Cryptolarynx subglaber Haran, 2023

Haran, Julien M., Marvaldi, Adriana E., Benoit, Laure, Oberlander, Kenneth, Stals, Riaan & Oberprieler, Rolf G., 2023, Revision of the enigmatic South African Cryptolaryngini (Coleoptera, Curculionidae), with description of a new genus and twenty-two new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 877 (1), pp. 1-89 : 14-15

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scientific name

Cryptolarynx subglaber Haran

sp. nov.

2. Cryptolarynx subglaber Haran sp. nov.

Figs 1B View Fig , 2B View Fig , 3B View Fig , 4B View Fig , 5B View Fig

Differential diagnosis

Cryptolarynx subglaber sp. nov. is closely related to C. vitis , see the Differential diagnosis and Remarks sections under that species for diagnostic characters and genetic distances.


This species is named in reference to the glabrous appearance of the integument, seemingly unique among known species of Cryptolarynx . The specific epithet is an adjective in the masculine form.

Material examined

Holotype REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA • ♂; “ REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. Western Cape province, [Somerset West,] Helderberg NR [ Nature Reserve ]. 14.x.2019. J. Haran leg.” “ 34.061° S 18.874° E, at base of Oxalis spp. JHAR02587_0101 . Cirad-CBGP coll.” “Holotype. Cryptolarynx subglaber Haran 2023 ”; SAMC. GoogleMaps

Paratypes REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA – Western Cape • 1 ♀; same collection data as for holotype; SAMC GoogleMaps 1 ♂; same collection data as for holotype; FFWS GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 1 ♀, same collection data as for holotype; CBGP GoogleMaps 1 ♀; Stellenbosch; 33.948° S, 18.879° E; 6 Aug. 2018; J. Haran leg.; Oxalis lanata ; JHAR01235_0101 ; CBGP. GoogleMaps

Description (♂)

MEASUREMENTS. Body length 1.8–3.7 mm.

COLOUR AND VESTITURE. Body integument black, antennae and tarsi reddish; vestiture of dorsum (pronotum + elytra) consisting of short, recumbent, rounded or subtriangular clothing scales, isodiametric or slightly longer than wide, not contiguous, and longer, suberect scales, at least 2 × as long as wide, brown or white, in each puncture of striae; scale colours brown and pale grey; grey scales usually condensed on two lateral stripes on pronotum and on transverse band on elytra at apical ⅔ of length, sometimes divided into a pair of large spots on interstriae 1–3.

HEAD. Forehead at most slightly wider than epifrons near antennal insertions, narrower than width of an eye, scales not concealing integument. Eyes flat, in dorsal view only slightly exceeding outline of head, surrounded by a ring of short pale scales directed towards centre of eye; distance between eye and scrobe larger than width of antennal club. Epifrons narrow, distance between antennal insertions 0.5 × length of scape, scales at least 3× as long as wide, erect, overlapping. Frons with a single pair of long lateral setae. Epistome with single median seta. Antennae variable, funicles with segment 1 elongate, at least 2× as long as wide; 2–4 at least slightly longer than wide, compressed, slightly angular on inside; 5–7 isodiametric or wider than long, globular or slightly compressed.

PRONOTUM. Strongly transverse, nearly 2 × as wide as long (W:L ratio 1.7–2), almost semicircular in dorsal view, widest at base, sides parallel or slightly arcuate in basal ⅓, straight or slightly emarginate and converging in apical ⅔; apex 2× narrower than base.

ELYTRA. Globular, isodiametric or wider than long (W:L ratio 1–1.1), sides convex, widest before midlength.

LEGS. Tibiae with black apical mucro; protibiae with outer margin straight, inner margin with series of small black teeth in apical half; metatibiae bisinuate, distal margin of mucro perpendicular to external margin of metatibia. Tarsi short, segment 2 much wider than long (W:L ratio 1.7–2.0).

ABDOMEN. Ventrite 1 with distinct cuticular elevation reaching posterior suture, concave medially, scales in impression plumose; ventrites 1–4 with overlapping white scales, partly concealing integument.

TERMINALIA. Body of penis elongate (W:L ratio 0.3–0.4), 0.6× as long as temones, sides subparallel, converging in apical quarter; curvature in profile weak and regular, dorsoventrally narrowed before apex. Copulatory sclerite short, shaped like an arrowhead. Parameroid lobes separate, divided by deep median notch, each lobe narrowing apicad, bearing long marginal setae and shorter setae discally, all setae orientated centrifugally. Spiculum gastrale with basal arms regularly curved.

Sexual dimorphism

The sexes can be distinguished by their body shape (globular in males (W:L ratio 0.7), broadly ovate in females (W:L ratio 0.6)) and by the cuticular elevation on ventrite 1 of males forming two ridges laterally (ventrite only slightly concave in females).

Life history

Specimens of Cryptolarynx subglaber sp. nov. were collected in mixed patches of species of Oxalis ( O. lanata L. f., O. glabra and O. purpurea L.), and the exact host plant of the species is yet unknown. Adults were collected in August and October.


The species occurs on western slopes of the Hottentots Holland Mountains, in Stellenbosch and the Helderberg Nature Reserve (elevation 130–170 m; Fig. 13 View Fig ).




Iziko Museums of Cape Town

















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