Colaspoides ciliaticornis Medvedev, 2019

Medvedev, L. N., 2019, New and poorly known Oriental Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera), Russian Entomological Journal 28 (2), pp. 165-168 : 166-167

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scientific name

Colaspoides ciliaticornis Medvedev

sp. nov.

Colaspoides ciliaticornis Medvedev , sp.n.

Figs 4–5 View Figs 1–11 .

MATERIAL. Holotype, ♂: N-Vietnam, Thai Ngugen Prov. , vic. Ngoc Thanh, Me Linh ( IEBR station), 21°23’3”N, 105°42’44” E, 6080 m, 12.V.2012, leg. A. Scale ( NME). GoogleMaps

DESCRIPTION. Entirely fulvous.

Body elongate ovate. Head impunctate, clypeus trapeziform, vertex rather flat, with longitudinal furrow in middle. Antennae with erect hairs on segments 3–7, antennal segments are as 10-4-5-9-11-11-11-11 (next segments absent). Prothorax twice as wide as long, broadest at base, surface convex, shining, finely and very sparsely punctate. Scutellum short triangular, finely punctate. Elytra twice as long as wide, surface densely and moderately strong punctate, with interspaces not microsculptured. Basal ventral sternite with tubercle near hind margin. Posterior tibiae not modified. Segment 1 of fore tarsus enlarged, elongate and narrowed to apex. Aedeagus very complicate and deeply grooved on underside ( Figs 4–5 View Figs 1–11 ). Length of body 5.6 mm.

DIAGNOSIS. Near C. seticornis L. Medvedev, 2003 and especially C. pilicornis Lefevre, 1882 , but differs with very complicate structure of aedeagus.


Pyrrhalta shaanxiana Medvedev , sp.n.

Fig. 6 View Figs 1–11 .

MATERIAL. Holotype, ♂: China, Shaanxi prov., Hua Shan peak env., 100 km E of Xian, 1722. VI.1991, Z. Kejval lgt ( NME).

DESCRIPTION. Fulvous, labrum, antennae except 3 basal segments, knees and tarsi black, prothorax in middle and scutellum darkened, pubescence of upperside light.

Body elongate, slightly widened to behind. Head distinctly narrower than prothorax at anterior and, clypeus convex, triangular, frontal tubercles narrow, transverse and punctate, vertex strongly and densely punctate, with microsculptured interspaces. Antennae almost reach middle of elytra, proportions of segments are as 6-5-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-10. Prothorax 2.1 times as wide as long, broadest in middle, side margin rounded,

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surface very densely punctate with narrow and convex interspaces, with large lateral impressions and another comparatively small near anterior margin. Scutellum longer than broad, with rounded apex, strongly punctate. Elytra 1.55 times as long as wide, slightly widened to behind, surface very densely punctate, with longitudinal impressed line behind middle and near lateral margin. Aedeagus with truncate apex toothed in middle ( Fig. 6 View Figs 1–11 ). Length of body 7.1 mm.

DIAGNOSIS. Near P. angulaticornis Gressitt and Kimoto, 1963 , but body larger, prothorax arcuate at sides, elytra with a single impressed line near side margin, aedeagus practically symmetrical, with truncate apex.


Sammlung des Naturkundemseum Erfurt













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