Enicospilus cheoi, Fernández-Triana Table Of Contents, 2005

FERNÁNDEZ-TRIANA, JOSÉ L., 2005, The taxonomy and biogeography of Cuban Ophioninae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), Zootaxa 1007 (1), pp. 1-60 : 33-34

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Enicospilus cheoi

sp. nov.

13. E. cheoi View in CoL sp. n. ( Fig. 10r View FIGURE 10 )

This species belongs to the Enicospilus ramidulus species­group (sensu Gauld, 1988), because of its long slender mandibles with a deep diagonal groove from the upper corner to the base of the teeth. According to Gauld, in Mesoamerica this group is represented by other three species: E. purgatus , E. neotropicus and E. doylei . The first two are also found in Cuba. E. cheoi can easily be recognised because of it is the only species within the group with cu­a distal to the base of Rs&M. It also has the hind trochantellus dorsally larg­ est than the rest, is the only with more than 8 hamuli, and has a shortest scutellum and a slightly larger fore wing.

DESCRIPTION. HEAD: Mandibles long, proximally narrowed, distally parallelsided, apically twisted about 20º; upper mandibular tooth almost 3 times as long as the lower tooth; outer mandibular surface with an impressed hirsute groove running from near upper proximal corner to base of teeth; proximal concavity strong. Labrum 0.3 times as long as broad; malar space 0.2 times as long as basal mandibular width. Clypeus in profile convex, margin impressed, acute; clypeus in front view 1.9 times as broad as long. Lower face 0.86 times as broad as long, centrally coarsely punctate. Head in dorsal view with genae rounded; posterior ocellus close to eye; FI = 60 %. Occipital carina mediodorsally complete, joining to hypostomal carina about 1.0 times the basal mandibular width away from mandible. Antenna long and slender, with 65–68 flagellar segments; 20th segment 1.9 times as long as broad. MESOSOMA: Mesoscutum polished, closely punctate, in profile evenly rounded; notauli weak but discernible. Mesopleuron polished, the upper part from punctate to striate, the lower part coarsely punctostriate; epicnemial carina inclined towards anterior margin of pleuron. Scutellum in profile weakly convex, laterally carinate for 0.9 of its length, in dorsal view 1.3 times as long as anteriorly broad; shallowly and closely punctate. Metapleuron flattened, coarsely and closely punctate. Submetapleural carina evenly anteriorly broadened; posterior transverse carina of mesosternum complete. Propodeum in profile evenly declivous; anterior transverse carina complete, posterior transverse carina absent; anterior area moderately long, rugoso­striate; spiracular area quite long, fairly smooth; posterior area wrinkled to reticulate; lateral longitudinal carina present anteriorly, posteriorly effaced, and not joined to spiracular margin by a short carina. Fore wing length 15­16 mm; AI = 0.44; CI = 0.36; ICI = 0.51; SDI = 1.09; cu­a distal to the base of Rs&M by 0.3 times its own length; marginal cell proximally slightly more sparsely hirsute than centrally; 1st subdiscal cell proximally slightly more sparsely hirsute than distally. Hind wing with 9 hamuli on R1; 1st and 2 nd abscissa of RS straight. Middle leg with longer tibial spur 1.4 times length of the shorter. Hind leg with coxa in profile 2 times as long as deep; trochantellus dorsally 0.4 times as long as broad; 4th segment of tarsus 3.2 times as long as broad; claws long, bearing close short pectinae, distally strongly curved. METASOMA: Metasoma long and slender; tergite 2 in profile 6 times as long as posteriorly deep, thyridia elliptical and separated from anterior margin of tergite by 2.9 times its own length. Ovipositor slender. COLOUR: Orange­brown, with most of head paler yellowish; interocellar area yellow; antenna and pterostigma orange­brown; wings hyaline.

ETYMOLOGY: I dedicate this species to my beloved father José (Cheo) Fernández Palacios, who passed away when I was finishing this paper.

MATERIAL EXAMINED: Holotype ♀, Cuba: Sierra Cristal, Mayarí, Oriente. [Holguín], EC, VI­1956, Zayas­Alayo ( IES, CN: 7.001.383). Paratype ♀, Cuba: Same data as holotype ( IES, CN: 7.001.384) .


Wellcome Collection of Bacteria, Burroughs Wellcome Research Laboratories

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