brick-red to grey.

Genital organs ( Figs 128–130): penis club-shaped, epiphallus shorter than penis or reaching the same length; flagellum long, exceeding the length of epiphallus+penis three times; mrp attaching in a proximal position on the epiphallus; internally, pp1 shorter than pp2, penial chamber long, filled with numerous elongate folds, both papillae conical with a central perforation; atrial stimulator a rounded knob, sometimes connecting to a well developed fold; female system with a very short vaginal tube, dart sac and glandulae mucosae strongly developed, the glandulae with a basic stem, multi-branched, longer than dart sac; pedunculus stem long, with a thick and elongate diverticulum, reaching or surmounting bursa copulatrix, stem of bursa copulatrix shorter than pedunculus stem, vesicle rounded and bent downwards.

Distribution ( Fig. 131 View Fig ): This species is recorded from the eastern Aegean Islands to Lebanon and Syria. Reliable records end in Lattaquiah, Northern Syria, the records from Lebanon, Beirut, Palestine ( moabitica etc.) could not be corroborated by recent collections. These records are probably based on misidentifications, historical mislabelling, or unintentional introductions, which did not result in stable populations (e.g. nilotica ).

Remarks: Helix asemnis is an extremely variable species. Shells from arid and low level areas tend to be very thick, and the columella can be strongly reinforced by a callus (e.g. adanensis ). Quite often, the larger and thinner shells originate from higher mountain regions (e.g. blumi , pericalla ).

This species very often occurs sympatrically with H. nucula , both species having a white lip. Helix asemnis differs from this species by its usually larger size, the single brown spiral band on the upper whorl, and the smooth shell (usually with a reticulate pattern in H. nucula ). In their genital anatomy, the two species differ by the short epiphallus in H. asemnis , while H. nucula has a very long epiphallus.


Naturhistorisches Museum der Burgergemeinde Bern














Helix (Helix) asemnis BOURGUIGNAT, 1860

Neubert, Eike 2014


KOBELT, Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet VI 1904

Helix (Helicogena) ciliciana KOBELT, 1904

KOBELT, Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet VI 1904

" ciliciana

KOBELT, Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet VI 1904


KOBELT, Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet VI 1904


KOBELT, Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet VI 1904

H. antiochiensis

KOBELT, Iconographie 1895

Helix asemnis

BOURGUIGNAT, Revue et Magasin de Zoologie 1860

Helix solida ALBERS, 1860

ALBERS, Die Heliceen 1860

H. asemnis

BOURGUIGNAT, Revue et Magasin de Zoologie 1860
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