Fridericia mahunkai, Dozsa-Farkas, 2013

DózSA-Farkas, K., 2013, New Fridericia Species (Oligochaeta: Enchytraeidae) From Vértes Mountains Of Hungary, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 59 (4), pp. 401-421 : 404-408

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scientific name

Fridericia mahunkai

sp. nov.

Fridericia mahunkai sp. n.

( Figs 1A–C, 2A–D, 3A–E)

Type material. Type locality: Vértesboglár, 47 o 25’ 59”N, 31 o 23’49”E, 160 m a.s.l., meadow, moderately moist soil under large Salix tree, collected by K. Dózsa- Farkas & J. Kontschán, 27.03.2008. Holotype: F.17. slide No. 795 Paratypes: P. 94.1–3, slides No. 794, 796, 797. Deposited in the collection of the Department of Systematic Zoology and Ecology , Eötvös Loránd University , Budapest. GoogleMaps

Etymology: Named in honour of my late colleague Dr. Sándor Mahunka. slits (allfiguresweremadefromlivingspecimens; scalebars = 50 μm).

Diagnosis. Thenewspeciescanberecognizedbythefollowingcombi- nation of characters: (1) medium size (13–16 mm in vivo), segments 51–58; (2) max. 4 chaetaeperbundle; (3) clitellumgirdle-shaped: hyalocytesandgranulocytesarrangedintransverserowsdorsally; (4) fourpreclitellarnephridia; (5) coelomo-mucocytes a type, lenticytes small; (6) bursal slit longitudinal; (7) largeseminalvesicle, (8) nosubneuralglands; (9) spermfunnelcylindrical, approximatelyhalfaslongasbodydiameter, collaraswideasthefunnel body, spermca 150–160 μmlong; (10) spermathecaeseparateentally; have twoglobulardiverticulawithstalksorientedentad.

Description. Holotype 10.7 mm long, 360 μm wide at VIII and 400 μm at the clitellum (fixed), segments 58. Body length of the three paratypes 12.8–15.4 mm, width 290–300 μm at VIII and 350–390 μm at the clitellum (in vivo), length of fixed specimens 8.6 mm (in two specimens the body-end is missing), width 280–380 μm at VIII, 310–420 μm at the clitellum, segments 51–52. Chaetae: 4 – 4,3,2,(1): 4 – 4,3,2,(1). As in other Fridericia species the chaetae within a bundle are arranged in pairs with the outer being longer and thicker than the inner (35 × 3.5 μm against 25 × 2.5 μm in the first six segment, later 45 × 4.5 μm against 30 × 3 μmalikeinventro-lateralanddorso-lateralbundles; onlytwochaetaeperbundle from XX (chaetae in the bundles close to the body end somewhat longer: about 50–52 × stained, B and C in vivo; scale bars = 50 μm).

4.2–5 μm). Headporeat 0/I. DorsalporesfromVII. Epidermalglandcellsarrangedin 2–3 transverserowspersegment ( Fig. 2B). ClitelluminXII–1/2 XIII, girdle-shaped, hyalocytes and granulocytes arranged in rows dorsally ( Fig. 2C), weakly developed between the bur- salslits. Thicknessofbodywall 27–37 μm (dorsallyandpreclitellarlythicker, cuticleabout 1 μm in fixed specimens). Brain egg-shaped, 125–150 μm long (fixed), about 2 times longer than wide ( Fig. 2A).

Oesophagealappendages (peptonephridia) long, with 2–3 elongatedterminalbranch- es. Pharyngealglandsalluniteddorsally, allwithventrallobes, thesewelldevelopedin Fig. 3. Micrographof Fridericiamahunkai sp. n.: A = spermathecae (markedwithblackarrows, oesophagealappendagemarkedwithwhitearrow, ph = pharyngealglands), B = spermathecae, C = nephridiumpreclitellarly, D = spermathecaeinstainedslide, E = malecopulatory organ (marked with arrow, e = egg). (A–C in vivo, D–E stained; scale bars = 50 μm).

VandVI. ChloragocytesfromV, brown invivo. DorsalvesselfromXIX–XX, bloodcol- ourless. MidgutparstumidaunusuallylongfromXXVIII–XLIVoccupying 5–9 segments. Fourpairsofpreclitellarnephridiafrom 6/7 to 9/10, lengthratioanteseptale: postseptale 1: 1.5–2, anterior origin of efferent duct (Fig. 3 C). Coelomo-mucocytes scarce (length 15–34 μm, fixed) withslightlywavyoutlineandthematrixbluredbutclearlyvisiblenucleus, a type, lenticytes small: 5–7 μm long. Chylus cells ( Fig. 2D) between XIV –XV, occupying 2 segments. SeminalvesiclelargeinXI– XII. Spermfunnelscylindrical ( Fig. 2C), about 140– 170 μm long and 100–132 μm wide (in vivo) 1.5 times as long as wide. The funnel length in fixed specimens 120–150 μm. Collar slightly narrower or as wide as the funnel. Spermatozoa 150–160 μmlong, heads 65–70 μm (invivo). Diameterofspermducts 6 μm (fixed). Male copulatory organs (Fig. 3 E) 105–110 μm long, 55–80 μm wide and 70–75 μm high (fixed), thelaterallybentbursalslitsarelongitudinal ( Fig. 1B). Nosubneuralglands. Spermathaecae (Figs 3 A, B, D): asmallsessileectalglandattheorifice, ectalductsabout 130–190 μm long and 13 μm wide in the fixed specimens, widened proximally and projecting into the ampullae (ental bulb about 28–30 μm wide in vivo), canal not widened. Ampullae with two shortstalkeddiverticulainsertingonoppositesidesofentalbulbsatbasesofampullae andorientedentad. Ampullaeopenseparatelyintooesophagus. Innersurfaceofampullae andstalksofdiverticulathick- walledwithgranulartexture. Diverticulahaveaspherical sperm-containingchamber (37–45 μmindiameter, fixed). Maximumwidthofspermathaecae (ampulla + diverticula) 110–120 μm (invivo). Oneortwomatureeggsatatime .

Distributionandhabitat: Onlyknownfromthetypelocality.

Differentialdiagnosis. Seven Fridericia specieshavesimilarspermathecae withtwospermathecaldiverticulaorientedentadandseparatelyconnected with the oesophagus (listed in DózSA-FARKAS 2009, Tab. 9 and in addition the variantof F. galba (Hoffmeister, 1843) withtwodiverticula). Themaindiffer- ences between other species of this Fridericia sub-group and the new species are as follows: F. heliota Zalesskaya, 1990 (RotA et al. 2003), F. alata Nielsen et Christensen, 1959, and F. galba ( Schmelz 2003) have 5 pairsofpreclitellarnephridiaandthespermathecalectalductsarelongerthaninthenewspecies. F. nanningensis Xie, Liang et Wang, 2001 (Xie et al. 2001) and F. bubalus Sesma et Dózsa- Farkas, 1993 ( SeSmA & DózSA-FARKAS 1993) havealso 5 pairsofpreclitellarnephridiaandinadditiontheoesophagealappendagesaredifferent: c type in F. bubalus and b type in F. nanningensis . F. sylvatica Healy, 1979 (HeAly, 1979) has 4 pairsofpreclitellarnephridiabuttheclitellumisonlylaterally developedandthereisanadditionalpairofventralpharyngealglandlobes in VII. F. conculcata Dózsa- Farkas, 1986 ( DózSA-FARKAS 1986) has also 4 pairs ofpreclitellarnephridiabutalsosmallsubneuralglandsinXIII–XIVandis lackinglateralchaetaepostclitellarlydowntoXXIV–XXVII.


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