Doratomantispa pubescens Lu et al., 2020

Li, Hongyu, Zhuo, De, Cao, Leran, Wang, Bo, Poinar, George, Ohl, Michael & Liu, Xingyue, 2022, New Cretaceous fossil mantispids highlight the palaeodiversity of the extinct subfamily Doratomantispinae (Neuroptera: Mantispidae), Organisms Diversity & Evolution (New York, N. Y.) 22 (3), pp. 681-730 : 699-704

publication ID 10.1007/s13127-022-00546-y

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scientific name

Doratomantispa pubescens Lu et al., 2020


Doratomantispa pubescens Lu et al., 2020

Figure 11 View Fig

Lu et al., 2020: 3 (original: Doratomantispa ; holotype in EMTG) .

Diagnosis Pronotum long and slender (LP: WPM = 5.56), 1.5 × length of pterothorax. Profemoral ISs rows:

anteroventral row with four processes along distal 1/3 length of profemur, gradually shortened, major process with primary branch 2.5 × length of secondary branch; posteroventral row with eight or nine gradually shortened processes, primary process distinctly far from and 2.0 × length of following one, 1.5 × length secondary branch; protibia dorsally bearing very long setae, protibial prostrate setae strongly angularly curved. Forewing immaculate, with costal oventral row in orange); (e) protarsus and pretarsus; (f) meta-tarsus. mp, major process; p, primary process; pb, primary branch; q, quaternary process; s, secondary process; sb, secondary branch; t, tertiary process. Scale bars = 1 mm (a), 0.5 mm (c, d), 0.25 mm (f), 0.1mm (b, e)

crossveins proximal to pterostigma mostly simple, three ra-rp, CuA with four main branches and hind wing inner gradates present, with only one crossvein.

Material examined Holotype, EMTG BU-001759 , amber piece preserving a complete adult (sex unknown) of D. pubescens , in a polished elliptical transparent cabochon, with length × width c. 18.48 × 16.61 mm, height c. 6.42 mm.

Remarks Doratomantispa pubescens belongs to the group of four species based on the profemoral posteroventral row with the primary process distinctly far from the following one (see Remarks of D. arcimaculata sp. nov., D. zhangwenjuni sp. nov. and D. longa ). The differences between D. pubescens and the other three species can be seen in the Remarks under D. arcimaculata sp. nov., D. zhangwenjuni sp. nov., and D. longa respectively. Compared with D. zhangzhiqiae sp. nov. (profemur unknown), this species can be distinguished by the very long pronotum (LP: WPM = 5.56) and the immaculate forewing with costal crossveins sparse and mostly simple.

Doratomantispa yumeiyingae Zhuo, Li & Liu sp. nov.

Figures 12–14

Diagnosis Pronotum long and robust (LP: WPM = 3.64), slightly longer than pterothorax. Profemoral ISs rows: anteroventral row with four processes along distal 1/3 length of profemur (proximal process shortest, while remaining three gradually shortened), major process with primary branch 3.0 × length of secondary branch; posteroventral row with eight gradually shortened processes, subequal gaps among proximal three processes, primary process short, 2.0 × length of following one, 1.5 × length of secondary branch; protibia dorsally bearing long setae, protibial prostrate setae strongly angularly curved. Forewing with about half of costal crossveins proximad pterostigma bifurcated or multiforked, three ra-rp, CuA with three main branches; hind wing medial inner gradates absent. Female terminalia bearing long setae; tergum 9 ventrally distinctly broadened; ectoprocts broad.

Description Measurements and proportions. Female. Body length 9.93; LP (2.40): WPM (0.66) = 3.64; LPc (1.78): LPf (1.75) = 1.02; LPf: WPf (0.61) = 2.87; LFW (9.92): WFW (3.32) = 2.99; LFPt (2.00): WFPt (0.55)= 3.64; LF2r (1.46): WF2r (0.36) = 4.06; LFim (3.14): WFim (0.36) = 8.72; LHW (7.79): WHW (3.21) = 2.43; LHPt (2.70): WHPt (0.38) = 7.11; LHim (2.63): WHim (0.30) = 8.77.

Morphology. Female. Head. Vertex slightly domed, posteriorly with a pair of tubercles bearing sparse, long and thick setae; epicranial suture present. Postocular region narrow in lateral view. Antenna broken; scape robust, distally strongly swollen and bearing sparse, long and thick setae, nearly 1.5 times as long as wide.

Thorax. Pronotum long and robust, slightly longer than pterothorax, bearing sparse pedicellate, long, and thick setae; mesonotum and metanotum bearing sparse, long, thick setae. Foreleg bearing long and dense setae; profemoral ISs rows: anteroventral row with major process arising slightly distal to profemoral base, and four processes along distal 1/3 length of profemur (proximal process shortest, while remaining three gradually shortened), primary branch very long, 1/2 × length of protibia, primary branch 3.0 × length of secondary branch; posteroventral row with eight gradually shortened processes (all processes arranged in the order of length), primary process short, 2.0 × length of following one, 1.5 × length of secondary branch; protibia dorsally bearing long and dense setae, protibial prostrate setae, distally strongly angularly curved, 11; protarsus broken, tarsomere 1 c. 1.5 × length of tarsomere 2, tarsomeres 2 slightly longer than tarsomere 3, tarsomere 1–4 ventrally bearing visible 4, 2, 2, 2 conical setae respectively. Mid and hind legs bearing dense long setae; meso- and meta-tarsi each with tarsomere 1 c. as long as tarsomeres 2–5 combined, tarsomere 2 nearly as long as tarsomeres 3–4 combined, tarsomeres 3–5 subequal, ventral thickened setae of tarsomeres 1–4 obscure; two simple pretarsal claws; arolium sac-like, with rounded apex.

Wing long elliptical, branches of RP, M, CuA, and CuP with moderately dense apical twigging. Forewing with small dark markings on ra-rp, 2 m-cu, cua-cup, and along wing posterior margin; trichosors absent on proximal part of posterior margins; anterior margin obscure, possible proximally without trichosors; costal space moderate broad, directly extending to pterostigma; ScA absent; recurrent humeral vein simple or bifurcated; 17 costal crossveins proximad pterostigma, about half of them bifurcated or multiforked; pterostigma distinct, commencing at level slightly proximal to 2ra-rp, extending to c. 2/3 length of 3r cell, with distal margin sinuous and moderately oblique; incorporated veinlets obscure; subcostal space distally slightly broadened proximad pterostigma, with only one crossvein distinctly distal to original point of RP; three ra-rp; 3r cell with one RA branch running setae (Type k3); (e) protarsus; (f) protibial ventral prostrate setae; (g) mesotarsus; (h) meta-tarsus. bs, basisternum; es, episternum; lc, posterior cervical sclerite; mp, major process; p, primary process; pb, primary branch; q, quaternary process; s, secondary process; sb, secondary branch; t, tertiary process. Scale bars = 1 mm (a, b), 0.5 mm (c, d, g, h), 0.25 mm (e, f)

to costal margin; RP originating at proximal 1/4 length of wing, with five main branches proximally smooth; five outer gradates; proximal r-m present; 1rp-m upright, slightly distal to primary branching point of M; M diverging from R proximal to lm-cu for a short distance; im cell with four main branches; 1 m-cu distal to Cu branching point; 2 m-cu distinctly distal to cua-cup; CuA nearly pectinately branched near its median, with three main branches; CuP dichotomously branched near its base or proximal 1/3; A1 with two main branches, each bifurcated or trifurcated distally; A2 trifurcated distally; A3 simple. gum; cc, callus cerci; ect, ectoprocts; gp, gonapophyses; gx, gonocoxites; im, intermedian cell; r, radial cell. Scale bars = 2 mm (a -d), 0.25 mm (e -f)

Hind wing similar to forewing, but immaculate; costal space very narrow, with 15 or 17 simple crossveins visible along its entire length; pterostigma longer and narrower; subcostal space slightly narrower, veinless; original point of RP closer to wing base, with five or six branches; five or six outer gradates; 1rp-m upright, distinctly proximal to primary branching point of M; im cell with three main branches; CuA pectinately branched, long, with nine main branches, most distally bifurcated; CuP reduced, proximally weak, with two branches, simple and bifurcated with two simple branches; A1 with two distally bifurcated branches.

Terminalia bearing long and soft setae. Tergum 8 c. 2 × length of tergum 9; gnocoxites 8 invisible; gonapophyses 8 paired, rounded, glabrous; tergum 9 ventrally distinctly broadened, separate from ectoprocts, nearly as long as latter; gonocoxites 9 not elongate to a ovipositor, subtriangular, anteriorly very narrow, posteriorly rounded and broad; ectoprocts broad, ventrally produced into a very short process, bearing setae denser and longer; callus cerci present.

Male unknown.

Material examined Holotype, BXAM BA-NEU-007 , amber piece preserving a complete female adult of D. yumeiyingae sp. nov., polished in the form of a long ovoid transparent cabochon, with length × width c. 18.11 × 13.84 mm, height c. 5.27 mm.

Etymology The new species is dedicated to Ms. Meiying Yu, family member of the first author, Mr. De Zhuo.

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