Dipsocus fashengi, Jie & Liang & Liu, 2022

Jie, Lulan, Liang, Feiyang & Liu, Xingyue, 2022, Dipsocus gen. n.: A new bark louse genus of the tribe Thyrsophorini (Psocodea: Psocidae: Psocinae), with description of a new species from China, Zootaxa 5222 (1), pp. 94-100 : 96-99

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scientific name

Dipsocus fashengi

sp. nov.

Dipsocus fashengi sp. n.

( Figs 1–23 View FIGURES 1–5 View FIGURES 6–12 View FIGURES 13–17 View FIGURES 18–23 )

Diagnosis. Forewing basal third with brown marking, but basal half of cell r hyaline; distal half with a trifurcated brown marking. Pterostigma pale yellow but distally reddish brown. Male hypandrium symmetrical, divided into two parts, basal part strongly sclerotized, distal part weakly sclerotized, basally with a tongue-shaped thickened marking in median area, distally concaved with two nephroid sclerotized areas on inner margin. Female subgenital plate pigmentation with stem thread-like and distally bifurcated.

Description. Male. Coloration (in 95% ethanol). Head ( Figs 1–3 View FIGURES 1–5 ) reddish brown; vertex with black setae; postclypeus reddish brown with brown stripes; anteclypeus reddish brown. Ocelli pale, inner ocular margin surrounded by black protuberant crescent. Compound eyes dark brown.Antennae dark brown, except scape, pedicel, and first flagellomere pale yellow, flagellum with numerous long dark setae, except first flagellomere pale yellow setae. Maxillary palpus black. Thorax ( Figs 1, 3 View FIGURES 1–5 ) dark brown, but basal mesothorax greyish white. Legs yellowish brown, but tibiae and tarsi pale brown. Forewing ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1–5 ) veins brown; basal one-third with brown marking, but basal half of cell r hyaline; distal half with a trifurcated brown marking; pterostigma pale yellow except for anterior reddish brown. Hindwing ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1–5 ) hyaline, with pale brown markings at cell CuP and A. Abdomen reddish brown, dorsomedially with six white dots.

Morphology. Head ( Figs 1–3 View FIGURES 1–5 ) inverted trapezoidal; compound eyes ovoid. Forewing ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1–5 ) membranous, Sc ending free; Rs and M connected by a crossvein; radial fork with branches diverging at an angle less than 90°; pterostigma subtriangular with rounded apex; discoidal cell rhomboid-shaped; areola postica with narrow apex. Hindwing ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1–5 ) without marginal setae between R 2+3 and R 4+5. Genitalia ( Figs 6–12 View FIGURES 6–12 ): Epiproct ( Figs 7–8 View FIGURES 6–12 ) nearly semicircular, laterally slightly sclerotized, lateromedially setose.Paraproct with broadened base and distally narrowed into spinous projection; sensory field with about 46 trichobothria. Hypandrium ( Figs 6–7, 9–10 View FIGURES 6–12 ) symmetrical, basal two-third strongly sclerotized, distal one-third weakly sclerotized, basally with a tongue-like sclerotized marking in median area, distally concaved with two nephroid sclerotized areas at inner margin. Phallosome ( Figs 11–12 View FIGURES 6–12 ) posteriorly closed, drop-like in frontal view.

Measurements. B: 3.15 mm. IO: 0.48 mm, d: 0.36 mm, IO/d: 1.33. f1: 1.64 mm. FWL: 5.09 mm, FWW: 1.82 mm, HWL: 3.39 mm, HWW: 1.16 mm, t1: 0.42 mm, t2: 0.24 mm.

Female. Coloration (in 95% ethanol) ( Figs 13–17 View FIGURES 13–17 ). Similar to that in male except for thorax black.

Morphology. Adult similar to male except smaller compound eyes. Genitalia ( Figs 18–23 View FIGURES 18–23 ): Epiproct ( Figs 18– 19 View FIGURES 18–23 ) subtriangular, distally rounded, medially with setae. Paraproct ( Figs 18–19 View FIGURES 18–23 ) triangular, sensory field with about 40 trichobothria. Gonapophyses ( Figs 20–21 View FIGURES 18–23 ): Ventral valve slender, distally narrowed, ventrodistally serrated; dorsal valve broad, pointed at tip, distally one-third with ovoid sclerotized marking; external valve with triangular posterior lobe. Subgenital plate ( Figs 22–23 View FIGURES 18–23 ) with short and distally rounded egg guide; pigmented area roughly Tshaped, transversal region laterally broadened with densely setae, stem thread-like and distally bifurcated.

Measurements. B: 4.73 mm, BW: 7.32 mm. IO: 0.83 mm, d: 0.34 mm, IO/d: 2.44. f1: 1.75 mm. FWL: 6.60 mm, FWW: 2.52 mm, HWL: 4.51 mm, HWW: 2.23 mm.

Material examined. Holotype male, CHINA: Guangxi, Shangsi County, Shiwandashan [21°45'N, 108°21'E], 26.V.2016, Xingyue Liu ( CAU) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 1 female, 1 male same as holotype ( CAU) ; 2 females, CHINA: Guangxi, Shangsi County, Fulong [21°49'N, 107°57'E], 16. V.2013, Xingyue Liu ( CAU) GoogleMaps .

Distribution. China (Guangxi).

Etymology. The new species is dedicated to deceased Mr. Fasheng Li, who had made significant contributions to the taxonomy of Psocodea from China.


China Agricultural University


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium

















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