Empoasca bipunctulata, Metcalf, 1946

Metcalf, Z. P., 1946, Homoptera, Fulgoroidea and Jassoidea of Guam, Insects of Guam II, Honolulu, Hawaii: Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin 189, pp. 105-148 : 144-145

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.5174008

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scientific name

Empoasca bipunctulata

sp. nov.

7. Empoasca bipunctulata , new species ( fig. 29 View FIGURE 29 , a-e).

Crown as long as its width between the eyes, obtusely rounded anteriorly; face narrow, elongate, more than twice as long as the width between the eyes. Pronotum about twice as broad as long; the posterior margin broadly excavated.

·Male genitalia: unique; genital plate and genital styles elongate, slender, suggestive of certain species in the subfamily Jassinae ; genital plate elongate, slender, the basal two thirds about the same width throughout, then elbowed, narrowed, directed mesad and ending in obtuse apices with elongate setae; genital styles not as long as the anal spine, the basal portion of about the same width, then suddenly constricted and terminating in elongate, slender flagellate processes; the lateral processes somewhat sickle-shaped, attenuated to acute apices which are directed laterad; aedeagus elongate, slender, about half as long as the pygofer, terminating in a slender process. Female genitalia: with last ventral segment about 1.5 times as broad as long; the posterior lateral angles strongly projected; the posterior border excavated in a broad U-shaped sinus; the median area projected into a broad sharp triangular tooth with a shallow median V-shaped notch.

Color of the venter including the legs and abdomen pale ochraceous buff; face ochraceous orange with a pale, rather indistinct median vitta and two pairs of oblique vittae, the dorsal pair starts at the apex of the head and slopes laterad to the middle of the eyes; the ventral pair is broader and starts at the top of the median vitta and slopes laterad to the antennae; crown ochraceous orange with a pale median vitta starting about the center of the crown and terminating anteriorly in two recurved fasciae above the ocelli and extending almost to the compound eyes; behind these fasciae there is a pair of broad, short dashes directed caudad which extend from the margin of the compound eyes for about a fourth of the width of the crown; pronotum chiefly ochraceous orange; median vitta ivory-white; lateral fields broadly ivory-white; tegmina translucent with ochraceous greenish reflections; a large black spot between media and the cross veins just posterior to these.

Length: to apex of tegmina, 2.75 mm.; to apex of abdomen, 2.25 mm.

Holotype male, Piti, May 1, from sedges, Usinger ; allotype female, Piti , May 1, from sedges, Swezey ; paratype, one female, Umatac , May 14, Usinger .

_This species is colored ochraceous orange and ochraceous buff. The pronotum has a median pale vitta and tegmina with a circular black spot on the corium beyond the apex of the clavus. The genitalia are quite different from any other species of Empoasca known to me, but the other structural characters place this species in this genus.















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