Tynanthus schumannianus (Kuntze) Gentry (1974: 874)

Medeiros, Maria Cláudia Melo Pacheco De & Lohmann, Lúcia G., 2015, Taxonomic Revision of Tynanthus (Bignonieae, Bignoniaceae), Phytotaxa 216 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID


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scientific name

Tynanthus schumannianus (Kuntze) Gentry (1974: 874)


14. Tynanthus schumannianus (Kuntze) Gentry (1974: 874) View in CoL (as “ Tynnanthus ”). Cuspidaria schumanniana Kuntze (1898: 243) . Type:— BOLIVIA. “Rio Yapacani”, June 1892, C.E.O. Kuntze s.n. (holotype NY! (barcode 328766); isotype US! (barcode 125768)).

Tynanthus weberbaueri Sprague (1908: 176) View in CoL (as “ Tynnanthus ”). Type:— PERU. Junín: “Ad La Merced in valle Chanchamayo”, s. d., A. Weberbauer 1896 (holotype K! (barcode 449551); isotype B destroyed).

Cuspidaria ovalis Rusby (1920: 120) View in CoL . Lectotype (designated here):— BOLIVIA. La Paz: Mapiri , July–August 1892, M. Bang 1485 (NY! (barcode 328763) photo; isolectotypes A! (barcode 91978) photo, BM! (barcode 603779), E! (barcode 394580) photo, G! (barcode 25592), GH! (barcode 91977) photo, K! (barcode 449500) photo, LE!, M!, MO! (1998977), NY! (barcodes 328764, 328765) photo, US! (barcodes 603943, 125767)).

Fig. 20 View FIGURE 20 : E–J

Lianas. Branchlets tetragonal to terete, with or without ritidome, finely striated (sometimes not evident, when young), lenticeled to densely lenticeled, glabrescent (sometimes pubescent at the nodes), with peltate and patelliform trichomes (sometimes also with simple); interpetiolar ridge absent (sometimes present); interpetiolar patelliform glands absent; prophylls of the axillary buds 1.5–3.5(–4.5) mm long, 1–3.5 mm wide, bromeliad-like, glabrescent (rarely puberulent) throughout, with peltate trichomes (rarely also with simple). Leaves 2–3 foliolated (more commonly 3); terminal leaflets often modified into trifid tendrils, without adhesive-disks on tip; petioles and petiolules glabrescent (sometimes pubescent) throughout surface, with peltate and patelliform trichomes (sometimes also simple); petioles (0.6–) 1.1–5.5 cm long; petiolules 0.4–3.8 cm long; leaflets (2.8–) 4.4–14.2 cm long, (1.7–) 2.2–9.1 cm wide, chartaceous to coriaceous, discolor, elliptic; apex acuminate, mucronate; base cuneate or obtuse, symmetrical; margin entire; the abaxial surface glabrescent on and near the veins, with peltate and patelliform trichomes; the adaxial surface glabrescent on and near the veins, with peltate and patelliform trichomes; glandular trichomes distributed especially on the abaxial surface; second venation weak brochidodromous; pocket domatia without trichomes. Inflorescence axilar or terminal, a thyrse or a compound thyrse, lax, with conical aspect, first order 4.1–14.5 cm long, second order 1.2–5 cm long; axis densely pubescent to pubescent, with simple, peltate and patelliform trichomes; bracts of the inflorescence predominantly caducous, densely pubescent to pubescent throughout or only at margins, 0.5–3 mm long; floral bracts 0.3–0.6 mm long; floral pedicels 0.5–4 mm long. Calyx green, 1–2 mm long, 1.1–1.9 mm wide, with transversal or oblique aperture, truncate or minutely 5- denticulate, pubescent or puberulent throughout or only on teeth outside, with patelliform glands; lobes 0.1–0.4(–0.5) mm long. Corolla white, cream or pale yellow (sometimes pale green), 0.4–0.9 cm long, 1.5–3.5 mm


Phytotaxa 216 (1) © 2015 Magnolia Press • 47 wide at the tube opening; tube 2–4 mm long, internally tomentose to pubescent or glabrescent at the base, with simple and long and short stipitate trichomes; nectar guides absent, but with a path of long and short stipitate trichomes; lobes densely pubescent to pubescent throughout lower ones and at the margin of upper ones; upper ones 0.3–1.7 mm long, 0.7–1.5 mm wide, acute to obtuse; lower ones 1.5–2.9(–3.5) mm long, 1.3–2.6 mm wide, obtuse to rounded. Androecium with fertile stamens inserted 0.8–1.3 mm from the base of the corolla; shorter ones 1.5–5 mm long; longer ones 2–6 mm long; anthers thecae 0.5–0.9 mm long, obovate to elliptic, subexserted; connective extending 0.1–0.2 mm beyond anther attachment; staminode 0.8–1.7 mm long, glabrescent, with long and short stipitate trichomes. Gynoecium 3.3–6.3 mm long; ovary 0.8–1 mm long, 0.5–0.7 mm wide, conical, velutinous; style 2.5–5.3 mm long, tomentose at the base. Fruit a linear flattened capsule, (5.5–) 8–29.5 cm long, (0.5–) 1–2.5 cm wide, woody, smooth to granular near the midvein and granular near the margins, without lenticels to densely lenticeled, glabrescent, with peltate and patelliform trichomes; central ridge single, slightly or not prominent; margins prominently raised (winged), (0.2–) 0.4–1 cm wide. Seeds body 0.7–1.5 cm long, 0.3–0.9 cm wide; wings 0.4–1.4 cm long.

Phenology: —Flowers and fruits throughout the year.

Distribution and habitat: —Occurs in moist broadleaf forests from Bolivia (Beni, La Paz and Santa Cruz), Brazil (Acre, Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Pará and Rondônia) and Peru (Cusco, Junín, Madre de Dios, Puno and Ucayali) ( Fig. 22 View FIGURE 22 ).

Additional specimens examined: — BOLIVIA. Beni: Iténez, Cantón Mateguá, Campamento móvil Cerro Azul ubicado a 30 km de la Comunidad de Tiquin, 697 m, 7 November 2006, N. R . Ledezma et al. 1003 ( SPF); 7 November 2006, N. R . Ledezma et al. 1004 ( SPF). José Ballivián, Vic. Rurrenabaque, 1000 ft, 25 November 1921, M . Cardenas 1180 ( NY); Estación Biológica Beni, 45 km E of the Río Maniqui on the road to Trinidad , then 6.5 km N to the Río Curiraba, then 2 hours by trail, passing Estancia Isla de Creta, to Arroyo Aguas Negras , 250 m, 15 November 1985, J. C . Solomon 14733 ( MO). Marbán, Estación Experimental Perotó, 97 km ESE of Trinidad on road to Santa Cruz, 230 m, 28 July 1982, J. C . Solomon et al. 8177 ( MO). Vaca Diéz, 20.8 km E of Riberalta on road to Guayaramerin, 230 m, 25 September 1981, J. C . Solomon 6419 ( MO); 25 September 1981, J. C . Solomon

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6429 (MO). La Paz: Abel Iturralde, Río Satariapo , 300 m, 1 June 1990, A. H . Gentry & R . Foster 70824 ( G, MO); Comunidad de Buena Vista, Senda a la Parcela Permanente de 1 ha de Estudio Etnobotánico, 3 km al NE de Buena Vista, 180 m, 14 April 1995?, S . DeWalt et al. 130 ( MO). Franz Tamayo, Serranía de Chepite, Campamento Scismico de Texaco , 15 km O del Río Tuichi , 700 m, 3–8 April 1992, T . Killeen 3808 ( MO); Parque Nacional y Area Natural de Manejo Integrado Madidi, NW de Apolo, Parcela temporal de muestreo (0.1 ha), 1175 m, 19 March 2005, D. Choque et al. 213 ( MO, NY); Ibid. , Azariamas , Resina , 700 m, 10 June 2005, A . Araujo-M. et al. 1911 ( MO, NY); Ibid., rio Mojos, entre Mojos y Charopampa, Inventario fitossociologico Madidi 56, 1079 m, 4 July 2005, A . Fuentes et al. 9405 ( MO); Ibid., Azariamas, Rio San Juan , Bosque seco del sector Azariamas , Parcela Permanente de Muestreo 17, 1150 m, 15 November 2005, S . Paredes et al. 168 ( SPF); Ibid., senda Azariamas–San Fermin , sector Monos PPM-1 (1 ha), 1100 m, 25 May 2006, E . Ticona et al. 46 ( SPF); Ibid., senda Azariamas–San Fermin , Parcela temporal (0.1 ha), 1326 m, 27 May 2006, I . Loza et al. 43 ( SPF); Ibid. , 1248 m, 28 May 2006, I . Loza et al. 85 ( SPF); Ibid. , 1124 m, 10 June 2006, I . Loza et al. 449 ( SPF); Ibid., Sumpulo, comunidad Virgen del Rosario , 939 m, 9 July 2008, A . Araujo et al. 4222 ( MO, SPF). Larecaja, Copacabana (about 10 km south of Mapiri ), 850–950 m, 8 October–15 November 1939, B. A . Krukoff 11245 ( F, MO, NY). Sud Yungas, Basin of Rio Bopi, San Bartolome (near Calisaya ), 750–900 m, 1–22 July 1939, B. A . Krukoff 10399 ( G, MO, NY, US); Alto Beni, concesión de Sapecho, Yungas, Monte alto (- 35 m), 550 m, 3 April 1989, R . Seidel et al. 2678 ( MO). Covendo , 2000 ft, 26 August 1921, G. S . White 998 ( NY, US). Santa Cruz: Andrés Ibáñez, Santa Cruz Botanical Garden, 12 km E of Santa Cruz. Transect 5, 375 m, 9 May 1991, A. H . Gentry et al. 73634 ( MO). Guarayos, 8 km N of Guarayos on road to Urubichá , 190 m, 13 July 1991, M . Nee 41705 ( K, MO, NY). Ichilo, Parque Nacional Amboró, Rio Saguayo , 500 m, 19 January 1988, M . Nee 35987 ( MO, NY); Ibid., 0.5 km upstream from last Andean foothills, Study site for native stand of Bactris gassipaes, 450 m, 20 December 1988, M . Nee & M . Saldias P . 37297 ( MO, NY); Ibid., 0–2 km upstream from the Quebrada Yapoje , 350 m, 14 December 1989, M . Nee 38171 ( MO, NY); Ibid., 1/ 2 km NE de El Chontal (Parcela estudiada) sobre el río Saguayo , 13.5 km SW de Huaytú , 450 m, 23 January 1990, M . Saldias P . 972 ( NY); Ibid., Río Yapojé y Saguayo , 8 km SW de la Localidad El Carmen, Terraza antigua 30 m O del Río Saguayo , Parcela permanente de estudio, 360 m, 15–22 November 1991, I . Vargas et al. 1143 ( MO); 15–22 November 1991, I . Vargas et al. 1173 ( MO); 15 km SSE of Buena Vista, Estancia Rafael de Amboro , 400 m, 19 May 1991, A. H . Gentry 74134 ( MO). José Miguel de Velasco, El Encanto Camp, near El Encanto waterfall, edge of Huanchaco plateau, Transect 1, 280 m, 4 November 1991, A. H . Gentry & B . Mostacedo 75539 ( MO); Ibid. , Transect 7, 240 m, 5 November 1991, A. H . Gentry & B . Mostacedo 75619 ( MO); Campamento Los Fierros, camino al aserradero Moira, En el campo de la pista, 200 m, 18 October 1994, R . Guillén & R . Choré 2401 ( F, MO, NY); Alrededores del Parque Nacional "Noel Kempff M.", 131 km al N de Florida, 25 km antes de Bella Vista, 3 November 1994, B . Mostacedo et al. 2469 ( MO); Reserva Ecológica El Refugio, a 180 m al SW de la casa del campamento El Refugio, 750 m, 18 January 1995, R . Guillén & V . Roca 2854 ( K, MO, NY); Ibid. , a 2 km sobre la senda ecológica partiendo del campamento, 180 m, 30 January 1995, R . Guillén & R . Choré 3130 ( F, MO, NY); Parque Nacional Noel Kempff Mercado, Campamento Huanchaca I , Parcel Huanchaca I , 600 m, 5 November 1995, P. F . Foster et al. 626 ( MO, NY). Ñuflo de Chávez, Perseverancia, Vicinity of Perseverancia , on the banks of Rio Negro , west bank of the river from the station to the brecha, and following the brecha ca. 2 km North of Santa Cruz 320 km, 250 m, 8 September 1990, M . Lewis 37532 ( MO); NW of Santa Cruz on Río Negro, Transect 10, 100 m, 13 May 1991, A. H . Gentry et al. 73772 ( MO). BRAZIL. Acre: Highway Abunã to Rio Branco , km 242–246, vicinity of Campinas, 18 July 1968, E . Forero et al. 6336 ( INPA, K, MG, MO, NY photo, R, US). 12 km from Rio Branco on Rio Branco–Porto Velho road, 30 September 1980, S. R . Lowrie et al. 297 ( INPA, MG, MO, NY, R, US). Acrelândia, Basin of Rio Madeira, Rio Abunã , Porto Dias , km 130 of BR-364, then 30 km on Ramal do Pelé , then Ramal do Gordo , colocação Bom Jardim , 131 m, 16 May 2005, D. C . Daly et al. 13705 ( RB, UFACPZ). Assis Brasil, Basin of Rio Purus, upper Rio Acre, left bank, Seringal São Francisco , Colocação Duretida, 26 March 1998, D. C . Daly et al. 9798 ( UFACPZ, SPF). Boca do Macauã, Basin of Rio Purus, Near mouth of Rio Macauhan (tributary of Rio Yaco ), 11 August 1933, B. A . Krukoff 5454 ( G, K, MO, NY, RB, US). Manoel Urbano, Rio Chandless (tributary of Rio Purus ), right bank, "Ananaí", 20 March 2002, D. C . Daly et al. 11486 ( SPF); 20 March 2002, D. C . Daly et al. 11509 ( SPF). Marechal Thaumaturgo, Reserva Extrativista do Alto Juruá, basin of Rio Juruá , Rio Bagé , near mouth of river, 12 March 1992, D. C . Daly et al. 7363 ( NY, UFACPZ); Ibid., proximidades do Igarapé Caipora, Seringal Ceará , Fazenda Paraguaia, Rio Alto Juruá , 20 July 1992, L. C . Ming & L. A . Ferreira 328 ( UFACPZ); Ibid., Colocação Terra Firme, Rio Tejo , 3 May 2001, L. G . Lohmann & E. C . Oliveira 452 ( NY). Plácido de Castro , AC 40 , Km 20, no sentido Placido / Rio Branco , Igarapé Visionário, 5 February 2000, I. S . Rivero et al. 371 ( UFACPZ, SPF). Rio Branco, Parque Municipal Chico Mendes, Rodovia AC- 40 km 10, 150 m, 14 November


Phytotaxa 216 (1) © 2015 Magnolia Press • 49 2006, J. L. F . Junior et al. 56 ( RB). Sena Madureira, Rio Macauã , Seringal Riozinho, Colocação Provenir, 31 March 1994, L . Lima et al. 544 ( MO, NY, UFACPZ). Serra do Moa, Vicinity of Serra da Moa village , 26 April 1971, G. T . Prance et al. 12484 ( INPA, K, MG, MO, NY, R, US). Xapuri, Margem direita do Rio Xapuri , 17 May 2001, L. G . Lohmann & E. C . Oliveira 545 ( MO, NY). Amazonas: Vicinity of Lábrea , 4 July 1971, G. T . Prance et al. 13954 ( INPA, K, MO, NY, R, US). Estrada Humaitá–Lábrea , km 77, 11 June 1982, L. O. A . Teixeira et al. 1088 ( MG, K, NY, US). Mato Grosso: Novo Mundo, Parque Estadual Cristalino , Serra à sudeste da pousada, à oeste da estrada de terra, 3 June 2007, D. Sasaki et al. 1752 ( INPA, K). Pará: Rio Itacaiuna , mata da cachoeira Grande, 15 June 1949, R. L . Fróes & G. A . Black 24530 ( K, RB). Almeirim, Pilão , estrada de Castanheiro, 24 January 1969, N. T . Silva 1679 ( IAN, K, MO, NY). Monte Dourado, Rio Jarí , 1 February 1968, E . Oliveira 4064 ( IAN, MO, NY); 4 February 1968, E . Oliveira 4105 ( IAN, NY). Pau D'Arco, Marajoara , 12 February 1997, J . Grogan 49 ( IAN, INPA). Rondônia: Porto Velho to Cuiabá highway, vicinity of Santa Bárbara, 15 km east of km 117, 14 August 1968, G. T . Prance & J. F . Ramos 6926 ( F photo, INPA, K, MG, NY, P, R). RO-429, km 105, 6 July 1983, M. G . Silva 6556 ( MG). Ca. 5 km NW of Costa Marques, 150 m, 29 March 1987, M . Nee 34568 ( INPA, MO, NY). Alta Floresta d'Oeste, Serra dos Parecis , a 27 km de Alta Floresta, na linha 65 da Topografia BASEVI, 3 December 1982, P . Lisboa et al. 2748 ( MG). PERU. Cusco: La Convención, Río Manguriari ( Manguyari ), Alto Urubamba, upstream to Río Manguriari , 750 m, 2 February 1991, P . Núñez & G . Ortiz 12795 ( MO). Junín: Chanchamayo, Río Colorado, near jct. with Río Chanchamayo , 500–600 m, 7 February 1983, A. H . Gentry et al. 40128 ( F, MO). Madre de Dios: Manu, Parque Nacional de Manu, Cocha Cashu Station , 380 m, 16 October 1979, A. H . Gentry et al. 26792 ( F, MO); Ibid. , 350 m, 1 October 1980, R. B . Foster 5435 ( F, G, MO, NY); Ibid., Calpa guacamayas vicinity, 400 m, 7 September 1986, P . Nuñez 5999 ( MO, NY); Ibid. , 250 m, 24 June 2000, R. J . Burnham 2444 ( F photo); Ibid. , 150 m, 5 June 2001, L. G . Lohmann et al. 613 ( MO); Ibid. , 150 m, 11 June 2001, L. G . Lohmann & C . Machaca 631 ( MO); Pantiacolla, Serrania across Río Alto Madre de Dios from Shintuya, 480–840 m, 29 October 1979, A. H . Gentry et al. 27352 ( MO). Tambopata, Aeropuerto Maldonado , 350 m, 18 January 1967, C . Vargas C . 18798 ( US); Ca. 5 km from Puerto Maldonado near Rio Tambopata , 220 m, 24 January 1976, A. H . Gentry 16291 ( F, MO, NY); Road from Puerto Maldonado to Tambopata , 0–4 km from Puerto Maldonado , 220 m, 25 January 1976, A. H . Gentry & J . Revilla 16329 ( F, MO, NY); Lago Tres Chimbadas, ca. 65–70 river km SSW Puerto Maldonado, ca. 10–15 air km NW effluence Rio La Torre ( Rio D'Orbigny )/ Rio Tambopata , 260 m, 16 June 1980, P. J . Barbour 5749 ( F, G, MO); Tambopata Tourist Camp at junction of Rios Tambopata and La Torre, 280 m, 22 July 1985, A. H . Gentry et al. 51223 ( MO); Trocha a la Colpa de Guacamayos en el riachuelo, Río Manu entre Cumerjali y Cocha Cashu, 350 m, 22 January 1987, P . Núñez & L . Quiñones 6912 ( MO); Tambopata Nature Reserve, junction of Ríos La Torre and Tambopata, Swamp Tree Plot, 250 m, 1 June 1987, A. H . Gentry & N . Jaramillo 58012 ( MO); Comunidad Nativa de Infierno, Hermosa Chica, Study plot 1, 260 m, 4 April 1989, M . Alexiades & M . Arevalo 579 ( K, MO, NY, US); Cuzco Amazónico , 15 km ENE of Puerto Maldonado, 200 m, 17 December 1989, A. H . Gentry et al. 68930 ( MO); Ibid., TREE PLOT 2 - U , 200 m, 3 March 1990, A. H . Gentry & P . Núñez 69848 ( MO); Cuzco Amazónico , across Río Madre de Dios on road to Lago Sandoval, 200 m, 19 December 1989, A. H . Gentry et al. 68979 ( MO); 19 December 1989, A. H . Gentry et al. 69002 ( MO); Pampas de Heath , 200 m, 25 February 1990, A. H . Gentry & P . Núñez 69560 ( MO); Cuzco Amazónico Lodge, Lago Sandobal and Río Madre de Dios, 200 m, 14 April 1990, P . Núñez 12065 ( MO); 14 April 1990, P . Núñez 12068 ( MO); Ibid. , TREEPLOTS, 200 m, 16 April 1990, P . Núñez 12117 ( MO); Puerto Maldonado, Los Amigos Biological Station, Madre de Dios River, ca. 7.0 km upriver from mouth of Rio Los Amigos , Trocha Playa 360 m, a 25 m a la derecha, 25 February 2004, A. P . Maceda 1214 ( SPF). Puno: Carabaya, Río Távara base camp, Non-transect, 400 m, 16 May 1992, A. H . Gentry et al. 76673 ( MO). Ucayali: Purús, Purús, Rio Curanja , cerca la comunidad nativa de Colombiana, 250 m, 21 February 2000, J. G . Graham & J. S . Vigo 1054 ( INPA, MO, US); 24 February 2000, J. G . Graham & J . Schunke Vigo 1113 ( NY) .

Taxonomic notes: — Tynanthus schumannianus is morphologically similar to T. sastrei , and shares morphological features also with T. espiritosantensis and T. labiatus (see T. espiritosantensis , T. labiatus and T. sastrei notes). This species is recognized by the bromeliad-like prophylls of the axillary buds, glabrescent vegetative organs, and winged fruits. Tynanthus schumannianus is closely related to T. espiritosantensis , T. fasciculatus , T. labiatus and T. micranthus ( Medeiros & Lohmann 2015) .

Nomenclatural notes: — Three duplicates of the collection M. Bang 1485 were located at NY, where great part of Rusby’s collections were kept (Stafleu & Cowan 1976: 114). The best quality flowering material is here selected as lectotype of Cuspidaria ovalis .

50 • Phytotaxa 216 (1) © 2015 Magnolia Press


Doubtful and excluded names

Bignonia laxiflora Poeppig in Bureau & Schumann (1896: 198), pro syn.

Bignonia myriantha Poeppig in Bureau & Schumann (1896: 198), pro syn.

Chasmia ochroleuca Schott (1827: 409) , nom. nud. Listed as a synonym of T. elegans View in CoL in Bureau & Schumann (1896: 197).

Cleosma octandra Urban & Ekman in Sandwith (1962b: 466), pro syn.

Tynanthus angosturanus K. Schum in Knuth (1927: 636) (as “ angosturana ”), nom. nud.

Tynanthus confertiflorus Miers (1863: 193) , nom. nud.

Tynanthus gibbus Miers (1863: 193) , nom. nud.

Tynanthus goudotianus (Bureau) Bureau (1868: 274) View in CoL (as “ gondotiana ”). This species is only known from the fragmented type, which is deposited at P and F. None of the type fragments provide sufficient information to allow an adequate identification of this taxon. The morphological features described in the protologue of T. goudotianus View in CoL and detailed study of the type suggest that this species is morphologically similar to T. schumannianus View in CoL .

Tynanthus hyacinthinus Standley (1935: 87) View in CoL = Bignonia hyacinthina (Standl.) L.G. Lohmann (2008: 272) View in CoL

Tynanthus igneus (Vell.) Rodrigues (1891: 50) View in CoL = Pyrostegia venusta (Ker Gawl.) Miers (1863: 188) View in CoL

Tynanthus laxiflorus Miers (1863: 193) , nom. nud.

Tynanthus petiolatus Miers (1863: 193) , nom. nud.

Tynanthus strictus Miers (1863: 193) , nom. nud.

Vasconcellia chimonantha Martius in Bureau (1865: 375), pro syn.

Vasconcellia fasciculata (Vell.) Martius ex de Candolle (1845: 185) View in CoL , pro syn.


Nanjing University


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Universidade de São Paulo


Botanische Staatssammlung München


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


University of the Witwatersrand


University of Copenhagen


Missouri Botanical Garden


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


University of Helsinki


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


University of New England


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


Botanical Museum - University of Oslo


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


Royal Botanic Gardens


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia


Museum of Zoology


Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro


Universidade Federal do Acre/Parque Zoobotânico


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


Embrapa Amazônia Oriental


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland














Tynanthus schumannianus (Kuntze) Gentry (1974: 874)

Medeiros, Maria Cláudia Melo Pacheco De & Lohmann, Lúcia G. 2015

Cleosma octandra

Sandwith, N. Y. 1962: 466

Tynanthus hyacinthinus

Lohmann, L. G. 2008: )
Standley, P. C. 1935: )

Tynanthus angosturanus

Knuth, R. 1927: 636

Cuspidaria ovalis

Rusby, H. H. 1920: )

Tynanthus weberbaueri

Sprague, T. A. 1908: )

Tynanthus igneus (Vell.)

Rodrigues, J. B. 1891: )
Miers, J. 1863: )

Tynanthus confertiflorus

Miers, J. 1863: )

Tynanthus gibbus

Miers, J. 1863: )

Tynanthus laxiflorus

Miers, J. 1863: )

Tynanthus petiolatus

Miers, J. 1863: )

Tynanthus strictus

Miers, J. 1863: )

Chasmia ochroleuca

Schott, H. W. 1827: )
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