Eudorylas rooibergensis, FÖLDVÁRI, MIHÁLY, 2013

FÖLDVÁRI, MIHÁLY, 2013, Taxonomic revision of the Afrotropical species of the tribe Eudorylini (Diptera, Pipunculidae), Zootaxa 3656 (1), pp. 1-121 : 92-94

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scientific name

Eudorylas rooibergensis

sp. nov.

Eudorylas rooibergensis sp. nov.

( Figs 31A–F View FIGURE 31 )

Diagnosis: Third antennal segment long acuminate. One erect anteromedial hair on 3rd tibia, and first 4 tibiae with a small (but distinct), erect posteromedial hair. This species can be recognised by the first 4 tibiae having a small (but distinct), erect posteromedial hair; the elongated distal parts of the SS (down curved), the hook of the PG in lateral view and the distinct SES bearing many hairs along its edges.

Type material: Namibia: 1♂, HT [# T646], Lüderitz, Rooiberg , 27°38’S 16°28’E, 22–24.ix.1997, Kirk-Spriggs & Marais, malaise trap sample ( NMNW) GoogleMaps .


Head. Third antennal segment long acuminate; dark brown. Face silvery pollinose. Frons, upper part subshining black, lower part silvery pollinose, except tiny, shining black spot in the middle; eyes touching for distance equal to 2 times ocellar triangle. Occiput, lower half silvery pollinose, upper half somewhat brownish.

Thorax. Humeri pale brown. Mesonotum (viewed obliquely from front) brownish pollinose; silvery from the side. Scutellum brown, with 4 pairs of short, pale hairs. Dorsocentral hairs weakly developed. Halter brown, middle of stem yellowish.

Legs. Trochanters and base of femora brown (all femora greyish pollinose, except f3 shining posteriorly), basal ¼ of femora yellow, otherwise dark brown, knees, tibiae and tarsal segments yellow-brown, last segment dark brown. Ventroapical row of 4–5 very small, black spines on mid femora; no spines on 1st and 3rd femur. Subapical (distal) spines on first four tibiae present. One erect anteromedial hair on 3rd tibia, and first 4 tibiae with a small (but distinct), erect posteromedial hair. Hind trochanter with several (8–10) short, white hairs on ventral side. Pulvilli slightly shorter than last tarsal segment.

Wing. Fourth costal section 0.7 times as long as third costal section. Cross-vein R-M just beyond 1/3 of discal cell. Pterostigma fully coloured. Hairs on tegula missing.

Abdomen (already dissected). Hairs dispersed, short and weakly developed. Laterally 2–3 dark brown spines on first tergite. Genitalia without dissection: ST8 globular, no m.a.; slightly yellowish tip of EP and SS.

Genitalia. Surstyli asymmetrical, both with elongated distal parts curved ventrally, IS with an extra hook-like process ventrally at the base ( Fig. 31C View FIGURE 31 ); epandrium elongated, cerci narrow ( Fig. 31B View FIGURE 31 ). SES distinct, with numerous hairs along sides; gonopods small, slightly pointed; hypandrium narrow, lobes deformed ( Fig. 31F View FIGURE 31 ); phallic guide with parallel sides and a down curved hook towards SES in lateral view ( Fig. 31A View FIGURE 31 ); phallus as a thick tube, branching (3) only in distal 1/4; ejaculatory apodeme triangle shaped distally; sperm pump flat, with two little projections ( Fig. 31E View FIGURE 31 ).


Distribution— Namibia.

Etymology—The name refers to the type locality Rooiberg.


National Museum of Namibia















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