Copobaenus erratus, Telnov, 2024

Telnov, Dmitry, 2024, On the taxonomy of some South American and Australo-Pacific Anthicidae Latreille, 1819 (Coleoptera) with new subfamily and tribe-rank synonymies, Zootaxa 5501 (3), pp. 401-424 : 408-410

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5501.3.1

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scientific name

Copobaenus erratus

sp. nov.

Copobaenus erratus sp. nov. ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 )

Telnov & Degiovanni (2021: 122, 145) erroneously interpreted the only known male of this new species as C. tristis and figured the specimen (Telnov & Degiovanni (2021), figs 46–47, 50–53; also see above). In fact, the aedeagus of C. tristis , as described and figured by Abdullah (1969: 137–138, figs 12–16) and proven herein is completely different and resembles that of C. inexpectatus (Telnov & Degiovanni, 2021) (see Telnov & Degiovanni 2021, figs 101–102). Additionally, the dorsal colouration of C. tristis , in particular that of elytra, is different (see images in Telnov & Degiovanni (2021), figs 48–49). Therefore, all but one specimen listed as ‘ C. tristis ’ in Telnov & Degiovanni 2021 from Nahuelbuta National park in Chile are six specimens of C. tristis , and the single male with blackish elytra (as figured by the authors, figs 46–47, 50–54), belongs to the new species described herein.

Type material designated. Holotype ♂ MZUF: CHILE, prov. Arauco, P.N. Nahuelbuta, Pichinahual, 1200m, 22-Nov-2004, leg. J.E. Barriga T., fogging, s/ N. dombeyi , 1200 m, 37°47’S 73°00’ W [printed] // Coleccion J.E. BARRIGA CHILE 137484 [printed] // Copobaenus tristis Fairm& Germ [handwritten] Det.J.E. Barriga Tunon 2008 [printed] // Copobaenus tristis Fairmaire & Germain [printed] // Coll. ANGELINI Num. mag. 2957 [printed]. Antennomeres 10–11 of the left antenna missing.

Derivatio nominis. From the Latin “errātio” (delusion, mistake) to point out a previous misidentification.

Measurements. Holotype, total body length 4.1 mm; head length excluding cranial ‘neck’ 0.7 mm, head width across eyes 0.75 mm, pronotal length 0.7 mm, maximum pronotal width 0.8 mm, minimum pronotal width 0.6 mm, elytral length 2.7 mm, combined maximum elytral width 1.1 mm.

Description. Holotype male ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ). Dorsal head yellowish rufous in anterior, rufous-brown in posterior half, pronotum yellowish rufous, elytral apex narrowly yellow. Basal antennomere yellowish rufous, remaining antennomeres brown. Maxillary palpomeres 2–4 pale brown, terminal palpomere contrastingly pale yellow at apical margin. Legs including trochanters pale yellow, tarsomeres distally darker. Ventral head and prothorax yellowish rufous, pterothorax and abdomen brown. Male tergite and morphological sternite VII yellowish brown. Head dorsally somewhat flattened, glossy, with moderate, laterally strongly prominent, slightly elliptical compound eyes. Interfacetal setae not observed. Labrum subtruncate, clypeus shallowly emarginate at anterior margin. Frontoclypeal suture present, slightly arched (concave towards clypeus). Tempus slightly converging towards head base, about 0.7–0.8× as long as dorsal eye length. Posterior temporal angles broadly obtuse, head base truncate to inconspicuously emarginate. Frons very broad, about 2.2× as wide as dorsal eye length. Head dorsal punctures minute, variably sparse; intervening spaces glossy and glabrous, generally much wider than punctures. Head dorsal setation yellowish, variably long, rather sparse, suberect. Few much longer erect to suberect tactile setae on dorsal head, in particular, on tempora. Male antenna extending nearly to median third of elytra when directed posteriad, rather densely covered by suberect setae and each of antennomeres 1–9 distally with several long erect tactile setae. Basal antennomere slightly thickened, about 1.7–1.8× as long as antennomere two. Antennomere three about 1.5× as long as antennomere two, about 0.8–0.9× as long as antennomere four. Antennomeres 6–10 about same length as antennomere four; antennomere five about same long as antennomere three, slightly shorter than antennomeres 4, 6–10. Terminal antennomere slightly fusiform, hardly asymmetrical (one of margins indistinctly sinuous), apically rounded, about 1.6× as long as penultimate antennomere. Maxillary palpomeres 2–3 subtriangular, mesal margin angulate-lobate. Terminal maxillary palpomere securiform. Terminal labial palpomere subellipsoidal, flattened on inner, rounded on outer margin. Cranial ‘neck’ nearly half head-width across compound eyes, densely and coarsely punctate, subopaque. Pronotum dorsally somewhat flattened, slightly glossy, slightly wider than head, broadly rounded to subtruncate anteriorly, truncate at base, strongly rounded laterally and moderately deeply constricted thereafter prebasally. Transverse constriction not continuing dorsally across pronotal disc, dorsally and laterally with same large and coarse punctures as pronotal disc. Poorly defined longitudinal sulcus broad and shallow, extending almost length of pronotal disc ( Fig. 3A‒B View FIGURE 3 ). Anterior rim marginal, vaguely indicated dorsally, very narrow ventrally. Antebasal sulcus vaguely indicated dorsally, moderately broad laterally in constriction area. Pronotal disc with a shallow median longitudinal furrow, surrounded area with poorly distinct tubercles. Punctures on pronotal constriction comparatively larger and denser than those on head, some punctures appear on dorsal tubercles. Intervening spaces generally as wide as to wider than punctures, glabrous. Pronotal setae yellowish, appressed to suberect, moderately dense, several much longer erect tactile setae on lateral margins and base. Scutellar shield small, apically rounded, corrugate punctured and setose. Elytra elongate, somewhat flattened dorsally, slightly glossy. Humerus broadly rounded. Postbasal transverse impression not indicated. Elytral apices broadly rounded separately. Elytral punctures large, dense, and coarse specifically on anterior two thirds, becoming smaller on apical third. Intervening spaces glossy, narrower than punctures and somewhat elevated on anterior two thirds, about as wide as punctures on apical third. Elytral setae yellowish, suberect, moderately long and dense, directed generally posteriad. Much longer erect tactile setae scattered across elytral disc. Sutural stria not indicated. Epipleuron narrow, punctate, and setose, developed in about three fourths of elytral length. Metathoracic wings fully developed (functional). Legs moderately long, rather densely setose. Femora not clavate. Tibia without modifications, about as long as corresponding femora. Terminal tibial spurs paired, nearly equally long, straight, apically acute angulate, laterally smooth. Penultimate tarsomere shortened, bilobate. Basal metatarsomere slightly shorter than combined length of remaining metatarsomeres. Pretarsal claws simple, basally indistinctly subdentate. Male tergite VII broadly rounded at posterior margin ( Fig. 3C View FIGURE 3 ), male morphological sternite VII subtruncate to shallowly emarginate medially at posterior margin ( Fig. 3D View FIGURE 3 ). Male tergite and morphological sternite VIII broadly rounded at posterior margin. Morphological sternite IX Y-shaped, basal stalk long and arms short ( Fig. 3E View FIGURE 3 ). Aedeagus as in fig. 3F‒G, penis free, longer than tegmen, phallobase not present.

Sexual dimorphism. Female is unknown.

Differential diagnosis. This species is different from its congeners primarily in the contrastingly bicoloured dorsum with non-metallic elytra and the specifically long, narrow penis.

Ecology. Sampled from the canopy of Nothofagus dombeyi ( Nothofagaceae ), a tree species native to central and southern Chile and the Andean parts of Argentine Patagonia.

Distribution. So far known from Bío Bío Region, Arauco Province, Chile.


Museo Zoologico La Specola, Universita di Firenze













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