Echinomya nupta Rondani, 1859

Sforzi, Alessandra & Sommaggio, Daniele, 2021, Catalog of the Diptera types described by Camillo Rondani, Zootaxa 4989 (1), pp. 1-438 : 306

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4989.1.1

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Echinomya nupta Rondani, 1859


Echinomya nupta Rondani, 1859 View in CoL

ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION: 1859b: 49 (key), 55 (description).

TYPE LOCALITY: “ in tota Italia [in all Italy]” .

TYPE MATERIAL: 1 ♀, syntype ( MZUF: Box 10): Echynomya [sic!] Dmrl / nupta Rnd. , ♀ / 486; 1 specimen, syntype (sex not determinable, missing head, right wing, all legs and abdomen) ( MZUF: Box 10): Echynomya [sic!] Dmrl / nupta Rnd. , ♂ / 486 / Echinomyia [sic!] tessellata Mcq. non Mg.; 1 ♂, syntype (missing right mid-leg), 1 ♀, syntype (missing left fore- and mid-legs) ( MZUF: Box E): Echinomya nupta Rnd. , 170, ♂ ♀, Parma / 393 170; 1 ♂, syntype (missing left fore- and mid -legs) ( MSNC: Box DIPTERA Ex collezione Rondani - I): Echinomya nupta Rndn. ♂ ♀ Parma / Coll. Rondani, scatola n° 4, posiz. H-12 / Museo di Storia Naturale Università di Pisa, Calci ( PI) ex collezione Rondani; 1 ♀, syntype ( MSNC: Box DIPTERA Ex collezione Rondani - I): Echinomya nupta Rndn. ♀ Parm. / Coll. Rondani, scatola n° 4, posiz. H-13 / Museo di Storia Naturale Università di Pisa, Calci ( PI) ex collezione Rondani; 1 ♂, syntype ( MSNPV: Box 98): Echinomyia [sic!] nupta Rndn. 42, ♂ ♀, Parma; 1 ♀, syntype ( MZUB: Box 324): 22 06 / Echinomyia [sic!] nupta Rond. , ex a. parmensi / nupta ♀ Rndn., Parma.

CURRENT STATUS: valid species, as Tachina nupta ( Herting & Dely-Draskovits 1993: 266, Pape et al. 1995: 24, O’Hara et al. 2009: 178); junior synonym of Tachina magnicornis ( Zetterstedt, 1844) ( Cerretti 2010: 304) ; valid species as Tachina (Tachina) nupta ( O’Hara et al. 2020: 880) .

REMARKS: Rondani (1859b: 55) described both sexes of Echinomya nupta from an unspecified number of specimens. Under the name of the species, Rondani (1859b: 55) wrote: “ fera (Var.) Rossi f.e. [= fauna etrusca ] Petag. [= Petagna] Zett. et alior virgo (Var.) Mgn. tessellata (Var.) Desv. Macq. (non Meig.)”. Rondani referred to the redescription of Musca fera Linnaeus, 1761 sensu Rossi (1807: 464) and sensu Petagna (1786: 43), to Echinomya fera (Linnaeus, 1761) sensu Zetterstedt (1844: 994) , to Echinomya virgo ( Meigen, 1824) , to Echinomya tessellata ( Fabricius, 1794) sensu Robineau-Desvoidy (1830: 47, 1844: 17 ) and sensu Macquart (1833: 323, 1834: 73, 1845: 258)”. However, Rondani (p. 55) specified: “ E’ impossibile stabilire con sicurezza a quali specie degli autori si debbano riportare tutte le innumerevoli varietà di alcune Echinomye [It is impossible to establish with confidence to which authors’ species we must refer for all the numerous varieties of Echinomya ]”. So, the types of Echinomya nupta should be only in Rondani’s collection. O’Hara et al. (2009: 178) reported 14 syntypes in the MZUF : seven males, six females and one specimen (sex not determinable). We found just eight syntypes in this study: one male, two females and one specimen (sex not determinable) in the MZUF , one male and one female in the MSNC , one male in the MSNPV and one female in the MZUB .


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