Garuleum, Cass.

Sadler, Robert, Parker, Thaabiet, Verboom, George Anthony, Ellis, Allan G., Jackson, Mariëtte, van Zyl, Juanita, Manning, John & Bergh, Nicola G., 2022, A molecular phylogeny of Calenduleae (Asteraceae) supports the transfer of Dimorphotheca polyptera DC. to Osteospermum L., South African Journal of Botany 151, pp. 234-245 : 243

publication ID 10.1016/j.sajb.2022.09.001


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4.1. Garuleum View in CoL

Within the Calenduleae , Garuleum is the only genus clearly defined by mostly un-contradicted morphological synapomorphies ( Figs. 1a,b View Fig and 4 View Fig ). In addition, all species are distributed in the summer-rainfall habitats of South Africa and Namibia ( Swelankomo, 2013), while most species of Dimorphotheca and of Osteospermum sensu amplo occur in the winter-rainfall habitats of the region. Five of the eight species of Garuleum are represented in our phylogeny, demonstrating both that the genus is likely to be monophyletic, and that it is sister to the rest of Calenduleae .

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