Cymindis (s. str.) dolpoensis Kabak et Schmidt, 2022

Kabak, I. I. & Schmidt, J., 2022, A new species of the genus Cymindis Latreille, 1805 from Nepal (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Lebiini), Russian Entomological Journal 31 (2), pp. 124-127 : 125-127

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.31.2.05

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scientific name

Cymindis (s. str.) dolpoensis Kabak et Schmidt

sp. nov.

Cymindis (s. str.) dolpoensis Kabak et Schmidt , sp.n.

Figs 1–2 View Figs 1–2 .

MATERIAL. Holotype ♂, “ Nepal, Dolpo, Ringmo, Phoksumdo-See, V / VI.1970, 3600–3800 m, Nepal-Expeditionen Jochen Martens” [ lake Phoksumdo or Phoksundo: ca. 3612 m, N29°12´30´´, E82°57´30´´] ( SMNS). Paratypes: 2(2) ♂♂, collected with holotype (cJS, ZIN); 2 ♀♀, “ Nepal, Dolpo, 8.X.2007, Ringmo, Phoksumdo, 3500 m, leg. S. Tamang ” (cJS, SMNS) GoogleMaps .

DESCRIPTION. Small-sized species, body length 6.8– 7.3 (7.1) mm, hind wings reduced, habitus rather narrow, subparallel–subconvex, appendages averaged ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1–2 ). Dorsum reddish-brown with somewhat paler clypeus, mouthparts, margins and basal part of pronotum, suture, lateral margins and base of elytra. Legs and antennae monochromatic brownish-yellow. Ventral side of body rufous medially, brown laterally. Lower surface sparsely punctate, pubescence feebly developed.

Head medium-sized, PW/HW = 1.22–1.26 (1.24); eyes long, moderately protruding, glabrous, YL/3AL = 1.29– 1.33 (1.3) in males, 1.20–1.23 in females; tempora shorter than eyes, slightly convex, with several hairs. Anterolateral margins of forehead moderately curved, slightly reflexed. Upper-side of head convex, frontal foveae moderately deep, supraorbital furrow impressed, medium in length. Frons and vertex glabrous, sparsely and gently punctate, transversely wrinkled medially. Two pairs of long supraorbital setae. Antennae comparatively short, in males longer, EL/AL = 1.11–1.13 (1.12) vs. 1.18–1.19 in females. Scape average in length, subcylindric, with several small hairs and a long preapical seta. Genae with a few hairs. Labial tooth shorter than lateral lobes, rounded at apex, bordered near mid-length, with a pair of small setae near base; submentum quadrisetose. Ultimate segment of labial palpi in male stout, not dilated toward apex, with a few small hairs. Penultimate labial palpomere with long setae on anterior margin. Apical maxillary palpomere fusiform, sparsely pubescent.

Pronotum moderately wide, PW/PL = 1.20–1.28 (1.23), broadest in anterior third. Sides rounded in anterior half, subrectilinear or bisinuate in basal half, incision before laterobasal angles long, not deep, the latter obtusangular, rounded or blunt at apex, feebly protruded laterally. Anterior margin subrectilinear medially, anterior angles widely rounded, moderately produced anteriorly, their margins ciliate. Basal margin of pronotum moderately wide, PW/PB = 1.36–1.42 (1.40), subconvex and slightly lobed medially, obliquely curved latarally, its border interrupted near basal foveae. Lateral sides of pronotum moderately explanate, margins distinctly reflexed.Disc convex medially, median line deeply impressed, slightly shortened anteriorly and posteriorly. Apical transverse impression moderately deep. Basal foveae small and sharp, separated from lateral flattening. Basal transverse impression deep, vaguely outlined, interrupted medially. Punctures rather rough and dense along anterior, posterior and lateral margins, becoming fainter, sparser and irregular on disc. Surface of pronotum glabrous, distinctly transversely wrinkled. Two pairs of lateral setae, one in anterior half of pronotum, and one in laterobasal angles.

Elytra moderately long, oval, convex, flattened on disc, broadest near posterior third, EL/EW = 1.40–1.41 (1.40), EL/ PL = 2.73–2.85 (2.80), EW/PW = 1.59–1.67 (1.62). Lateral margins subrectilinear medially, shoulders rounded, protrud- ed anteriorly, ciliate. Apices oblique, straight in middle part, glabrous or very faintly ciliate near sutural angle; both exterior and sutural apical angles of each elytron broadly round- ed. Marginal gutter moderate in width, narrowed near humeri, lateral margins reflexed throughout. Basal border complete, moderately sinuate. Elytral striae deep, very faintly punctate. Both parascutellary striole and parascutellary setiferous pores present. Intervals evenly convex, irregularly punctate, punctures arranged mostly in 1 row; interval 3 with 3–4 small discal setiferous pores, attached to stria 3. Elytral surface glabrous. Umbilicate series consisting of 12–14 pores. One apical pore in stria 7 on the level either of stria 3 or of interval 3.

Scutellum glabrous and smooth. Sides of prothorax glabrous. Metacoxae bisetose.

Microsculpture (males and females) on dorsum indistinct, only on scutellum traces of isodiametric meshes hardly perceptible.

Visible abdominal sternites with a single pair of paramedian setae, anal ventrite bisetose in males, variable in the two available females: in one specimen bisetose, in the other quadrisetose.

Dorsal surface of tarsi with long and sparse hairs; inner margin of claws denticulate.

Median lobe of aedeagus rather thin, slightly curved, apical lamella long and wide, with apical hook on dorsal margin; copulatory piece wide, its anterior incision moderately deep ( Fig. 2 View Figs 1–2 ).

COMPARATIVE NOTES. Among all Cymindis species known from Himalaya, the new species seems to be most closely related to C. (s. str.) nitens Andrewes, 1935 described from Sringar in Kashmir [ Andrewes, 1935]. Both species share the similar size and proportions of body and gestalt of male genitalia: median lobe of aedegus rather narrow, slightly curved, its apical lamella wide, hooked apically. The new species easily differs from C. nitens by lacking of hind wings, almost monochromous body coloration without lightened spots on elytra, not dilated apically ultimate labial palpomere in male, less protruded humeri, reduced pubescence of dorsum. Additionally, the medial lobe of aedeagus in C. dolpoensis sp.n. is thinner, less curved, its apical lamella distinctly longer, copulatory piece wider, its anterior margin less deeply incised.

DISTRIBUTION. The new species is only known from the type locality: mountains slopes surrounding the Phoksumdo Lake , Dolpo District, Karnali Province, Nepal, Great- er Himalaya .

BIONOMICS. Poorly noted. Cymindis dolpoensis sp.n. was found at elevations between 3500 and 3800 m a.s.l.

ETYMOLOGY. The new species is named after its type locality, the Dolpo region in the western Nepal Himalaya .

Acknowledgments. We are very grateful to Wolfgang Schawaller ( SMNS), for the loan of carabid material from the Himalaya for study, Ben Brugge (Zoölogisch Museum Amsterdam, the Netherlands) who loaned us the type specimen of Cymindis nitens , and to Genrik Davidian (St-Petersburg, Russia) for his help in preparing the photographs .

Competing interests. The authors declare no competing interests.


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