Gypsophila guvengorkii Armağan, Özgökçe and Çelik, 2017

Armağan, Metin, Özgökçe, Fevzi & Çelik, Ali, 2017, Notes on the genus Gypsophila (Caryophyllaceae) in Turkey, with a description of G. guvengorkii sp. nov., Phytotaxa 295 (3), pp. 271-279 : 271-275

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.295.3.8


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scientific name

Gypsophila guvengorkii Armağan, Özgökçe and Çelik

sp. nov.

Gypsophila guvengorkii Armağan, Özgökçe and Çelik View in CoL sp. nov. ( Figure 1 View FIGURE 1 )

Type: — TURKEY. Karabük: Keltepe, rocky crevices, 41 o 05′ 16.24″ N 32 o 27′ 16.37″ E, 1981 m, 11 July 2012, Çelik 585 (holotype VANF-162325!, isotype PAMUH!).

Diagnosis: — Affinis G. briquetiana Schischkin (1928:474) sed petalis oblanceolatis, 5.0–5.5 × 1.6–1.8 mm (non obovatis–cuneatis, 4–8 × 1.5–3.5 mm), obtusis–retusis (non retusis–emarginatis); stylis 2–3 (non solum 2) differt, G. davisii Barkoudah (1962:62) sed petalis oblanceolatis, 5.0–5.5 × 1.6–1.8 mm (non linearis–cuneatis, 4.2–5.0 × 1.0– 1.6 mm); semina orbiculari-reniformia (non pyriformis); bracteis scarioso-marginatis (non scariosus et minutis ciliatis) differt, et G. brachypetala sed caulis florifer 3–11 cm (non 17–40 cm), inflorescentia depauperate dichasium (non corymbose); semina acute tuberculate (non obtuse) differt ( Table 1).

Description: —Caespitose perennial, glabrous, with a caudex at the base. Stem numerous, erect-ascending, slender, 3–11 cm high. Basal leaves linear (5–19 × 1.0– 1.8 mm), flat or triquetrous, ± acute, green, finely scabrid at margins. Inflorescence in depauperate dichasium, (1–)2–7-flowered. Bracts lanceolate-ovate (2.0–2.3 × 0.6–1.0 mm), leaf-like in shape, scarious at margins. Pedicels 1–6 mm long. Flowers sterile with three styles or fertile with two styles. Calyx campanulate (3.0–4.0 × 2.5–3.5 mm), with teeths ovate (1.8–2.3 × 1.2–1.5 mm), obtuse-mucronulate, broadly scarious at margins. Petals pink, oblanceolate (5.0–5.5 × 1.6–1.8 mm), obtuse-retuse. Capsule subglobose-ovoid (2.7–2.8 × 2.5–2.6 mm), shorte than the calyx. Seeds brownish-black, orbicular-reniform (1.3–1.6 × 1.4–1.7 mm), with acute tubercles on dorsal side. Ovules 8.

Phenology: —Flowering and fruiting times July‒August.

Distribution and habitats: — Gypsophila guvengorkii is an endemic species growing on limestone rocks crevices (top of Keltepe, Karabük, Turkey) at about 2000 m a.s.l. ( Figure 5 View FIGURE 5 )

Etymology: —This new species named in honour of Mehmet Güven Görk, a botanist in Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Turkey.

Conservation status: — Gypsophila guvengorkii currently occurs in the environs Bolu and Karabük ( Turkey), where covers an area of about 20.000 km 2. It prefers rocky areas at the mountains. There are about 150 km between two known localities which do not seem to be in hazard condition (no threats appears to be). We suggest that the G. guvengorkii should be placed under Vulnerable (VU [D2]) of the IUCN category because Area of Occupancy (AOO) less than 20 km 2 and number of locations less than five ( IUCN 2014).

Taxonomical notes: — Gypsophila guvengorkii belongs to the section Exscapae F.N. Williams (1889: 322 , six species, of which five endemic) (10 sections in Turkey according to Koç 2013) which is characterized by including perennial species with low stems up to eight cm with small, fleshy leaves, few-flowered inflorescence and 16–20 ovules ( Huber-Morath 1967, Davis et al. 1988). The new species increase to 64 the total number of Gypsophila taxa in Turkey.

The samples which were collected by Davis and Tunçkol & Akkemik in 2013 (see Huber-Morath 1967, Tunçkol & Akkemik 2013) were identified as G. brachypetala . On the basis of our careful examination of these specimens, plus the new own collections from Bolu, we verified that the population found from Karabük to Bolu are recognizable as a new species. Gypsophila guvengorkii differs from G. briquetiana especially by the petal shape, inflorescence, seeds and style number; it differs from G. brachypetala by plant size, inflorescence and seed form ( Figure 2 View FIGURE 2 ); it differs from G. davisii by the petal and seed shape ( Table 1).

Selected specimens examined ( Gypsophila briquetiana ): — TURKEY. Tunceli: Ovacık, Munzur Mountains, Karagöl valley , 1850 m, 29 July 2011, Armağan & Özgökçe (VANF-162313!) ; Tunceli: Ovacık, 3 km N of Işıkvuran village, Munzur mountains , rocky crevices, 2290 m, 08 August 2014, Armağan 5924 (AYDN-2437!) ; Tunceli: Ovacık, between Sarıgül and Yalmanlar villages, on the pathway of Buyer Baba , rocky crevices, 2680 m, 06 August 2014, Armağan 5811 (AYDN-2438!) ; Erzincan: Üzümlü, Keşiş mountain, around of Devrant , rocky crevices, 2517 m, 16 August 2009, Armağan & Özgökçe (VANF-162312!). ( G. davisii ): — TURKEY. Muğla: Sandras Mountain near Gökçeova, 1700 m, 23 July 1947, Davis 13516a (holo. E-000725650!) ; Muğla: Köyceğiz, the surrounding of Gökçeova Lake , pastures, 1774 m, 10 July 2009, Çelik G23 (VANF-162322!) .


Pamukkale University

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