Dendrobaena transjordanica, Szederjesi, T., PAVLÍčEK, T. & Csuzdi, Cs., 2013

Szederjesi, T., PAVLÍčEK, T. & Csuzdi, Cs., 2013, New Earthworm Species From Jordan (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 59 (4), pp. 391-400 : 395-396

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12626172

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scientific name

Dendrobaena transjordanica

sp. nov.

Dendrobaena transjordanica sp. n.

( Figs 7–10 View Figs 7–11 )

Holotype. HNHM/16347 About HNHM Ajloun, oakgarrigue, 23.02.2007, leg. T. Pavlíček . Paratypes. HNHM/16348 About HNHM 2 ex., localityanddatesameasthatoftheholotype ;

HNHM/16349 About HNHM 3 ex., nearTallalAraba’ im, wadienteringJordanValley, 23.02.2007, leg . T.

Pavlíček. Etymology. Thespecificepithetreferstothetypelocality.

Diagnosis. Length 41–55 mm, diameter 4–5 mm, setaedistant. Pigmenta- tionred- violet. Firstdorsalporein 5/6. Clitellumon 28, 29–36, ½ 37; tubercles on 32–36. Maleporeon 15, surroundedbyaglandularcrescent. Nephridial poresirregularlyalternatebetweensetalline b andabove d. Threepairsof vesiclesin 9, 11, 12; spermathecaethreepairsin 8/9–10/ 11 in d. Calciferous glandswithwell- developeddiverticulain 12. Heartsinsegments 6–11, ne- phridialbladderssausage- shaped.

Externalcharacters. Holotype: 47 mmlongand 4 mmwide; numberofsegments 134. Paratypes: 41–55 mmlongand 4–5 mmwide; numberofsegments 86–143. Colourred- violet, especiallydarkondorsum. Prostomiumtanylobous. Firstdorsalporeinintersegmentalfurrow 5/6. Setaedistant. Setalarrangementbehindtheclitellum: aa: ab: bc: cd: dd = 2.5:1.1:2.1:1:4.6 ( Fig. 7 View Figs 7–11 ). Maleporelargeon 15, betweensetae b–c, surroundedbyaglandu- larcrescentprotrudingintotheneighbouringsegments. Nephridialporesirregularlyalter- natebetweensetalline b andabove d. Clitellumonsegments 1/n 28, 29–36, ½ 37; tubercula pubertatisonsegments 32–36 ( Fig. 8 View Figs 7–11 ). Genitalpapillaesurroundsetae c, d onsegments 11, 12. Genitalsetaeof 11 cd 1–1.1 mmlongand 0.022 –0.025 mmwide, spear- shaped ( Fig. 9 View Figs 7–11 ).

Internalcharacteristics. Dissepiments 8/9–14/15 slightlythickened. Testesandfunnels free, pairedinsegments 10, 11. Seminalvesiclespresentin 9, 11 and 12. Spermathecaethree pairs, in 8/9,9/10 and 10/11 withexternalopeningsinsetalline d. Calciferousglandswith well- developeddiverticulain 12. Pairedheartsinsegments 6–11, extraoesophagealslacking. Nephridialbladderssimple, sausage- shaped. Cropinsegments 15–16, andgizzardinsegments 17–18. TyphosolisT-shaped. Longitudinalmusclelayerofpinnatetype ( Fig. 10 View Figs 7–11 ).

Remarks. Thenewspeciesissimilarto D. rothschildae CsuzdietPavlíček, 1998 butdiffersfromitinthebackwardshiftedpositionofthetubercles (30– 34 vs. 32–36) andfurthermoreinthesetalarrangement ( Figs 7, 11 View Figs 7–11 ).


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics

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