Dichagyris (Albocosta) lasciva pamirpsychra, Gyulai, 2021

Gyulai, Péter, 2021, Notes on the subgenus Albocosta Fibiger & Lafontaine 1997, with descriptions of five new taxa from Asia (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), Ecologica Montenegrina 40, pp. 26-45 : 29-33

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.37828/em.2021.40.2

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scientific name

Dichagyris (Albocosta) lasciva pamirpsychra

subsp. nov.

Dichagyris (Albocosta) lasciva pamirpsychra ssp. n.

( Figs 5-8 View Figures 1–8 , 26-27 View Figures 25–28 , 44-45)

Holotype. Male ( Fig. 5 View Figures 1–8 ), Tajikistan, E-Pamir, 3800 m, N. Tanimas range; Nat. Res., middle stream of Shurali-Suu river, 15-20.VII.2018, leg. D. Goshko, slide no. GYP 5224 (coll. PGYM, later to be deposited in the HNHM).

Paratypes. Tajikistan: 25 males, with the same data, (coll. PGYM) ; 11 males, E-Pamir, 3700 m, Muzkol range, Muzkol national reserve; Sassik riv., 17-25.VII.2015, leg. D. Goshko, (coll. PGYM) ; 4 males, same data (colls ASV & MDC) ; 12 males, E-Pamir, 3700 m, Muzkol range, Muzkol national reserve, Sassik riv., 18-19.VII.2016, leg. D. Goshko, (coll. PGYM) ; 7 males + females, same data (coll AFM) ; 3 males, 3900 m, E-Pamir, Zulumart Mt. range , 10-20.VII.2014, leg. V. Gurko (colls ASV & MDC) ; 1 male, 3900 m, EPamir, Zulumart Mt. range , 20-30.VII.2014, leg. V. Gurko (coll. PGYM) ; 4 males, 3900 m, E-Pamir, Zulumart Mt. range , 1-10.VIII.2014, leg. V. Gurko (colls ASV & MDC) ; 2 males, same data (colls ASV & MDC) ; 3 males, 1 female, 3900 m, E-Pamir, Zulumart Mt. range , 1-10.VII.2015, leg.: V. Gurko (coll. PGYM) ; 3 males, same data, (colls ASV & MDC) ; 8 males, 3900 m, E-Pamir, Zulumart Mt. range , 10- 20.VII.2015, leg. V. Gurko (coll. PGYM) ; 4 males, 1 female, 3900 m, E-Pamir, Zulumart Mt. range , 20- 30.VII.2015, leg. V. Gurko (colls ASV & MDC) ; 8 males, 3900 m, E-Pamir, Zulumart Mt. range , 1- 10.VIII.2015, leg. V. Gurko (colls ASV & MDC) ; 2 males, 3900 m, E-Pamir, Zulumart Mt. range , 10- 20.VIII.2015, leg.: V. Gurko (coll. PGYM) ; 12 males, 1 female, same data (colls ASV & MDC) ; 6 males, same data (colls ASV & MDC) ; 1 male, South -East Pamir Mts. , Murgab distr. , Ak-Bura massif, 20 km W from Tokhtamish vill., Sulu-istik riv., 3900 m, 11-27.VII.2016, leg. D. Goshko (coll. PGYM) ; 8 males, C. Pamir, S-Alichurskiy range, Dzelandy vill., 3500 m, 8-12.VII.2014, leg. D. Goshko; (colls ASV & MDC) ; 23 males, C. Pamir, S-Alichurskiy range, Dzelandy vill., 3500 m, 30.VII-2.VIII.2014, leg. D. Goshko; (colls ASV & MDC) ; 1 male, C. Pamir, S-Alichurskiy range, Dzelandy vill., 3500 m, 30.VII.2016, leg. D. Goshko (coll. PGYM) ; 12 males +females, same data, 22-26. VII. 2016 ( AFM) ; 8 males, C. Pamir, Yuzno- Alichurskiy range, Dzhylondy vill. 3500 m, 29.VII. - 3.VIII.2014, leg. D. A. Safranov (coll. PGYM) ; 2 males, W-Pamir, Shugnan range; 3100 m, n. Chorog, Sangou-Dara, 24 -27.VI.2015, leg. D. Goshko (coll. PGYM) ; 1 male, W-Pamir, Shugnan range; 3100 m, n. Chorog, Sangou-Dara, 18.VI. -3.VII.2015, leg. D. Goshko; (coll. MDC) ; 6 males +females, W-Pamir, Shugnan range; 3100 m, n. Chorog, Sangou-Dara, 22- 27.VI.2013, leg. D. Goshko (coll. AFM) ; 2 males, W-Pamir, Shugnan range; 3100 m, n. Chorog, Sangou-Dara, 28.VI.-1.VII.2015, leg. D. Goshko (coll. PGYM) ; 55 males, W-Pamir, Shugnan range; 3300 m, n. Chorog, Sangou-Dara, 14-29.VI.2018, leg. D. Goshko (coll. PGYM, 4 males coll. Z. Varga) ; 7 males, same data, (colls ASV & MDC) ; 2 males, W-Pamir, Shugnan range; 3800 m, n. Chorog, Sangou-Dara, 15- 20.VII.2018, leg. D. Goshko (coll. PGYM) ; 1 male, same data, 18.VI. -3.VII.2015, (coll. MDC) .

Slide nos. GYP 4428male, GYP 5223male, GYP 5226male, GYP 5233female.

Diagnosis. The new subspecies ( Figs 5-8 View Figures 1–8 ) is in average somewhat smaller than the nominotypical subspecies ( Figs 1-4 View Figures 1–8 ); forewing length is 13-17 mm (males) and 16-21 mm (females), wingspans 28-34 mm and 35-39 mm, respectively. However, the most distinctive features are in the colouration of wings. Forewings are dark brown, with reddish-brown and/or violet suffusion, mostly in the middle area, with diffuse darker crosslines. Hindwings are light brownish suffused, mostly in the marginal area, with slight greyish-brown discal spot and diffuse sub-discal stripe; while in the typical subspecies has a lighter reddish-brown colouration of forewings and shiny whitish - pale ochreous hindwings.

In the male genitalia ( Figs 26, 27 View Figures 25–28 ), the new subspecies has shorter distal section of the valvae with apically less elongate cucullus and shorter vesica with narrower subbasal diverticulum, than in the typical subspecies ( Fig. 25 View Figures 25–28 )

In the female genitalia (Figs 44-45), the new subspecies differs by the slightly longer, anteriorly broader, distally narrower, medially more constricted ductus bursae from the typical subspecies (Fig. 43).

Description ( Figs 5-8 View Figures 1–8 ). Forewing length 14-17 mm, wingspan 29-34 mm. Palpi covered with dark red-brown scales, third segment tiny, apically lighter. Vertex brown, dark brown, collar blackish brown with broad light brownish-ochreous base, thorax vesture and legs dark red-brown, abdomen vesture pale brown. Forewings triangular, apex pointed. Ground colour of forewings dark red - brown with more or less violet suffusion, slightly darker in the middle area and lighter, more violaceous grey in the subterminal area. Costa broadly pale ochreous-white or yellowish until the tip of the reniform stigma, conjoining with the same coloured orbicular macula and the yellowish-brownish reniform stigma. Transverse lines obscure, antemedial lines wavy, postmedial lines evenly arched, subterminal lines finely lacy; fringe brown. Hindwings light brownish, slightly darker suffused in the marginal field, with discal spot and without medial line; fringe pale brown.

Male genitalia ( Figs 26-27 View Figures 25–28 ). Characterized by the long, curved, terminally hooked, apically acute uncus with a long bunch of long hairs distally; broad tegumen; broad juxta with two symmetrical wing-like extensions dorsally, and with broadly v-shaped dorsal-medial incision. Clavus short, vinculum V-shaped. Valvae almost evenly broad with a long extension in the dorsal costa medially; harpe strong, straight or almost straight, cucullus corona with a row of fine spines and bushy, long hairs. Aedeagus straight with a long strongly sclerotized, eversible bar onto the basal section of vesica. Vesica tubular with a tiny apical diverticulum; subbasal diverticulum armed with a small acute cornutus apically.

Female genitalia (Figs 44-45). The main characters are the setose, short papillae anales, short apophyses anteriores and longer but finer apophyses posteriores; sclerotized antrum with more sclerotized, pincer-like, bilateral, symmetrical lobi; anteriorly broad, then evenly tapering, medially slightly constricted, posteriorly longitudinally wrinkled sclerotized and extending ductus bursae; elongate, tubular appendix bursae and corpus bursae, from which the former one is somewhat longer.

Bionomics and distribution. The new subspecies is restricted to the Pamir Mts., while the nominotypical subspecies is widely distributed in the Transalai (type locality), Alai, Tien Shan, Hissar and Vantsh mountains.

Etymology. The new subspecies is named after the cold climatological characters of the habitats in the high Pamir, above 3000 m.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)













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